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Right-click here to bookmark or copy a link to this show December 19, 2009

Special Guests

Talkback, etc.

  • The Counsel Of Many!
    Brought to you by family lawyer Dawn Bennett. With a reputation built on Trust, Respect and Integrity, protecting your family's interests is Dawn's primary concern. Visit bennettlaw.ca today.

    Need Help or Advice On An Issue In Your Life?
    Tell us your situation and Drew will ask the listeners of TDMS!

    This week on the Counsel Of Many: a 20 year old girl wants to know how to reconcile with her mother whom she hasn't spoken with for two years.

    I'm 20 years old and living far away from home. I chose to live so far away because it was far away from my mother, and that was a definite advantage at the time. When I was 18 I had a major disagreement with her and had to move in with a friend to finish the school year. Now, two years later, I've thought about it quite a bit and I sort of want to reconcile but don't know how to go about it. I mean, God tells us to forgive others and respect our parents and all of that, but fails to mention how. I guess the reason we still haven't talked is that I'm still a bit mad and apprehensive so I haven't actually gotten around to initializing contact. I also have some self-confidence issues which always manage to get worse when I'm around her. Our initial argument was actually pretty insignificant: she disagreed with my career choice (which is fine) but gave me an ultimatum and told me I could either choose to leave home and go on that career path or stay home and go to university and get a government job (which was not fine). There were a few underlying issues but that was the straw that broke the camel's back. So my question is: how do I reconcile with her? How do I reach out and start up again? Is there a way to keep the confidence I've built up since I moved out? And how do I forgive and forget?"


    It's our last show of the year so we thought we'd open up the phone lines and let everyone call in about anything! Crazy idea eh? Maybe you'd like to discuss some of our previous topics, or maybe you'd like our listeners to pray for someone, orrrrr maybe you want to just talk to Drew - no really - he has feelings too ya know! It's a perfect time for all you wanna-be theologians to ask Drew what he really believes.

    *12 Hot Topics of 2009 Include:

    • Should Canada change the prostitution laws in order to protect sex trade workers from rape, abuse and murder?
    • Should Canadian churches be perfume free?
    • Do you believe a Christian can get rid of a "gay spirit" through deliverance or exorcism and no longer be gay?
    • Do you think the Pope is someone we should hold in higher esteem than any other pastor, minister or priest - or human for that matter? OR Do you think the Pope should refrain from wearing his cross while visiting the Western Wall in Jerusalem?
    • Has your pastor, minister or priest ever flirted with you, hit on you, or worse?
    • Do you think that God reaches out to people through any religion?
    • Do you see anything wrong with a Christian nudist park?
    • If a Pastor gets divorced, should they step down?
    • How many kids are too many kids?
    • Is scaring the Hell out of people the right way to sell Jesus?
    • Do you think churches should have their non profit charitable tax status revoked?
    • Is Drew a jerk for not wanting his son to get into "ministry"?

  • Free Advertising!
    It's that time of year where we give away free advertising! So give us a call and tell the world about your business, charity or upcoming event.

  • TDMS Banter
    Sometimes it's worth listening to. Sometimes - not so much...

Right-click here to bookmark or copy a link to this show December 12, 2009

Special Guests


  • Barry Shainbaum — Bipolar Jew
    Barry is a broadcaster, speaker, and photographer. For years though, Barry suffered the personal hell of bipolar disorder. Hitting bottom was a swirling cloud of suffering, medication and poverty, as he languished for over a year in a skid-row boarding house. Modern medicine predicted Barry would be mentally ill and drug dependant for life. Against all odds, Barry has overcome bipolar disorder and has completely turned his life around.

Talkback, etc.

  • The Counsel Of Many!
    Brought to you by family lawyer Dawn Bennett. With a reputation built on Trust, Respect and Integrity, protecting your family's interests is Dawn's primary concern. Visit bennettlaw.ca today.

    Need Help or Advice On An Issue In Your Life?
    Tell us your situation and Drew will ask the listeners of TDMS!

    This week on the Counsel Of Many: a man wants to know if he should stay married to his wife despite the fact that she is pregnant with another man’s child.

    “I have an agonizing problem that just guts me. There is not one day that goes by that I do not feel extreme rage which quickly subsides and turns into fits of tears and deep sadness. Here’s the story: My wife and I have been married for 12 years. For various reasons, both selfish and noble, we decided that the family life with children was not for us. We have deep respect for the sanctity of marriage and believe in the vows we took on our wedding day. However we have opted instead for a life of work, travel, humanitarian aid trips to Africa and church involvement. In retrospect I see a subtle shift in my wife’s attitude about children, I can remember vividly several times in the last year or two my wife making off the cuff comments expressing regret over not having children and wishing she could go back and make a different decision. I did not connect the dots. But I was absolutely destroyed when my wife recently told me that she is pregnant with another mans child (I know it true, for surgical reasons). Being committed to a pro-life position means that for us abortion is not even an option. However from there our desires diverge, she wants to keep the child, refusing to put the child up for adoption and saying that the other man (being an unemployed, drug addicted dead beat) is not in a position to raise a child. I however can't imagine that I could love this child, and would see him as a painful reminder of this betrayal. My wife says that if I insist on not wanting custody of the child, she will seek a divorce, since the child comes first. The family life minister at my church thinks that as a husband and a Christian man, it is my obligation to care for this child and love it as my own. The therapist we see agrees with my wife, if the child won't be welcomed with me, the helpless infant comes first and she must move on... I am seething with anger and emotionally destroyed. I have discovered my blood pressure is through the roof, my position at work is insecure because of my emotional state, my stomach is riddled with ulcers because I am so distraught with the unfairness of it all. I was the victim and yet I have all the obligations and I'm having the future of my marital life dictated to me by a situation that I would have done anything to have avoided. What do I do? Am I being a failure in my duties as a husband and a man? Am I obligated to love this child? Or is my best friend right when he says, "Let her leave, women of depth and character do exist, and the window for them to find you will be opened with your wife bailing. It’s not a divorce; it’s an exodus from a marital Egypt." I love my wife and want this marriage to continue, but the pain, jealousy and deep sense of rejection and the reminders in the form of a small child are too much for me to bear... Help!”

  • Is Drew a jerk for not wanting his son to get into “ministry”
    “I’ve got a personal, family issue I’d like some advice on. That is if you don’t mind it finally being about ME! My 20-year old son wants to go into full time “ministry” – working at a Christian camp, going to Bible College and... wait for it… yes, working at a church! (God sure is funny…) I DO NOT want my son to have to endure the garbage that comes with that turf – especially being expected to work more hours for less money just because he’s ‘working for Jesus.’ Sure there are perks and positives to doing this kind of work, but I don’t want him to have to endure the politics and the pettiness that tends to plague ‘ministry’ because Mickey Mouse management doesn’t have the budget to hire the right people so they end up taking “those whom the Lord has sent,” which ends up being “those who couldn’t make it in the real world.” Never mind not being able to provide properly for a family! Oy Vey…”

  • Fun with Humble, Tim & Drew
    Join us, won’t you, for a little light banter, holiday frivolity, and dead air... with three of the most ADD men in… how many is Tiger up to now? Call in and join us as we discuss the exhilarating lives of others.

  • TDMS Banter
    Sometimes it's worth listening to. Sometimes - not so much...

Right-click here to bookmark or copy a link to this show December 5, 2009

Special Guests

  • So You Think God Wants You To Sing – GRAND FINALE!
    Today, we find out who will be the first ever winner of… SO YOU THINK GOD WANTS YOU TO SING! It’s also the day our top three finalists will perform live on our show and then await our secret Grand Finale Celebrity Judge’s FINAL vote! WHO WILL IT BE?
    • Delilah – So You Think God Wants You To Sing Grand Finale Judge!
      With over 25 million listeners, Love Songs with Delilah or Delilah After Dark has become one of the top syndicated radio programs across North America. This one of a kind woman doles out relationship advice between musical requests and describes herself as "the queen of sappy love songs."
    • Geoff Bagg - Head of Production at Late Gig Productions
      Geoff and his team at Late Gig have kindly donated the grand prize for our winner of So You Think God Wants You To Sing – enough studio time to have one song professionally mixed and mastered and ready to be played on every Christian radio station in North America! Thanks guys!

  • Francis Chan — Author of Crazy Love and Forgotten God
    Francis is the pastor of Cornerstone Church in Simi Valley, where he has been serving for the past 15 years. He is also the Chancellor of Eternity Bible College and serves on the board of directors for Children’s Hunger Fund and World Impact. It is his passion to see the next generation of American Christians display a much deeper love for Jesus and their neighbours. In his latest book, Forgotten God, Chan contends that we’ve ignored the Spirit for far too long, and that without Him, we operate in our own strength, only accomplishing human-sized results. "It’s time for the church of Jesus Christ to reverse the trend of neglect. Let’s pursue the Spirit-filled life of effectiveness God desires and we desire."

  • Ken Whiteley — Canadian Roots Music Legend
    His musical journey has taken him from jug band, folk and swing to blues, gospel and children's music. Among numerous accolades, Ken has won a Canadian Folk Music Award, a Genie Award for Best Original Song in a Canadian film, Lifetime achievement awards from the Ontario Council of Folk Festivals and Mariposa Folk Festival. Ken has been nominated for 7 Juno awards and 13 Maple Blues Awards. Ken’s live performances showcase his outstanding musicianship on guitars and mandolin, award winning original songs and his powerful vocals, called "...a cross between Pete Seeger and Tony Bennett on 11!" Whether leading his own group, solo or collaborating with peers at blues, folk, children’s festivals and concerts of all sizes, his “...deep knowledge and infectious passion” guarantee good times for all. As a producer of over 125 recording projects, Ken’s productions have garnered 10 Canadian Gold and Platinum records, 4 American Gold records, 22 Juno and 2 Grammy nominations, and sold over 8 million copies.

Talkback, etc.

  • The Counsel Of Many!
    Brought to you by family lawyer Dawn Bennett. With a reputation built on Trust, Respect and Integrity, protecting your family's interests is Dawn's primary concern. Visit bennettlaw.ca today.

    Need Help or Advice On An Issue In Your Life?
    Tell us your situation and Drew will ask the listeners of TDMS!

    This week on the Counsel Of Many: a wife who feels she has nothing left for her emotionally abusive husband wants to know how much she’s required to sacrifice in order to keep her family together.

    "I have a question I'm not sure I really want the answer too... but here we go. I've been married for about 15 years now and have a couple great kids, a nice little home and a decent life but I'm so unhappy. I don't/can't love my husband. We've had a rocky time of our marriage and it's taken a lot of effort to keep us together. We've seen counsellors and he's been told that he is emotionally abusive at times. He changes for a while but things never really change. It's taken its toll on me and I want to walk away! But it would devastate my husband and kids. How selfish is that! I know my husband loves me the best way he can, but after all we've been through and are still going through I have nothing left for him. I can't stand it when he touches me, but I don't deny him a physical relationship... I just hate it. Every time I seriously set myself to praying that I would feel love for him… well it's a disaster! Back in the days when I believed God was active in my life, I actually thought that he had sent me my husband. So I have endured based on that premise - like my husband is a job God has given me. Now I'm pissed off at God cause I felt like I was following him and look what I'm stuck with. I feel very selfish. Do I deserve to be happy at the expense of my family? And I don't mean finding someone else either because I would be happy alone. I'm tired of trying. He doesn't know how I feel and I hate living a lie! How much do you give up in order to keep those you care about happy? WWJD – haha”

  • Do you believe in Global Warming?
    More than 1,000 emails were stolen after a computer was hacked into at the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit in Britain; one of the few institutions in the world that collects data relied on heavily by climate researchers. These e-mails suggest that scientists may have manipulated evidence in order to bolster their global warming claims. Does this new information impact your views on global warming? Do you think that human activity causes climate change or that our planet is warming naturally?

  • Useless Television Trivia
    It’s a crowd favourite, people! We’ll play the soundtrack from an old television show and if you’re the first caller to guess which TV show it’s from - YOU WIN ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

Right-click here to bookmark or copy a link to this show November 28, 2009

Special Guests


  • Michelle
    Michelle grew up going to church. Her mom was a Sunday school teacher. After her parents divorced, her mother started dating a woman. Now Michelle is a high school teacher, a Christian, and is heading up a gay rights support group at her school. “One of the things I find hard to understand is that the more progressive churches, as far as worship and atmosphere, are the ones who seem to be against homosexuality – even homophobic in many ways. That makes no sense to me.”

Talkback, etc.

  • The Counsel Of Many!
    Brought to you by family lawyer Dawn Bennett. With a reputation built on Trust, Respect and Integrity, protecting your family's interests is Dawn's primary concern. Visit bennettlaw.ca today.

    Need Help or Advice On An Issue In Your Life?
    Tell us your situation and Drew will ask the listeners of TDMS!

    This week on the Counsel Of Many: a youth pastor wants to know if he should call the cops on his senior pastor because of various complaints that the senior pastor has been sexually inappropriate with a number of girls in the youth group.

    “I have a concern that I find gut wrenchingly painful. I am a Youth pastor in a fairly large church, with a youth ministry working with several hundred youth and young adults from the ages of 13 - 29. Before I became a youth pastor I was a social worker and was absolutely thrilled when I discovered the church that I work with, now has a youth ministry with a focus on street youth, drug addicted youth, youth in prison and young people with other personal and environmental struggles. I love my job as a minister and a spiritual counsellor and healer, which is why my heart broke when I started hearing increasingly frequent rumours in the several groups I run. More and more young people are coming to see me in person concerning the senior Pastor’s inappropriate and sexual relations with a dozen females (aged 13 - 22). I've talked to several people on the board of elders, I've talked to another Pastor on the pastoral team, I've also talked to several close friends in the congregation and the response is basically: 'Leave it up to God' or 'You work with troubled youth, what do you expect.' The cult of personality surrounding the senior pastor is thick and is posing problems with getting something done. What do I do? Do I bring in the law and risk the church crumbling? My work with troubled youth would be severely damaged. Do I confront the senior pastor and risk losing my job and end up hurting the young people that depend on me? Do I wash my hands of this mess and return to social work? I'm at a loss. Anyway I handle this, it could end up hurting the people I work with and it breaks my heart. Help!”

  • Mega Churches – like ‘em or hate ‘em?
    First Baptist Church in Dallas just unveiled plans to build a 130 million dollar worship centre which would include: a 3,000 seat worship centre, 6 floor education building, glass concourse, parking garage, sky bridge, a fountain plaza, two side by side gymnasiums, an outdoor patio, and a pool with a stone water tower topped with a cross. Is this going too far or does building a place that “honours God” and “reaches people for Jesus” justify the expenditure?

  • So You Think God Wants You To Sing – Round 4
    Every Saturday in November we’ll be highlighting three of our top 12 finalists! This week – Heidi Felici, Marshal Burnham & Olivia Marie Amenta! ** Online voting finishes Monday November 30th! Make sure you vote for your favourite contestant every day – because every day counts! Be sure to tune in next Saturday to find out who our secret Grand Finale Celebrity Judge will be AND listen as the top 3 finalists will perform live on our show AND we will crown our first ever winner of… SO YOU THINK GOD WANTS YOU TO SING!

Right-click here to bookmark or copy a link to this show November 21, 2009

Special Guests

  • Laila Biali — So You Think God Wants You To Sing Celebrity Judge
    Fresh off her media tour with Sting, Laila is simply one of Toronto’s biggest jazz sensations… enough said!

  • Dr. Kevin Leman — Author
    Dr. Leman is an internationally renowned psychologist and best-selling author of more than 30 books which provide easy techniques, helpful tips and clear insight that will change the way you look at and resolve the parenting, marriage and relationship issues in your life. He brings common sense to common problems. Dealing with topics that range from raising children and birth order to business and marriage, Dr. Leman tells it like it is. With just the right touch of humour, his parenting books, couples advice and perspective on family and relationships deliver real-life answers to real-life problems.

  • Ali Matthews — Canadian Recording Artist
    Multi-award winning recording artist, Ali Matthews has been a performing songwriter since her teens and has built a strong following across Canada and beyond. She has released 5 critically acclaimed CD’s since 2000 and has been a regular guest on our show because… well we just love her. Oh, and we love her “freak show” of a guitar player, Rick Francis too!

  • Mark Galli — Senior Managing Editor of Christianity Today, Author
    Too often, we make God too small, too manageable. But careful examination of God's attributes reveals a God full of mystery, eternity, righteousness, and mercy. In Mark Galli’s latest book, A Great and Terrible Love, Mark delivers unexpected glimpses into fifteen classic attributes of God, exposing cheap substitutes and delivering a fresh vision of a God who is: Immutable Omnipotent Immanent Omniscient Omnipresent Eternal Lord Glorious Righteous Merciful Jealous Wrathful Trinity Suffering & Mysterious!

Talkback, etc.

  • The Counsel Of Many!
    Brought to you by family lawyer Dawn Bennett. With a reputation built on Trust, Respect and Integrity, protecting your family's interests is Dawn's primary concern. Visit bennettlaw.ca today.

    Need Help or Advice On An Issue In Your Life?
    Tell us your situation and Drew will ask the listeners of TDMS!

    This week on the Counsel Of Many: a man just found out that his 19-year old son has gone to the strip club with the boys from work a couple of times. Should he confront his son about this or just let it go?

    “The other day I was talking to my son’s boss who shared with me that he had taken my son to the strip club a couple of times. I’ve always been very proud of my son, not only because he loves and follows Christ but because of his maturity and ability to make (for the most part) wise choices. Needless to say I was a bit shocked to think that he would do this. Thinking through it though, it would be almost impossible for him to have said no to the guys as they were his ride back home and the job sites are usually very far away. But the problem for me stems more from the fact that according to his boss, he actually got a private dance from one of the strippers. My dilemma is this; I realize that every young guy has to find his way and if we were all honest, every guy has either looked at porn or even gone to strip clubs. So in a way, there’s part of me that totally understands being taken to a strip club by his boss but the other side of me wants to throttle the guy for doing it. Bottom line though, its one thing for my son to feel pressured into going to a strip club, it’s a completely different thing for him to actually get dances from the stripper. So I’m a little shocked, disappointed and even angry. But my son is 19, not living at home and needs to find his own way through life. So do I bring this up with him or just leave it alone? I used to have a major problem with going to strip clubs myself so there’s another side to this. I really don’t want him to get sucked into that stuff the way I was. And here’s another question… should I tell my wife about this as well?”

  • Do you think churches should have their non profit charitable tax status revoked?
    It looks like the Christian camping industry has come under the watchful eye of the Canada Revenue Agency, so now many are asking if the churches will be next! So how does that one make you feel? If Christian camps aren’t able to show that they’re spending enough hours advancing religion in an entire week of camp then how will many Canadian churches justify their non profit charitable tax status by simply having a service once a week? Would you be upset if the government revoked your church’s charitable status?

  • So You Think God Wants You To Sing – Round 3
    Every Saturday in November we’ll be highlighting three of our top 12 finalists! This week – Sara Leonty, Curtis Legiehn & Sarah Guevarra! Click here to cast your vote!

Right-click here to bookmark or copy a link to this show November 14, 2009

Special Guests

  • Paul Brandt — Juno Award Winner
    The most awarded male Country artist in Canadian history joins us again to chat about his upcoming trip to Cambodia with The Ratanak Foundation with Brian McConaghy.

  • Ted DiBiase — Wrestling's "Million Dollar Man"
    Ted DiBiase has held many wrestling titles over his expansive career of 20+ years including "The World Championship Title." After authoring a book about his life entitled Every Man Has His Price, Ted is speaking to church congregations, youth groups, men's meetings, corporate businesses, and in public schools and universities all over North America. The character of the "Million Dollar Man" was fulfilled by wealth and power and controlled by greed. In contrast, the real Ted DiBiase is fulfilled by his relationship with Jesus Christ, his family, and a controlling desire to do God's will in his life.

  • Kelita — Shania Twain sang back-up for HER!
    Five-time Juno nominee, Kelita, has shared stages with Jim Carrey, Reba McEntire, Randy Travis and Michelle Wright, and performed on numerous television programs including Nashville Now and The Tommy Hunter Show.

  • Nancie Carmichael — Author of Surviving One Bad Year- 7 Spiritual Strategies to Lead You to a New Beginning
    When you experience loss, sometimes it’s then that you finally see what you have: People who care. Family. Faith. Purpose. The privilege to still give to others. When all the props are kicked out from under you, it’s then that you finally see what gets you through. And it's the simple things like trust. Trust that God will see you through. Nancie and her husband Bill were the original founders and publishers of Christian Parenting Today and Virtue Magazines. She was recently awarded an honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters from Western Baptist College in Salem, Oregon. Nancie is a seasoned author and has published several books including Selah, The Comforting Presence of God, & Praying For Rain.

  • Michael Insulaco — Author of 15 Good Reasons Not to Go to Church And One Great Reason You Should
    If you’re “not too sure about the whole Christianity thing,” but would appreciate some inside information, Michael invites you to pull up a chair as he shines new light on 15 common reasons people avoid church. Are they legitimate or just man-made barriers to lives of significance we all seek? From the core beliefs of the Christian church to tips on how to window-shop for a local church without feeling like you have to buy anything, this book is a quick, easy read that will leave you better informed & intrigue you to do some treasure hunting for yourself. 15 Good Reasons Not to Go to Church And One Great Reason You Should is written directly to the tentative explorers of the Christian faith.

  • Dan Balow
    After 14 years with Tyndale House Publishers, one of the largest Christian Book and Bible publishers in the world, Dan came to Oasis Audio. Oasis began in 1999 publishing inspirational and self-help audio titles from a wide variety of sources. Over the years, the product selection expanded to include Bibles, non-fiction, fiction, children's and business audio titles. Today, Oasis Audio publishes more Christian and inspirational titles than any other audio publisher in North America.

  • Jennifer Paige — So You Think God Wants You To Sing CELEBRITY JUDGE
    (Jennifer had a family emergency last week but is back this week to give us her votes!)
    Jennifer Paige became an overnight success with her self-titled debut album catapulting her into the spotlight after Crush went to #1 in seven countries around the world, including America. One minute she was living a relatively private life in Los Angeles, and the next she was either singing for the Pope at the Vatican, in front of both live and television audiences of millions, or sitting with Prince Albert of Monaco after being nominated as Best New Artist at the World Music Awards. An MTV and pop radio favourite, Jennifer worked tirelessly supporting her records, while continuing to define herself musically on her latest release, the long-awaited Best Kept Secret.

  • James Linderman — So You Think God Wants You To Sing CELEBRITY JUDGE
    James is one of Canada’s most influential songwriters. He writes chord progressions for singers and academic journalism for magazines. He sends demos to recording artists and labels, and tracks his songs to radio. James has helped prepare music students for York University, University of Toronto, Humber College, and The Berklee School of Music. He is part of an academic advisory board known as Berkleemusic Ambassadors which represents Berklee’s extension school at conferences and forums and advises Berkleemusic on internet technology based course development and online learning strategies. He also conducts workshops for songwriters and coaches songwriting and performance, specializing primarily in Contemporary Christian Music.

Talkback, etc.

  • The Counsel Of Many!
    Brought to you by family lawyer Dawn Bennett. With a reputation built on Trust, Respect and Integrity, protecting your family's interests is Dawn's primary concern. Visit bennettlaw.ca today.

    Need Help or Advice On An Issue In Your Life?
    Tell us your situation and Drew will ask the listeners of TDMS!

    This week on the Counsel Of Many: a man doesn’t want to vote for George Smitherman as the next Mayor of Toronto because he married his gay partner and is now attempting to adopt. “Am I out of line for feeling this way?”

    “I’ve lived in Toronto my entire life and have seen mayors come and go. I’ve voted for various mayors for various reasons and NOT voted for other mayors for other reasons. I know the mayoral election is still quite a ways off, but I’ve just found out that one of the candidates (and a potentially good one) is not only married to his gay lover but that he’s also attempting to adopt a child with him as well. Never in my life have I been forced to take these sorts of issues into consideration when voting for mayor of this great city. I’m of a generation that just doesn’t agree with these types of “lifestyle choices” or whatever they’re calling it these days. Personally, I’m very uncomfortable voting for someone to be the leader of my city who is personally involved in so many socially divisive issues. In my daily life, I’ve been forced to accept a lifestyle that I just don’t agree with. And now I feel that if I just can’t get past the fact that this man is gay, is married, and is adopting a child into a motherless family, BY CHOICE… well I feel like I’M the bad one here. Could someone please help me understand this a little better. Am I out of line for feeling this way?”

  • So You Think God Wants You To Sing – Round 2
    Every Saturday in November we’ll be highlighting three of our top 12 finalists! This week – Andrea Russell, James Paul & Ivan Magoci!
    *** Could you be Canada’s first ever winner of So You Think God Wants You To Sing? You could win free studio time in order to have your song professionally recorded and ready for radio play! Click here for contest details.

Right-click here to bookmark or copy a link to this show November 7, 2009

Special Guests

  • Frank Schaeffer — Author of Patience with God: Faith for People Who Don’t Like Religion (or Atheism)
    Frank Schaeffer has a problem with fundamentalist Christians. But he also has a problem with the New Atheists. And despite the obvious differences in their ideology, it’s the same problem: mindsets that leave no room for questions, and even less for tolerance. He’d even argue that Atheism has become a religion in itself. In Patience with God Frank offers a middle ground for those who find right-wing evangelists as distasteful as the uber-liberal lefties who mock them. As Schaeffer explains, there are a whole bunch of people out there—Republican and Democrat—who are disgusted with the polarizing forces that exist in our nations, and who believe (or at least try to believe) in God. Frank Schaeffer is the author of the New York Times bestseller Keeping Faith and, most recently, the memoir Crazy for God. He’s a fiction and non-fiction writer who has written for USA Today, the Washington Post, the San Francisco Chronicle, and the Los Angeles Times, and is a regular contributor to the Huffington Post website and blog. He has appeared on Oprah, Fox News, CNN, and ABC’s 20/20.

  • Bruxy Cavey — Author and Teaching Pastor At The Meeting House
    Bruxy is back to tell us about a new series he’ll be teaching called, “Get Over Yourself: Rebelling Against the Culture of Narcissism.” We live in the age of self-love, but struggle to feel accepted. We embrace a culture of self-promotion, yet long to feel valuable. Why is our Western diet of self-affirmation leaving us starved for significance? Beginning Sunday, November 8, The Meeting House, one of Canada’s largest and most innovative churches, investigates the alternative to our narcissistic culture. Billed as a church for people who aren’t into church, The Meeting House has been attracting new members to its community at an incredible rate, with over 5,500 people attending nine Meeting House locations throughout Ontario each Sunday.

  • Kerri Pomarolli — Comedian, Actress, Author
    That's right folks! It's time for our semi-regular visit with our favourite (and only) Hollywood Correspondent!

Talkback, etc.

  • "Mr.X"
    Today we’ll hear from a man who was once immersed in virtually every aspect of the Christian community but has since gone through two failed marriages, financial ruin, and even a short stint in prison. And now he feels that it’s pointless to keep calling himself a Christian since he’s obviously failed at that as well. When does one stop identifying themselves as “Christian”?

  • The Counsel Of Many!
    Brought to you by family lawyer Dawn Bennett. With a reputation built on Trust, Respect and Integrity, protecting your family's interests is Dawn's primary concern. Visit bennettlaw.ca today.

    Need Help or Advice On An Issue In Your Life?
    Tell us your situation and Drew will ask the listeners of TDMS!

    This week on the Counsel Of Many: A college student wants to know if other people doubt as many things about God as he does!.

    “Since I’ve been in University, our professors have pretty much taught us to question everything. I’m now starting to wonder if this has impacted my spiritual life because I seem to be doubting stuff about God more and more. I doubt if prayer actually changes God’s mind. I doubt God physically heals. I doubt that Jesus is the ONLY way to God. I doubt that people have any of the ‘miraculous’ spiritual gifts like prophecy, healing, & tongues. I doubt that there is a literal place called Hell where people who are judged by God go to spend an eternity in torment. I doubt that God speaks audibly to people. I doubt that there is a supernatural Satan who is the boss of many supernatural demons. And of course the biggie… I doubt whether or not God really exists. All of that and yet, I still believe. It’s kind of insane when you really think about it. I mean, if anyone had that many doubts about belonging to the Conservative Party, surely they would revoke their membership. Wouldn’t they? So am I the only one who has this many doubts and still believes?”

  • So You Think God Wants You To Sing – Round 2
    Every Saturday in November we’ll be highlighting three of our top 12 finalists! This week – Andrea Russell, James Paul & Ivan Magoci!
    *** Could you be Canada’s first ever winner of So You Think God Wants You To Sing? You could win free studio time in order to have your song professionally recorded and ready for radio play! Click here for contest details.

  • Saturday Survey: Will you be getting your H1N1 vaccination or not?
    (Carried over from last week)
    Apparently, more than half of Canadians won’t be getting their H1N1 Flu Shot. Is that you? Why? Are there any spiritual reasons for not getting vaccinated? Are you worried about dying if you don’t get it or are you worried about any adverse reactions if you do get it? God already knows when and how we’ll die so just how worried should we be? Who can we trust? The government? The medical community? The Media? Jim Carrey’s wife?

  • Would you take your son to Hooters as part of his sex education?
    A father was thrust into the media spotlight after he published a discussing his recent trip to Hooters with his 11-year old son. His reason for doing this was to discern where his son was at in regards to interest in the opposite sex. Is this something you could see yourself doing as a parent or is that taking things a bit too far? For years, religious folks have been known for their aversion to sex – at least talking about it. Many religious parents over the last decade have also disagreed vehemently with what their schools are teaching their kids about sex. So, if you don’t want other people teaching your kids about sex, then how have you done it? (Talk to your kids about sex, that is.)

Right-click here to bookmark or copy a link to this show October 31, 2009

Special Guests

  • Dr. J. Gordon Melton — World’s Leading Vampire Scholar
    As the director of The Institute For The Study Of American Religion, Dr. Melton is the author of more than twenty-five books, including several encyclopaedias, handbooks, and almanacs on American religion, new religious movements, Occultism and Parapsychology, New Age, and Vampirology. Dr. Melton has researched the history of vampires, as well as the study of contemporary vampiric groups and rites. In 1983 he served as editor for Vampires Unearthed, the first comprehensive bibliography of English-language vampire literature. In 1994 he completed The Vampire Book: An Encyclopaedia of the Undead and has also written The Vampire Gallery: A Who's Who of the Undead.

  • Katherine Opashinov — Intuitive, Psychic
    Intuitive Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Psychic, Clairvoyant, whatever you want to call her… Katherine believes that everybody has intuition and with professional training, it can be an incredibly useful life skill, applicable to everything from finding your keys to getting a promotion at work. Katherine will join us in studio to explain why and how she does what she does.

  • John Morehead — Paranormal Researcher
    Through commentary, interviews, and an application of his background in intercultural and religious studies, John explores the social, cultural, mythic, archetypal, imaginative, creative, and even spiritual aspects of the paranormal.

  • James Randi — International Fraud Buster (Including Psychics, Homeopaths, and Faith Healers)
    James Randi has an international reputation as a magician and escape artist, but today he is best known as the world's most tireless investigator and demystifier of paranormal and pseudoscientific claims. James has pursued "psychic" spoon-benders, exposed the dirty tricks of faith healers, investigated homeopathic water "with a memory," and generally been a thorn in the sides of those who try to pull the wool over the public's eyes in the name of the supernatural. He is the author of numerous books, including The Truth About Uri Geller, The Faith Healers, Flim-Flam!, and An Encyclopaedia of Claims, Frauds, and Hoaxes of the Occult and Supernatural. His lectures and television appearances have delighted — and vexed — audiences around the world. In 1996, the James Randi Education Foundation was established to further Randi's work. Randi's long-standing challenge to psychics now stands as a $1,000,000 prize administered by the Foundation. It remains unclaimed.

Talkback, etc.

  • The Counsel Of Many!
    Brought to you by family lawyer Dawn Bennett. With a reputation built on Trust, Respect and Integrity, protecting your family's interests is Dawn's primary concern. Visit bennettlaw.ca today.

    Need Help or Advice On An Issue In Your Life?
    Tell us your situation and Drew will ask the listeners of TDMS!

    This week on the Counsel Of Many: a woman wants to know if she should buy a house in which the owner just killed himself.

    “My husband and I are considering buying a house that just came on the market. We've been praying and asking God to help us find the perfect house, one which we can afford. So last week an amazing house just went up for sale and the price was too good to pass up. The realtor met us there and gave us the tour. However, at the end of the tour she told us that it was her professional duty to inform us that the previous owner had committed suicide in the house after killing his only son. Well, my husband and I looked at each other and said that we’ll get back to her. This house is such a good deal and my husband sees this as an answer to prayer. But I just can’t get past the fact that we might be raising our kids in a house where a mentally deranged man killed himself. I just don’t think I could get past that. Plus, I’m not quite sure what I believe about spirits hanging around after something horrible has happened. I’d love to know how the rest of your listeners feel – especially the women.”

  • Is scaring the Hell out of people the right way to sell Jesus?
    This Halloween, some Christian groups will be running “Hell Houses” - Click Here To Watch Video - a sort of Haunted House tour with the sole purpose of scaring people into becoming Christians. There’s also a traveling theatrical production called “Heaven’s Gates & Hell’s Flames” which also uses fear to encourage people to think about becoming a Christian. Do you think scare tactics are an appropriate method of introducing people to Jesus? But then again, maybe that’s exactly what this desensitized generation needs.

  • Interview with Dr. Pierre Plourde - Medical Officer of Health with the Winnipeg Regional Health Media
    Apparently, more than half of Canadians won’t be getting their H1N1 Flu Shot. Is that you? Why? Are there any spiritual reasons for not getting vaccinated? God does know when and how we’ll die so just how worried should we be? Who can we trust? The government? The medical community? The Media? Jim Carrey’s wife? Joining us for this discussion will be Dr. Pierre Plourde, a Medical Officer of Health with the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority. Dr. Plourde has been involved with high level H1N1 discussions and is a member of the National Advisory Committee on Immunization.

Right-click here to bookmark or copy a link to this show October 24, 2009

Special Guests

Talkback, etc.

  • The Counsel Of Many!
    Brought to you by family lawyer Dawn Bennett. With a reputation built on Trust, Respect and Integrity, protecting your family's interests is Dawn's primary concern. Visit bennettlaw.ca today.

    Need Help or Advice On An Issue In Your Life?

    Tell us your situation and Drew will ask the listeners of TDMS!

    This week on the Counsel Of Many: a guy wants to know if there are any other virgins over the age of 20 out there for him to date.

    “I’ve grown up in a great family with Christian values and I’m very proud that I’m still a virgin, but I can’t find any girls my age who are virgins. As you can imagine, the pressure on me to “just do it” has becoming a tad overwhelming lately. I’ve broken up with a few girls because things were getting too physical and I just wasn’t willing to go there. It’s kind of cool when it comes up at work or when I’m just hanging with my friends, that I’m the only guy they know who is still a virgin – kinda like I’m the novelty act at the party. But lately it just feels sort of hopeless, holding on to my virginity just to keep myself pure for… WHO? NO ONE! There are no virgins left – certainly none that are close to my age and are – now don’t take this the wrong way –hot! Yes, inside and out! So someone please give me hope! If the whole point of remaining a virgin is to save myself for my future spouse, then why should I bother if my future spouse won’t even be a virgin? Are there any attractive virgins out there around my age? I doubt it but I’ll be listening.”

    (To anonymously submit your question to the Counsel of Many, click here!

  • Is Drew completely out to lunch?
    Drew is still bugged about the calls he received during a segment we did a couple of weeks ago: Should Canada change the prostitution laws in order to protect sex trade workers from rape, abuse and murder? CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THAT SEGMENT. Prostitution is legal in Canada but the laws are such that it’s illegal for prostitutes to organize inside a bawdy house, thus forcing them onto the streets or in the dark, illegally. Prior to taking calls about this issue, Drew spoke with Canada’s most prominent Dominatrix, Terri Jean Bedford, the woman leading the charge on behalf of Canada’s prostitutes. He then asked the listeners whether Canada should just completely legalize prostitution.

    “Maybe we’d stop seeing hundreds of women disappear like they have in Vancouver, Winnipeg & Calgary. By completely legalizing prostitution, thereby providing better security & protection from abuse & murder, maybe we'd actually be loving a part of our society that Jesus loved?” The caller’s response? “If they’re willing to change, then we’re willing to help them!” “What the…!!!!! Do people’s moral code need to line up with ours before we help them? I had to call Terri Jean and apologize to her personally for the “loving” response from our Christian audience. I was mortified when I found out that she was actually listening to the show while caller after caller berated her! Is there anyone else who would like to apologize to Terri Jean (who is listening again today) or am I out here all by myself?”

Right-click here to bookmark or copy a link to this show October 17, 2009

From The Vault - THE BEST OF TDMS

Special Guests

Right-click here to bookmark or copy a link to this show October 10, 2009

Special Guests

  • Dr. Brian Fikkert — Author of When Helping Hurts: How to alleviate poverty without hurting the poor… and yourself.
    Churches and individual Christians typically have faulty assumptions about the causes of poverty, resulting in strategies that do considerable harm to poor people as well as to themselves.This book provides foundational concepts and clear principles for helping the poor without hurting them. It then presents proven interventions and relevant applications for churches to use when ministering to the poor both at home and abroad, including advice about short-term missions programs. Dr. Brian Fikkert is an Associate Professor of Economics and the founder and Executive Director of the Chalmers Center for Economic Development at Covenant College. Dr. Fikkert earned a Ph.D. in economics from Yale University, specializing in international economics and economic development. He has been a consultant to the World Bank and is the author of numerous articles in both academic and popular journals.

  • Ken Mansfield Author of Between Wyomings: My God and an Ipod on the Open Road
    If you’re a music aficionado then this is the book for you. Fantastic stories about the Beatles, Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson, The Byrds, and many others, as Ken remembers some of music’s wild men and gentle souls. Between Wyomings is an authentic, funny, and irreverent account of how a successful record exec and in-demand producer loses it all—but finds a new life as a follower of Jesus. Ken is the former U.S. manager of Apple Records, a Grammy Award-winning producer and record-label executive who worked with the Beatles, The Beach Boys, Judy Garland, Andy Williams, The Band, David Cassidy, Dolly Parton, and countless music icons. Ken has also released the widely acclaimed books, The Beatles, The Bible & Bodega Bay and The White Book.


  • Jeff Lilley
    Jeff was recently fired as the Executive Director from one of the largest camps in the world, a ministry he had been involved with for over 29 years. However, as the director, Jeff has also been on the other side of the coin, having to fire a variety of staff in his position as Director. So, did that aspect of his job description make getting fired any easier? Getting fired can be exceptionally hard on anyone, but especially when it’s with a ministry or charity you’ve poured so much of your life into. Add to that the fact that many ministries and churches also include as part of their compensation package, accommodation. Now when you get fired, you also have to move and possibly uproot your entire family. So should Christians go about firing people any differently than the rest of the world? Would Jesus “fire” anybody? What’s the best way to get someone to move on without crushing their spirit?

Talkback, etc.

  • The Counsel Of Many!
    Brought to you by family lawyer Dawn Bennett. With a reputation built on Trust, Respect and Integrity, protecting your family's interests is Dawn's primary concern. Visit bennettlaw.ca today.

    Need Help or Advice On An Issue In Your Life?

    Tell us your situation and Drew will ask the listeners of TDMS!

    This week on the Counsel Of Many: a father wants to know if he should kick his 18-year old son out even though the son has threatened to kill himself if he does.
    “I’m a single father who has had some really tough times with my son in the last few years. I’ll keep this short. My son is a good kid but he’s just been a real pain lately. He’s lazy, won’t get a job, treats me like crap and has just made life a living hell around here. I told him that he was out of here in a few weeks unless he started behaving himself. Well, next week is D-Day and I guess it’s finally sinking in that I’m serious about this. So a couple of days ago he told me that basically, if I kicked him out, the next time I see him it will be in a box! I was stunned! Now what do I do? If I back down from what I said I was going to do then we’ll just continue to bash heads and I feel like I’ll be an accomplice to his laziness and rebellious behaviour. BUT… if I hold firm and kick him out like I said I would do, what if he actually goes through with it and kills himself? I could never live with myself after that! What do I do?”

  • Christian Camp Counsellor Kills Himself After Charges Laid - What part of this story upsets you the most?
    A volunteer who served at Ontario Pioneer Camp, a Christian camp in Huntsville, Ontario, was removed from his staff position last summer after allegations that sexually inappropriate emails were sent by him in spring of 2009. David Dewees, a 32-year-old teacher at Jarvis Collegiate Institute in Toronto, was formally charged with two counts of invitation to sexual touching and luring. Last Saturday, David killed himself by laying down on the tracks just as the subway entered the station. No one really knows the back story but it brings up a few questions…
    • Did the media play a role in this man’s death? Despite the fact that the Toronto Star falsely reported that he was charged with sexually assaulting two 13-year old boys, should the press even be allowed to reveal the identity of those not yet convicted? Innocent until proven guilty?
    • Does the Christian community have anything to answer for in this case? Others have been charged with similar offences and most don’t commit suicide. So was the shame even more unbearable because the church is still not a safe haven for those with sexual issues to come forward and heal?
    • Was this just a pure and simple case of a man who finally got busted and couldn’t handle the shame of his sins, so instead of facing the music, he took the easy way out?

    (Please pray for both David’s loved ones as well as all those involved; alleged victims, staff at Pioneer, investigating officers, the subway driver, etc.)

  • Should Canada change prostitution laws in order to protect sex trade workers from rape, abuse and murder?
    Three sex trade workers have launched a constitutional challenge arguing that Canada’s prostitution laws endanger prostitutes by forcing them to work on the street instead of practicing legally, indoors. These women are arguing that their constitutional rights are being violated by the criminal code and putting them at risk. So wouldn’t it be better to just legalize “it” and therefore maybe have some system of monitoring prostitution? Then maybe we’d stop seeing so many women, hundreds of them, go missing as they have in Vancouver, Winnipeg & Calgary. Maybe by legalizing prostitution we’d be able to save these women from the unending abuse they incur day after day… sorry, night after night. Could legalizing prostitution actually be a form of loving a part of our society that Jesus loved? Or is that taking it a bit far? **Joining us for this discussion is Canada's most famopus Dominatrix!

  • So You Think God Wants You To Sing - The Good The Bad and The Ugly!
    Over the last few weeks we’ve launched our own unique singing competition. Along the way we’ve had many people contact us wondering what it is we’re looking for in a contestant. So to help answer this question more concisely, we thought we’d give you some examples of people we think might be gifted… but not in singing... as well as people whom we feel, God has substantially blessed! The good, the bad and the ugly!
    *** Could you be Canada’s first ever winner of So You Think God Wants You To Sing? You could win free studio time in order to have your song professionally recorded and ready for radio play! Click here for contest details.

Right-click here to bookmark or copy a link to this show October 3, 2009

Special Guests

  • Donald Miller — Author of A Million Miles in a Thousand Years
    Full of beautiful, heart-wrenching, and hilarious stories, A Million Miles in a Thousand Years details one man’s opportunity to edit his life as if he were a character in a movie. Years after writing a best-selling memoir, Blue Like Jazz, Donald Miller went into a funk and spent months sleeping in and avoiding his publisher. One story had ended, and Don was unsure how to start another. But he gets rescued by two movie producers who want to make a movie based on his memoir. When they start fictionalizing Don’s life for film–changing a meandering memoir into a structured narrative–the real-life Don starts a journey to edit his actual life into a better story. A Million Miles in a Thousand Years details that journey and challenges readers to reconsider what they strive for in life. It shows how to get a second chance at life the first time around.

  • Craig Gross — Author of Jesus Loves You This I Know
    HOMOSEXUALS, ATHEISTS, DEADBEAT PARENTS, CROOKS, and even the RELIGIOUS… this book contains the stories of how the powerful and disarming truth that Jesus loves each of us, changed these people’s lives. Craig has seen firsthand how love can change lives by loving those in the porn industry to drunken high school partiers in Australia; probably because he spends most of his time outside the church walls with “normal” people. Craig founded Fireproof Ministries and XXXchurch.com and is the author of several books, including The Gutter, Starving Jesus and Questions You Can’t Ask Your Mama about Sex. Craig’s ministry has been featured in the New York Times, Good Morning America, Nightline, GQ Magazine, The Daily Show, Time Magazine, and The Tonight Show with Jay Leno and he recently started The Strip Church in Las Vegas, Nevada.

  • Kerri Pomarolli — Comedian, Actress, Author
    That's right folks! It's time for our semi-regular visit with our favourite (and only) Hollywood Correspondent!


  • "Eddie"
    Numerous felonies including assault, weapon & drug charges, landed him 14 years in prison, including a stint at the infamous Folsom Prison. After being paroled eight times, “Eddie” showed up at church one day where the pastor recognized him as a childhood friend. He’s just recently finished his final parole. So what was it that finally turned his life around? God showing up in prison and messing with his heart? The unconditional love of his parents during incarceration? Or a church that loved on him despite his past? His story is just one of the chapters in Craig Gross & Jason Harper’s book, Jesus Loves You This I Know.

Talkback, etc.

  • The Counsel Of Many!
    Brought to you by family lawyer Dawn Bennett. With a reputation built on Trust, Respect and Integrity, protecting your family's interests is Dawn's primary concern. Visit bennettlaw.ca today.

    Need Help or Advice On An Issue In Your Life?

    Tell us your situation and Drew will ask the listeners of TDMS!

    This week on the Counsel Of Many: a lady wants to know if she should invite her fiancé’s alcoholic father to their wedding or not.
    “My fiancé and I are getting married next summer but I’m really worried about his father disrupting the wedding. He’s a great guy but he’s an alcoholic and I’m just so afraid if he comes to the wedding that he’ll totally embarrass himself and potentially ruin the entire day. I’m just wondering if I should suggest that he not be invited at all. I mean just imagine if he comes to the ceremony and starts yelling out stuff or making a complete fool of himself? And if we just invite him to the reception, well that’s where the booze and the speeches are, and that’s not exactly a great combination for him. So what do I do? Seriously, it’s a huge risk to invite him and I’m sure that my fiancé and his family will want his father there at this special occasion. But it seems like it’s an even bigger risk having him there – drunk! I feel so stuck and really need some advice.”

  • If you knew someone was doing something illegal, would you turn them in or just not get involved?
    During his flight back from Vancouver this week, Drew saw someone he knew on a television show. When he tuned in, he found out that this person was being investigated as one of Canada’s biggest conmen! Although he wasn’t ripped off himself, Drew knows people who have been conned by this guy, including two ministries. Should he call the Police or at least contact the news program? Or would it be more loving to stay out of it and just pray for the guy? Should Jesus people “rat” on others? Could you see Jesus telling on a conman?

  • So You Think God Wants You To Sing – Early Bird Tryouts Finalists
    For the month of September, during the last 15-minutes of each show, we opened up the phone lines and took calls from people who wanted to enter So You Think God Wants You To Sing. Joining us LIVE in studio today to perform their songs are the top two Early Bird finalists. But only one contestant will move on into the actual competition! Making that decision will be YOU – our listeners.After our contestants perform their songs, we want you to call in and vote for who you think should move on to compete in So You Think God Wants You To Sing! ** Could you be Canada’s first ever winner of So You Think God Wants You To Sing? You could win free studio time in order to have your song professionally recorded and ready for radio play! Click here for contest details.

  • Useless Television Trivia
    It’s a crowd favourite, people! We’ll play the soundtrack to an old television show and if you’re the first caller to guess which TV show it’s from - YOU WIN ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

Right-click here to bookmark or copy a link to this show September 26, 2009

Special Guests

  • Michael Bannerman — Canadian Recording Artist
    After spending the last 18 years touring and recording with the bands High Power and Lost Coin, Michael has just released his solo CD, Losing Balance, goes passionately beneath the surface – just like Michael.

  • Barbara Wilson — Author of Kiss Me Again
    Do you ever wonder why marriage can seem like the end of intimacy and sexual desire instead of the beginning? Ever wonder why it was so hard to resist sex before marriage–and so easy to resist it now? If so, you’re not alone! Many married women genuinely want to feel more desire toward their husbands…and can’t figure out what went wrong. But there’s good news. In Kiss Me Again, Barbara Wilson shows how powerful “invisible bonds” from past relationships can cause heartache, disappointment, and distance for couples in the present. Then–with sensitivity, honesty, and hope–Barbara walks you step by step toward healing…and a rekindling of the closeness and passion with your husband that you really want. You don’t have to live any longer with confusion, disappointment, resentment, or shame. You can rediscover desire.

  • Dawn Bennett — Family Lawyer
    It can be overwhelming when your marriage breaks down, but the fact is that even Christians end up divorcing. And unfortunately many people feel a sense of rejection from their church rather than support and healing. When the painful decision to divorce has been made, it's important to have someone that really knows the law but also understands your personal & spiritual needs. Dawn Bennett is a Family Lawyer who appreciates that divorce is a reality, and there are many Christians in need of legal council. Family lawyer Dawn Bennett has built her practice on Trust, Respect and Integrity.


  • Carolyn
    Last week we discussed the shocking results of a study done by Baylor University, which concluded that 3.1 percent of adult women who attend religious services at least once a month have been victims of clergy sexual misconduct since turning 18. In other words, seven women in every congregation of 400 adults have been victimized. Today we’re joined by one of those women – Carolyn.

Talkback, etc.

  • The Counsel Of Many!
    Brought to you by family lawyer Dawn Bennett. With a reputation built on Trust, Respect and Integrity, protecting your family's interests is Dawn's primary concern. Visit bennettlaw.ca today.

    Need Help or Advice On An Issue In Your Life?
    Tell us your situation and Drew will ask the listeners of TDMS!

    This week on the Counsel Of Many: a wife is asking for help on how to deal with her pot smoking husband.

    “I got married almost 6 months ago, knowing full well my husband was addicted to Marijuana. It has been his companion for over twenty years. I believed that my presence in his life would change him, cure him and rid him of his drug addiction. I'm now seeing clearly the road I walking. I figure my choices are...

    1. Nag him, bug him, plead with him, guilt him into quitting.
    2. Not say anything and pray that he quits on his own, and just live with him and his addiction and the challenges that it brings into the marriage.
    3. Find out how to do it right, because I know that both of those other roads are not going to lead to an end to his drug use. I figure if I nag him, he’ll resent me and keep on doing it or resent me and quit for a while. Either way he will resent me and I will have lost his respect in the process.

    I could leave him alone to just live with the addiction and maybe he’ll believe that I don't care. (Which is not true.) So really, I am stuck between a rock and a hard place. Do I resign myself to being a wife of an addict for the rest of our marriage? I can't control him or his choices. I can't get him to quit. I feel alone in all of this. Only a few friends know, but I still feel alone. For him to give up his addiction means changing his life. All his buddies do weed. His whole social circle revolves around this crowd. Only thing I do know... divorce is not an option... for either of us. Both of us are committed 'til death parts us. I need help to know what to do. It scares me, and concerns me, but I can't tell him how much. This is a very lonely road.”

  • Do you believe a Christian can get rid of a “gay spirit” through deliverance or exorcism and no longer be gay?
    Tyra Banks had a sixteen year old on her show this week who claims he is no longer a cross-dresser or homosexual after participating in an exorcism. This “deliverance” became infamous after it was posted on YouTube, but was taken down after a member of a gay rights activist group contacted the Department of Children & Family Services. However, the question remains: Do you think that there is such a thing as a “gay demon or spirit”? If so, can one get rid of it through deliverance or exorcism and no longer be gay?

  • So You Think God Wants You To Sing — FINAL Early Bird Tryouts
    This year, a singing competition pretty similar to all the other stuff out there, but done with our own flavour! Incredible prizes, celebrity judges, and an opportunity to perform LIVE on our show and have your song played on JOY 1250! Oh ya... you'll also finally be able to get some honest and objective feedback on whether or not we think God really wants you to sing... or not 🙂 For the month of September, during the last 15 minutes of each show, we’ve opened up the phone lines and taken calls from people who would like to enter So You Think God Wants You To Sing. By getting in on the Early Bird Tryouts, you won’t need to put together a recording! So give us a call for our Final Early Bird Tryout and we promise to be kind(ish) and truthful. And who knows - YOU COULD BE THE FIRST EVER WINNER OF - So You Think God Wants You To Sing! But you need to be ready to join us LIVE in studio next week, Saturday, October 3, should we actually think God wants you to sing. Next Saturday is the day when we will invite those who passed the Early Bird Tryouts (and contacted us with their phone number) to join us LIVE in studio to sing! Then we’ll pick one contestant to move on into the actual competition.

Right-click here to bookmark or copy a link to this show September 19, 2009

Special Guests

  • Wayne Jacobsen — Author & Publisher of Windblown Media
    Wayne is also the director of Lifestream Ministries and wanders around the planet helping people sort out what Jesus really taught. He is the author of So You Don’t Want to Go To Church Anymore, He Loves Me: Learning to Live in the Father’s Affection, Authentic Relationships: Discovering the Lost Art of One Anothering, In My Father’s Vineyard, Tales of the Vine, and The Naked Church and co-hosts a weekly podcast called The God Journey. For 20 years he was a pastor and also a Contributing Editor to Christianity Today’s Leadership Journal. Wayne was a collaborator on The Shack and in his spare time, he acts as a mediator of religious conflicts in public education as the President of BRIDGEBUILDERS.

  • Monica Schroeder — Canadian Singer / Songwriter
    Since her first independent recording, Monica has shared the stage with artists such as Jane Siberry, Ron Sexsmith and Kathleen Edwards, and has played at SXSW, Canadian Music Week and clubs across the country. She has also been featured nationally in magazines like Billboard and Macleans and been played on radio stations across North America, including the CBC, XM satellite radio, and on the national public radio show All Things Considered.


  • Marina Nemat — Author of Prisoner Of Tehran: A Memoir
    In 1982, 16-year-old Marina Nemat was arrested on false charges by Iranian Revolutionary Guards and tortured in Tehran's notorious Evin prison. At a time when most Western teenaged girls are choosing their prom dresses, Nemat was having her feet beaten by men with cables and listening to gunshots as her friends were being executed. She survived only because one of the guards fell in love with her and threatened to harm her family if she refused to marry him. Soon after her forced conversion to Islam and marriage, her husband was assassinated by rival factions. Nemat was returned to prison but, ironically, it was her captor's family who eventually secured her release. An extraordinary tale of faith and survival, Prisoner of Tehran is a testament to the power of love in the face of evil and injustice.

Talkback, etc.

  • The Counsel Of Many!
    Brought to you by family lawyer Dawn Bennett. With a reputation built on Trust, Respect and Integrity, protecting your family's interests is Dawn's primary concern. Visit bennettlaw.ca today.

    Need Help or Advice On An Issue In Your Life?

    Tell us your situation and Drew will ask the listeners of TDMS!

    This week on the Counsel Of Many: a man wants to know what to do about his “super-spiritual” wife.
    “My wife has recently become very “super-spiritual”! I know I should probably be more into church and God, but if this is what happens to a person… let’s just say I’m not impressed. Lately she’s been going to church about 3-4 times a week, volunteers for about 3 different groups at church, gets up really early to pray for an hour, has a women’s Bible study at our house every week, always seems to be pouring over her Bible and other Christian books, prays with everyone she talks to – even complete strangers she meets in town, only has Christian music playing in the house or in the car, decorates the house with Christian artwork and poetry, and lately she even wants to pray before we have sex. Seriously! I’m not real sure about all this. Personally I think she’s gone off the deep end a bit and I’m actually worried about her. She knows not to try and drag me along with her but now she’s dragging our kids into this crazy world. So basically, I want to know if I should put my foot down and say enough is enough, or should I just keep my mouth shut and “be thankful” that I’m married to a woman who loves God so much?”

  • Has your pastor, minister or priest ever flirted with you, hit on you, or worse?
    According to research by Baylor University, 3.1 percent of adult women who attend religious services at least once a month have been victims of clergy sexual misconduct since turning 18. In other words, seven women in every congregation of 400 adults have been victimized. Sounds too high, right? So we thought we’d open up the phone lines and do our own survey. Have you ever been the victim of clergy sexual misconduct?

  • If Jesus comes back soon and takes all his followers into Heaven, who’s gonna take care of your pet when you split?
    Christians believe that Jesus will return one day and when He does, all those that follow Him will return with Him to Heaven. So would you ever consider paying someone to look after your pet, should this happen in your (or your pet’s) lifetime? We found a company willing to do just that.

Right-click here to bookmark or copy a link to this show September 12, 2009

Special Guests

  • Bill Roberts — President and CEO of S-VOX (Vision TV)
    Moses Znaimer, the man behind MuchMusic for octogenarians (ZooomerMedia) recently purchased Vision TV. The question people are now asking is will he change the spiritual format of Vision into something a little more Metamucilish? And can he turn a non-profit religious channel into a commercial seniors' channel? And until the powers that be decide their future, what will happen with Canada's multifaith broadcaster, Vision TV?

  • Ted Kluck — Co-Author of Why We Love The Church: In Praise of Institutions and Organized Religion - Co-Author of Why We Love The Church: In Praise of Institutions and Organized Religion
    Kevin DeYoung and Ted Kluck present the case for loving the local church. Their newest book paints a picture of the local church in all its biblical and real life guts, gaffes, and glory in an effort to edify local congregations and entice the disaffected back to the fold. It provides a solid biblical mandate to love and be part of the body of Christ and counteracts the “leave church” books that trumpet rebellion and individual felt needs. After hearing what the author of “Why We Love The Church” has to say, give us a call and tell us if you love church or if you’ve found that institutionalized religion has actually gotten in the way of your spiritual growth.

  • Dale Nikkel — Singer / Songwriter
    This week, Drew had the opportunity to join a rather unique and intimate Q & A session/performance with the legendary Martyn Joseph. It was there he met Dale Nikkel, another singer/songwriter with insightful lyrics and a mellifluously welcoming sound. Having just released his fifth CD called Second Hand, we thought we’d give you yet another example of someone we’re pretty sure God wants to sing.


  • Lisa & David Elliot
    Some of you may remember our interview with Lisa Elliot back in April. We talked about how she was coping with the news that her 19 year old son, Ben, had been diagnosed with Leukemia. Life for the Elliot family had changed forever. Well, just over three weeks ago, Ben lost his battle with Leukemia. Lisa and her husband David join us in–studio to talk about their very personal and very recent journey of grief.

Talkback, etc.

  • The Counsel Of Many!
    The Counsel Of Many! Brought to you by family lawyer Dawn Bennett. With a reputation built on Trust, Respect and Integrity, protecting your family's interests is Dawn's primary concern. Visit bennettlaw.ca today.

    Need Help or Advice On An Issue In Your Life?

    Tell us your situation and Drew will ask the listeners of TDMS!

    This week on the Counsel Of Many: a lady wants to know if you can be in love with two people at once?

    “I’ve been married for almost 10 years and my husband and I have the best kids in the world. We initially got married because I got pregnant, but that wasn’t the only reason. The marriage has had its ups and downs, like any marriage I guess. However, for the last couple of years it’s been more down then up. Lately I’ve started to have feelings for another man. I know, it just sounds so trashy and I never ever thought I would be THAT woman. There’s been no sex but we certainly have a strong and totally natural love for each other. He has been so supportive of me and I think I’ve finally discovered what unconditional love is supposed to feel like. I’m not planning on leaving my husband and breaking up our family. Our marriage isn’t all that bad and I’m just not willing to hurt the kids like that. He’s not planning on leaving his wife and kids either. We both feel that for either of us to do that would just be too selfish and would cause too much hurt. So here’s the thing… I don’t want to hurt my kids by leaving my husband but I also don’t want to not have this man in my life. So aside from all the moral implications in this situation, I just want to know if you think it’s possible to love two people at once. I mean, I guess I’m already doing that, right? So is this sustainable? As long as we don’t have sex, is that the only rule? No one’s getting hurt – but if I knew that it would be possible, even allowed, how long could I live being loved and loving more than one person? I’m bad for falling for another guy, but I’m bad if I divorce. I’m bad for deceiving my husband but I’m bad if I break up our family. There’s no way he’ll go to counselling. (I’m not going to try and paint him as the husband who just doesn’t get it.) So in the mean time here I am, desperately wanting to just be loved unconditionally. Is it so bad to love two people at once? Is it?”

  • How many kids are too many kids?
    From “Octo-Mom” to the “reality” show, 18 Kids And Counting (which will soon be renamed to accommodate the latest addition to the family), it begs the question… Eight Wasn’t Enough? Maybe back in the day when you needed a few helping hands on the farm, sure, but today? Really? Do you really think you can efficiently home-school, let alone provide for these kids? Then again, the Bible does say, “Be fruitful and multiply.” But that much fruit is nuts. Isn’t it?

  • So You Think God Wants You To Sing – Early Bird Tryouts
    Last year it was - PREACHER IDOL! This year, a singing competition pretty similar to all the other stuff out there, but done with our own flavour! Incredible prizes, celebrity judges, and an opportunity to perform LIVE on our show and have your song played on radio! Oh, and you'll also finally be able to get some honest and objective feedback on whether or not we think God really wants you to sing... or not 🙂 For the month of September, during the last 15-minutes of each show, we’re going to open up the phone lines and take calls from people who would like to enter So You Think God Wants You To Sing. By getting in on the Early Bird Tryouts, you won’t need to put together a recording! So give us a call and we promise to be kind(ish) and truthful. And who knows - YOU COULD BE THE FIRST EVER WINNER OF - So You Think God Wants You To Sing!

Right-click here to bookmark or copy a link to this show September 5, 2009

Special Guests

  • Kerri Pomarolli — Comedian, Actress, Author
    That's right folks! It's time for our semi-regular visit with our favourite (and only) Hollywood Correspondent!

Talkback, etc.

    We’re back from our summer break and all systems are go for the start of Season #7 here on TDMS. We thought we’d just take it easy and keep the summertime fun going. So we’re going to open up the phone lines and play a little human scavenger hunt game with our listeners. (With real prizes and everything!)

  • So You Think God Wants You to Sing
    You might remember last year when we brought you something a little different called Preacher Idol? Well this year we’re back with yet another slightly odd competition called… wait for it… So You Think God Wants You To Sing!!! A singing competition, pretty similar to all the other ones out there, but done with a TDMS flavour! Incredible prizes, celebrity judges, and an opportunity to perform LIVE on our show and have your song played on JOY 1250! Oh ya... you'll also finally be able to get some honest and objective feedback on whether or not we think God really wants you to sing... or not 🙂

  • To kick off the competition, performing LIVE in studio are people we think that God actually wants to sing...

Right-click here to bookmark or copy a link to this show July 25, 2009

Special Guests

  • Donny Pauling — Ex-Porn Producer Bill Giovannetti - Author of How to Keep Your Inner Mess From Trashing Your Outer World
    Shortly after leaving the porn industry we interviewed Donny. Shortly after we interviewed Donny, he started attending church. The pastor of this church, which helped turn Donny’s life around, was Bill. And now Bill has written a book helping all of us to tame the motley crew within! Who's driving your bus today? Control Freak - Inner Thug - Inner Gollum - Inner Critic - Inner Brat - Ned Flanders - Procrastinator - Inner Wimp - Inner Dummy - Church Lady - Inner Con Artist - Inner Pharisee - Inner Addict - Inner Glutton - Shopaholic - Inner Judge - Inner Loser - Abuser - Inner Flirt - Inner Coward - Inner Felon?

  • Kerri Pomarolli — Comedian, Actress, Author
    That's right folks! It's time for our semi-regular visit with our favourite (and only) Hollywood Correspondent!


  • Neil Barkey
    Drew interviewed Rachel Barkey, a 37 year old wife and mother of two young children who, after four and a half years of fighting breast cancer, was diagnosed with terminal cancer. Rachel was facing her last Mother’s Day with her husband and kids. On July 2nd, just a couple of weeks ago, Rachel passed away at her home in the arms of her husband Neil. Today, Neil will give us a glimpse into the life of a husband wrought with grief and a father who has to hold it together for the sake of his kids. (First, we’ll replay Rachel’s incredible interview, then we’ll chat with Neil.)
    Rachel's Interview

  • Neil's Interview

Talkback, etc.

  • The Counsel Of Many!
    Brought to you by family lawyer Dawn Bennett. With a reputation built on Trust, Respect and Integrity, protecting your family's interests is Dawn's primary concern. Visit bennettlaw.ca today.
    Need Help or Advice On An Issue In Your Life?
    Tell us your situation and Drew will ask the listeners of TDMS!
    This week on the Counsel Of Many: A woman wants to know if she should stay married to her husband who thinks he’s gay or just give up on it.
    “My husband and I met about 6 years ago and fell in love while being best friends. It was a special kind of love, we were soul mates and told each other daily how blessed we were to have found each other. My husband was sexually attracted to boys when he was younger, he even once fell in love with a boy in his teenage years. He hasn't really lived his sexual fantasies out though. Then I came along and he fell for me. We were together for 2 years and then got married. We’ve been married almost 3 years. We’ve been very happy but something changed. He recently told me he felt a strong attraction to men. At the same time he still says he loves me more than anything and doesn't want to lose me. Then he started to search for gay men online, since he needed someone to talk to. Then it was over with our sex life. I spoke to him about 4 weeks ago and he cried a lot and said that he can't live like this. He loves me but right now he just can't be with me because it feels "wrong". So I decided to give him his space (it was the only way he said) and moved out about 2 weeks ago. I miss him terribly and I know he misses me, but he's just 100% sure that he's gay even though he’s never had sexual intercourse with a man. He wants to try the new life. I know he's in search of friends, mostly gay friends, since he's completely alone. He has told his family that he's doing just fine, but I have hard time believing it. He's unsaved and believes in nothing. He used to tell me that I was his angel sent to him and that we were meant to be. Now he seems to be ignoring all that and told me that he tries to occupy himself ALL the time so he doesn't have to face his fears and thoughts. He sleeps very little, sits at the computer mostly chatting or phoning with his new "friends", hates his job and has lost about 6 kg in 2 weeks. He has had an addiction to porn (gay and straight) since quite an early age and has never been able to give up on that. I also think that gay porn especially gave him the urge to "try it out". I'm worried that he's falling and slipping away and I feel so helpless. All I do is pray that God will open up my husband's eyes and send him some kind of sign to make him believe. It feels like the devil has a hold of him and is slowly sucking him into a black hole. He is totally lost and alone and just keeps telling himself that it's all "good". My husband did confess some time ago, that he knows the decision he made is not right, but he HAD to make it and had no choice. Has anyone had a similar situation? I would love to hear some suggestions. Is there anything I can do for him but pray for his salvation? I'm so scared that I will lose him, my true love and my soul mate....”

  • Summer Time Fun
    Now that summer is here, Drew just wants to go outside and play. Since his headphones won’t reach he’s decided that for the entire month of July, the last hour of the show is going to be filled with all sorts of silliness. WHO KNOWS what will happen… Random Phone Calls – Useless Television Trivia – Drew’s Ditties – Comedy Clips – Emails… He’ll even accept calls from “outraged” listeners! All we know is that the last hour will be a wild one folks, and a great way to lighten up with a little Summer Time Fun! AUDIO UNAVAILABLE.

Right-click here to bookmark or copy a link to this show July 18, 2009

Special Guests

  • Dr. Craig Evans — Distinguished Professor of New Testament & Director of the Graduate Program at Acadia Divinity College
    This segment is brought to you by Billy Graham's Soul Chat! A place where conversations can begin, where a community can be built - go to www.soulchat.ca.

    Dr. Evans is a regular guest on Dateline NBC and has been interviewed several times for other national media outlets, including documentaries for The History Channel, The Discovery Channel, and BBC. His most recent books include Fabricating Jesus and Christian Beginnings and the Dead Sea Scrolls.

  • Pat Williams — Co-Founder and Senior VP of the Orlando Magic, Author, Speaker
    Pat has been named one of the 50 most influential people in the NBA after building the Magic from the ground up. Pat’s faith plays a prominent role in his life and work and he and his wife have 19 kids. (14 of whom are adopted from 4 foreign countries) In his latest book, Extreme Dreams Depend On Teams, Pat looks at all sorts of examples (from Thomas Edison to Lance Armstrong to his own experiences in the NBA) to show how seemingly impossible dreams can come true through the power of teamwork. Human beings are designed for teamwork, and teamwork is the only way to make seemingly impossible dreams and bold visions come true. Lance Armstrong won the Tour de France seven consecutive times, not by himself, but with the backing of his coaches, mechanic, and team-mates. Charles Lindbergh may have been called “the Lone Eagle” because of his 1927 solo flight across the Atlantic, but he assembled a first-rate team to make his dream possible. Pat has been involved in professional sports for forty-five years and has been affiliated with NBA teams in Chicago, Atlanta, and Philadelphia, including the 1983 World Champion Philadelphia '76ers.


  • Lee Sinclair
    Lee was actually last week’s "mystery guest" who went mysteriously missing. So even though it’s no longer a surprise, we’re still going to interview him this week. Here's a Pro-Rodeo cowboy who's done it all. As a matter of fact - a little too much. However, his God and his wife have stuck with him, in spite of the fact that he's a typical male who likes to keep it all inside and just "cowboy up!" His Journey is a good lesson for any man who was taught to "be a man."

Talkback, etc.

  • The Counsel Of Many!
    Need Help or Advice On An Issue In Your Life?
    Tell us your situation and Drew will ask the listeners of TDMS!
    This week on the Counsel Of Many: Yet another person seems to be on the verge of losing their faith “I feel so lost lately. It's like I have no one to turn to, or anything left to believe in. God seems like He’s a million and one light years away and the church and those in it, are anything but a help to me. I was born and raised in a Christian home, raised to believe in the Christian faith, and to shun all else. I have heard every "Christian" answer known to humanity, but yet in my current state of mind they all fail me. I am quickly losing not only sight of what I have known to be truth for as long as I can remember, but the faith I have clung to for dear life is now pretty much non existent. I don't see or sense God anywhere, no matter what I do, or where I go, or who I surround myself with. He is no where to be found. The Bible doesn't really offer any comfort and praying just seems to be getting me nowhere really fast. So I don't see the point in “doing” either anymore. I’m totally lost, and utterly petrified, but above all else I am hurting beyond belief. The one place filled with people who are supposed to be there to uphold me in times like these, is actually part of the problem, and I’m too scared to confide in any of them. I don't want to be afraid any more. I’m sick of feeling so confused, and I’m tired of all the hurt. So where do I turn too when I don't know what or who is right any more, and am unsure of what or who I can place my trust in?”

  • If a Pastor gets divorced, should they step down?
    Divorce can even happen to pastors, but should the pastor step down from pastoring? If so, for how long? Some feel that according to the Bible, a person should not be allowed into spiritual leadership if they have been divorced. However, if a couple divorces, should they continue to attend the same church? Randy & Paula White built a multi-million dollar lifestyle in Florida, complete with multimillion dollar homes, a Trump Tower condo, private jet and even a ministry on the side. They’re the ones that married Kid Rock & Pamela Anderson. Ring a bell? Anyway, in 2007 this dynamic duo divorced. This would be the second divorce for both of them. After the divorce, both continued to remain in spiritual leadership. Just this past week, Randy has decided to step down because of numerous health problems. He’s handed the reigns of leadership over to his ex-wife, Paula. Stay tuned to this unfolding drama of As The World Burns...

  • Summer Time Fun
    Now that summer is here, Drew just wants to go outside and play. Since his headphones won’t reach he’s decided that for the entire month of July, the last hour of the show is going to be filled with all sorts of silliness. WHO KNOWS what will happen… Random Phone Calls – Useless Television Trivia – Drew’s Ditties – Comedy Clips – Emails… He’ll even accept calls from “outraged” listeners! All we know is that the last hour will be a wild one folks, and a great way to lighten up with a little Summer Time Fun! AUDIO UNAVAILABLE.

Right-click here to bookmark or copy a link to this show July 11, 2009

Special Guests

  • Crystal Gayle — International Recording Artist
    Best known for a number of country-pop crossover hits including "Don't It Make My Brown Eyes Blue," this blue eyed darling of Country Music with her nearly floor-length hair, was voted one of the 50 most beautiful people in the world in 1983. In the mid 1970s, Crystal hosted her own one-hour prime time special on CBS television, and many have claimed that the younger sister of Country legend Loretta Lynn helped to move country music to an entirely new level amongst mainstream audiences.

  • Pastor Lucious W. Smith — Spoke At The Michael Jackson Memorial Service
    This segment is brought to you by Billy Graham's Soul Chat! A place where conversations can begin, where a community can be built - go to www.soulchat.ca.

    Just prior to Mariah Carey performing a rendition of The Jackson 5 classic hit, "I'll Be There", Pastor Smith, a friend of the Jackson family, opened the memorial service for Michael Jackson. His opening remarks included this very powerful statement, "The King of Pop must bow his knee to the King of Kings." So what was the personal faith of Michael Jackson? And who was this Pastor who brought such spiritual authenticity to a spectacle the world has never seen before?

  • Les Kotzer — Author & Lawyer
    As a Wills and Estates lawyer since 1989, Les focuses his practice on avoiding and resolving inheritance disputes. His books, The Family War - Winning The Inheritance Battle and The Family Fight - Planning To Avoid It provide insight and strategies to help you plan to avoid inheritance disputes using a plain language. Money and death can do strange things to families. Les has been a regular guest on TV and radio across North America including CNN, Fox & Friends and many others.

Talkback, etc.

  • The Counsel Of Many!
    Need Help or Advice On An Issue In Your Life?
    Tell us your situation and Drew will ask the listeners of TDMS!
    This week on the Counsel Of Many: A man wants to know if his pot-smoking pastor has gone a little too far with grace.
    “I have been attending a church in my home town. The preaching is inspiring, the programs are excellent, the fellowship meaningful, the worship is powerful and the theology is dead on. However, I and a few others in the congregation have some growing concerns about our head pastor’s views on grace and liberties. Is our pastor taking grace for granted? Just the other day he said from the pulpit "I think we all should have a few pet vices, just to remind ourselves of our need for grace. I think God allows us them for that purpose." Our pastor has admitted on several occasions that he has a fondness for weed, marijuana. He admits to using it on a bi-weekly basis, as he says "delayed gratification and denial of pleasure can often be the precursor to a deeper understanding of the pain of the crucified Christ and developing of a newness of empathy towards him who hung on a tree. I deny myself my special vice in order to feel the joy of a resurrected spirit post denial." When asked about controversial topics such as abortion and gay marriage his favourite response is "to each their own, grace will win out in the end." He has also written off the seriousness of many other social ills. He said to our church youth group recently, "Gambling, porn, smokes and pot may hurt you a bit. However religion and denial of the two wooden beams will get you a mouse like existence, running the wheel until you self improve yourself into thinking you don't need his grace. Skip the pot if you wish, but don't you dare deny a love filled grace." While I think this church is a gem, I am uncomfortable with our pastor’s flaunting of freedom and disrespect for grace. Should we leave? Should we try to have this guy removed? Should we suggest to him that he tone down the grace rhetoric a bit?”

Special Guests

  • Summer Time Fun
    Now that summer is here, Drew just wants to go outside and play. Since his headphones won’t reach he’s decided that for the entire month of July, the last hour of the show is going to be filled with all sorts of silliness. WHO KNOWS what will happen… Random Phone Calls – Useless Television Trivia – Drew’s Ditties – Comedy Clips – Emails… He’ll even accept calls from “outraged” listeners! All we know is that the last hour will be a wild one folks, and a great way to lighten up with a little Summer Time Fun!

Right-click here to bookmark or copy a link to this show July 4, 2009

Special Guests

  • Angelina Fast-Vlaar — Canadian Author of Seven Angels For Seven Days – A True Story
    A camping trip taken through the Australian outback in 1987 with her husband, Peter, results in an untimely encounter with death and an adventure more amazing than could have been dreamed. We are told that we sometimes entertain angels unaware, but never did Angelina imagine that God would send not one but seven encounters with “angels” in the remote outback to help her cope with a drastic turn of events. This amazing “trip-of-a-lifetime” will leave readers spellbound and constantly moving between deep sorrow and bubbling joy. The author’s gripping testimony of her struggle with loneliness, depression and intense grief becomes tribute to the grace and love of God. Angelina, a mother of 5, was privileged to work with Niagara College as a Psychology instructor. After her husband, Peter Fast, died in 1987, she also worked as a counsellor and grief recovery group facilitator. She married Joe Vlaar in 1994 who also has five children and together they have 23 grandchildren. She was diagnosed with stage three colon cancer in 1997 but has been cancer-free since then! She set up a website to encourage cancer patients and updates it every month with some of her writing. You can visit it at www.thevalleyofcancer.com.

  • Bonnie Grove — Canadian Author of Talking To The Dead – A Novel
    “Kevin was dead and the people in my house wouldn’t go home. They mingled after the funeral, eating sandwiches, drinking tea, and speaking in muffled tones. I didn’t feel grateful for their presence. I felt exactly nothing. Funerals exist so we can close doors we’d rather leave open. But where did we get the idea that the best approach to facing death is to eat Bundt cake?”

    In her first novel, Bonnie Grove pens a poignantly realistic and uplifting story of hope, grace, and recovery from grief. Grove’s main character, twenty-something Kate Davis, can’t seem to get the grieving widow thing right. She’s supposed to put on a brave face and get on with her life, right? Instead, she’s camped out on her living room floor, unwashed, unkempt, and unable to sleep—because her husband Kevin keeps talking to her. Is she losing her mind? Kate’s attempts to find the source of the voice she hears are both humorous and humiliating, as she turns first to an “eclectically spiritual” counsellor, then a shrink with a bad toupee, an exorcist, and finally group therapy. There she meets Jack, the warm-hearted, unconventional pastor of a ramshackle church, and at last the voice subsides. But when she stumbles upon a secret Kevin was keeping, Kate’s fragile hold on the present threatens to implode under the weight of the past…and Kevin begins to shout. Will the voice ever stop? In this tender, quirky novel about embracing life, Grove patiently walks readers through the depths and mysteries of extreme sorrow after the death of a loved one. As she takes an unflinching look at the mental health industry, Grove’s training in counselling and psychology brings realism and empathy to grief and mental breakdown.


  • Eeleah Cummins — Director of Mississauga Life Centre
    This segment is brought to you by Billy Graham's Soul Chat! A place where conversations can begin, where a community can be built - go to www.soulchat.ca.

    Eeleah will be joined today by a young girl who was raised in a strict Muslim home by her younger siblings; since her mother was working and her father was out of the picture. This girl had a very negative relationship with her father growing up and endured constant conflict with her mother, which ultimately created an overwhelming yearning for love and acceptance. She was exposed to alcohol, drugs, and crime by the age of 15 and soon after, fell for the first guy that came along who said she was "pretty". Now a poor, homeless, high school drop out, she became pregnant then had an abortion. When she was 17 she married her abusive boyfriend but didn’t know that how he treated her was abusive. She just thought that’s how she was supposed to be treated... MLC has a passion to teach girls as young as 12 what healthy self esteem looks like, what a good relationship should have in it, and to know they are beautiful just the way they are and that they don't need a boy to make them feel valuable.

Talkback, etc.

  • The Counsel Of Many!
    The Counsel Of Many! Brought to you by family lawyer Dawn Bennett.
    With a reputation built on Trust, Respect and Integrity, protecting your family's interests is Dawn's primary concern. Visit bennettlaw.ca today.
    Need Help or Advice On An Issue In Your Life?
    Tell us your situation and Drew will ask the listeners of TDMS!
    This week on the Counsel Of Many: A parent from Vancouver is terrified because their adult son, who struggles with various mental and physical health issues, just wants to give up and die. Does anyone have any encouragement or advice?
    “I'm terrified. My son is in his early 30s, he is 500 pounds, has type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, struggles with depression, generalized anxiety, binge eating disorder and borderline personality disorder and he is giving up. He says he is at peace with his own death. He refuses to try any further. He has stopped taking his medications and insulin. He has been in counselling to no avail, several eating disorder residency programs (often with an over emphasis on anorexia and bulimia). While he has friends who care about him, due to a Bi-Polar Disorder, fear of abandonment and years of isolation stewing in depression, he doubts their love and lives in chronic fear of losing them. He goes to groups and church and tries to socialize, yet feelings of connection are so fleeting that this chronic loneliness and emptiness comes back shortly after. He covers it with food (at least during a binge he says he feels loved). He is desperate for faith and reads apologetics (Wright, Craig, Ravi Etc.), yet his pessimism puts him into this constant state of "what if” anxiety. (What if it's too good to be true? Only meaninglessness, hopelessness and rejection have the ring of truth.) I don't know what to do, I feel helpless. I pray, I cry and lose sleep. But the truth does not change. My son is dieing and does not care any more. Is there hope? Can addiction this extreme with this many comorbidites and environmental stresses be conquered and healed from? Any hope? Any advice? Any stories? Please!”

  • Should Canadian churches be perfume free?
    We had a lady contact us from St.John's, Newfoundland, who feels that “the Church is guilty of systemically excluding Christians because of certain illnesses and disabilities.” She says that no other media is willing to tackle this topic and wants to know if we will. Well, by golly we’re gonna tackle it. Do you think that all churches should be perfume free? Now there’s a good politically correct Canadian predicament, isn’t it??

  • Summer Time Fun
    Now that summer is here, Drew just wants to go outside and play. Since his headphones won’t reach he’s decided that for the entire month of July, the last hour of the show is going to be filled with all sorts of silliness. WHO KNOWS what will happen… Random Phone Calls – Useless Television Trivia – Drew’s Ditties – Comedy Clips – Emails… He’ll even accept calls from “outraged” listeners! All we know is that the last hour will be a wild one folks, and a great way to lighten up with a little Summer Time Fun!

Right-click here to bookmark or copy a link to this show June 27, 2009

Special Guests

  • Wynonna Judd — International Recording Artist
    On her 7th studio album, Sing: Chapter 1, Wynonna celebrates 25 years in the business by giving us a glimpse of her extraordinary influences and the songs that inspired her. Her first studio album in six years, Sing pays homage to 11 country, rock, blues and soul-baring standards originated by legendary artists that have formed the unique soundtrack to her own life. “All my musical chapters are here, every genre. These are the songs that have moved me ever since I was a little girl. These are the songs I have turned to for comfort and insight at every point of my life.” This incredibly diverse CD includes the swinging Big Band tilt of “That’s How Rhythm Was Born,” first recorded by The Boswell Sisters, one of the earliest songs Wynonna remembers singing with her mother; “'Til I Get It Right,” the Tammy Wynette heartbreaker; “Ain’t No Sunshine,” the Bill Withers classic;” I’m A Woman,” popularized by Maria Muldaur - and Merle Haggard’s 1980s country lament, “Are The Good Times Really Over For Good.” The album also contains spirited rockers, such as “I Hear You Knocking” and the Stevie Ray Vaughan corker, “The House Is Rockin’”.

  • Dr. James Beverley — Associate Director of the Institute for the Study of American Religion in Santa Barbara, California
    This segment is brought to you by Billy Graham's Soul Chat! A place where conversations can begin, where a community can be built - go to www.soulchat.ca.
    Dr. Beverley is a contributing editor to Christianity Today magazine, and a frequent contributor to Faith Today and Charisma magazines. Dr. Beverley's specialties include studies in World and New Religions, Charismatic Christianity, Roman Catholic Theology, and Christian Ethics.
    Today we’ll ask Dr. Beverley… is the Bible actually the infallible word of God or is it just another collection of man-made religious rules and fables?

Talkback, etc.

  • The Counsel Of Many!
    Brought to you by family lawyer Dawn Bennett. With a reputation built on Trust, Respect and Integrity, protecting your family's interests is Dawn's primary concern. Visit bennettlaw.ca today.
    Need Help or Advice On An Issue In Your Life?
    Tell us your situation and Drew will ask the listeners of TDMS!
    This week on the Counsel Of Many: a woman is terrified that she’s losing her faith and she needs some advice.

    "I think I'm losing my faith and I'm not sure what to do! Just to give you a little background, I was raised a Christian and went through the typical Christian life cycle - Sunday school, commitment in the early teen years, party time rebellion in the later teens, and re-commitment just after that. I went to a whole range of churches and for along time called myself a "Pentabrethabapticostal". I've always believed in God, even when it wasn't convenient and I’ve even gotten to the point of trying to deny Him. God has always been my constant though, my hope, and I've always felt that "it's gonna be okay in the end because there's a loving God who cares about me". But lately, anytime I hear the phrases, "God spoke to me" or "God is teaching me" or "God will show you", something deep down inside me says "yah, right". It's involuntary! I'm feeling more and more that life is just life! God isn’t blessing people and He's not punishing them. He may have created all this but he's not involved. Everyone seems to think they know God but I'm not sure what to trust. The Bible... well I have my doubts about that as well. My inner voice? Can youdifferentiate God voice from your own desires - REALLY? So maybe he just stays out of all of it. There's a core belief in me that is failing and I'm terrified to lose it. I love my faith because without it I guess there's nothing..."

  • Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about world religions but were afraid to ask!
    Dr. James Beverley takes your calls! Baha’I, Branch Davidians, Buddhism, Christian Science, Hinduism, Islam, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Judaism, Mormonism, The New Age, Protestantism, Roman Catholicism, Satanism, Scientology, Sikhism, Unification Church, Witchcraft… we’ll cover it all! Give us a call and ask Dr. Beverley about any one of these world religions.

Right-click here to bookmark or copy a link to this show June 20, 2009

Special Guests

  • Robert Cameron — Father of Kirk, Candace, Bridget & Melissa!
    Drew first interviewed Kirk back in 2005. Then in 2006 he interviewed Candace as well as her mother Barbara. However, the one member of the Cameron family Drew has always wanted to interview the most, has been the patriarch – Robert. Finally, after many phone calls, milkshakes and sundaes (hard core negotiations) Robert has finally agreed to be our guest. We could think of no better person to interview for our Father’s Day Special!

  • Louise DuArt — Author & Celebrity Impressionist
    Louise is back in town folks! June 24 & 25 at Fallsview Casino in Niagara Falls, Tim Conway, from The Carol Burnett Show, takes the stage with Chuck McCann and Louise DuArt to relive their hilarious antics and favourite skits! Shows begin at 8:30 p.m. and tickets start at $30. Louise was first discovered by Donna Summer on the hit TV show Star Search. Since then, Louise has been making jaws drop all over the world with her uncanny impersonations of everyone from Barbara Walters to Judge Judy, Joan Rivers to Jane Fonda, and Barbara Streisand to George Burns.
    SQuire Rushnell - ABC Television Executive, Author of The God Winks Books
    As a veteran ABC Network Television executive, SQuire led Good Morning America to number one, and was the man behind the acclaimed Schoolhouse Rock series, as well as the ABC After School Specials, capturing 75 Emmy Awards. After the tragic events of 9-11 he left his six-year position as a cable network TV President/CEO to follow a life-long dream to be an author & inspirational speaker. Today SQuire is the bestselling author of the word-of-mouth phenomena GOD Winks book series. His most recent book though, is Couples Who Pray: The Most Intimate Act Between a Man and a Woman, co-authored with his wife, comedic-impressionist and TV host Louise DuArt.
    This segment is brought to you by Billy Graham's Soul Chat! A place where conversations can begin, where a community can be built - go to www.soulchat.ca.


  • Bob & Audrey Meisner
    After both Bob and Audrey had been involved in years of full-time ministry, Audrey became emotionally involved with a young man she was counselling in their church. The relationship inevitably became sexual. Shortly after the relationship ended, Audrey confessed everything to her husband, who eventually made a choice to stay married to Audrey and somehow make it work. But two weeks later, Audrey found out she was pregnant. Just to complicate matters even further, because the child’s father was black, there was no way to hide the facts from the public. So they decided to sell everything, quit their jobs and move to Phoenix. The church they began attending embraced them wholeheartedly despite their messiness, and eventually they told their children. However, Bob was faced with the ultimate question: “Will I be able to love this child like I love my own children?” When the baby was born, Bob named him after himself! "I never want this child to question one day in his life, whose boy he is. This is my boy!" Now that, my friends, is radical forgiveness!

Talkback, etc.

  • The Counsel Of Many!
    Brought to you by family lawyer Dawn Bennett.
    With a reputation built on Trust, Respect and Integrity, protecting your family's interests is Dawn's primary concern. Visit bennettlaw.ca today.
    Need Help or Advice On An Issue In Your Life?
    Tell us your situation and Drew will ask the listeners of TDMS!
    This week on the Counsel Of Many: a woman wants to know if she should leave her husband because she caught him masturbating to lingerie catalogues.
    "I have a concern. A few weeks ago after the kids and I had gone to bed, to my shock, trauma and horror, I walked in on my husband "pleasuring himself” while looking at a lingerie catalogue. His immediate response was to cover up with a lie. He said he was brainstorming for Christmas gifts. (In May dear, really?!) Later he coughed up the truth and became honest, and said he was truly sorry that his hand and penis ended up in the same place at the wrong time. He has been a frequent strip club patron and cheater throughout our marriage, but feels that he can't just go cold turkey so he’s trying to ease himself off of his impure ways by only looking at lingerie catalogues. Despite his apology, I doubt whether I could ever trust him again. My mother says that the department store catalogues and their explicit and near hard core porn pictures of women are gateway images to other porn. My sister says that I should ask him to leave the house until he can stop misusing catalogue porn, so he doesn’t feed into my already poor body image (Am I not good enough for him?) and influence my young son (12) towards the same objectification of women. So considering what I said above, and the Bible linking lust with adultery, I am torn between staying with him and being patient. Is divorcing him biblically permitted or should I lighten up since he is a man and they do this all the time, irrespective of environment and surrounding? Help!"

  • Do you think that your relationship with your father affects your relationship with God?
    Some people feel that their relationship with God is suffering because they had a bad relationship with their own father. Is that just blame-shifting psycho babble? Maybe your father was a strict disciplinarian and there was always a lesson to be learned? Maybe he fell a little short when it came to expressions of love and affection, grace and forgiveness? So is it just a coincidence that this is the same way someone might see God or do you think there’s definitely a connection between the relationship we had with our dads and how we relate to God?

  • Useless Television Trivia
    It’s a crowd favourite, people! We’ll play the soundtrack to an old television show and if you’re the first caller to guess which TV show it’s from - YOU WIN ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!
    Free For All - Comedy Clips - Emails - Whatever!
    Didn’t get through during an earlier talkback segment? Need to vent about a guest we had today? Well now’s your opportunity! Call in and talk about whatever you’d like, or just sit back and enjoy some chuckles and random ramblings and even the odd email from both fans and critics alike!
    **Send us Your Suggestions** They don’t need to be "Christian" but they need to be clean & suitable for radio! Click Here to send us your Clean Comedy Clip!

Right-click here to bookmark or copy a link to this show June 13, 2009

Special Guests

  • Jennifer Paige — International Recording Artist
    Jennifer Paige became an overnight success with her self-titled debut album catapulting her into the spotlight after Crush went to #1 in seven countries around the world, including America. One minute she was living a relatively private life in Los Angeles, and the next she was either singing for the Pope at the Vatican, in front of both live and television audiences of millions, or sitting with Prince Albert of Monaco after being nominated as Best New Artist at the World Music Awards. An MTV and pop radio favourite, Jennifer worked tirelessly supporting her records, while continuing to define herself musically on her latest release, the long-awaited Best Kept Secret.

  • Laura Waters Hinson — Producer/Director of Award Winning Documentary As We Forgive
    This segment is brought to you by Billy Graham's Soul Chat! A place where conversations can begin, where a community can be built - go to www.soulchat.ca.

    Could you forgive a person who murdered your family? This is the question faced by the subjects of As We Forgive, a documentary about Rosaria and Chantal—two Rwandan women coming face-to-face with the men who slaughtered their families during the 1994 genocide. Overwhelmed by an enormous backlog of court cases, the government has returned over 50,000 genocide perpetrators back to the very communities they helped to destroy. Without the hope of full justice, Rwanda has turned to a new solution: Reconciliation. But can it be done? Can survivors truly forgive the killers who destroyed their families? Can the government expect this from its people? And can the church, which failed at moral leadership during the genocide, fit into the process of reconciliation today? In As We Forgive, director Laura Waters Hinson and narrator Mia Farrow explore these topics through the lives of four neighbours once caught in opposite tides of a genocidal bloodbath, and their extraordinary journey from death to life through forgiveness.

Talkback, etc.

  • The Counsel Of Many!
    Brought to you by family lawyer Dawn Bennett.
    With a reputation built on Trust, Respect and Integrity, protecting your family's interests is Dawn's primary concern. Visit bennettlaw.ca today.
    Need Help or Advice On An Issue In Your Life?
    Tell us your situation and Drew will ask the listeners of TDMS!
    This week on the Counsel Of Many: a couple is feeling totally abandoned by God because they haven't been able to conceive, and yet irresponsible people all around them seem to be popping out babies left, right and centre. What advice would you give this hurting couple?
    "I am a vocalist and worship leader. My wife and I were married around 35 and were afraid to have a baby immediately because we wanted to have "couple time." So we didn't begin to try to conceive until two years after marriage. We've now been trying to conceive for seven years... crazy amounts of fertility drugs + IUI + IVF twice. All totally unsuccessful, and a miscarriage in between. (Ovarian ectopic - fertilized egg traveled back to the ovary and implanted). Needless to say, we are desperate and are feeling like God will not answer our prayers. He's teaching us something, but we don't know what. Very secretive! We also can't stand the "Aww poor you" and "Oh, just take a vacation" and "Just adopt! Then you'll get pregnant!" type of responses from ignorant people. No one understands unless they have experienced infertility... it’s a silent, secret, unbelievable torture like no other. How do you cope with the fact that God may never answer your prayer, and yet people who don't care are popping out babies like there's no tomorrow? How do you "square away" that those who do not acknowledge God in any way in their lives, are "allowed" by Him to conceive and bear children? Jesus help us...."

  • Do you think that 100 Huntley Street did the right thing in asking Ron & Reynold Mainse to step down?
    Last week, the hosts of Canada’s longest running God TV show (100 Huntley Street) were asked by their Board Of Directors to step down. One day, Ron & Reynold Mainse were there, the next day they weren’t. The viewers were initially given a fairly obscure reason why this dramatic turn of events took place. As a matter of fact, because of what wasn’t said, people began imagining all sorts of things. The bottom line is that Reynold & Ron Mainse got sucked into a Ponzi Scheme which is now before various securities commissions. But the CTS Board Of Directors decided the boys should step down until all the details have been sorted through. So in your opinion, which is better? Does a ministry ask their leaders to step down until they get the facts or should they keep them on until they get the facts?

  • Is it okay to move out of an area because there’s too many “other ethnicities” moving in, or is that just plain old racism?
    As the locals would say… “Bramaledesh” – “Scarberiah” – “Mawkehm” – “Little Italy” – “Chinatown” or “Hicktown”… where would you like to live? The face of your neighbourhood has probably changed over the last 20 years, especially if you live anywhere near the city. With Toronto now being the most multicultural city in the world, according to the United Nations, some folks feel that living in a melting pot wasn’t part of the deal when they first moved in. So many of the Caucasian types have already, or are considering moving further North. Is this something you’ve ever considered? Is there anything wrong with wanting to live amongst your own people? It seems like the folks from other races do that, so why can’t the white folks?

Right-click here to bookmark or copy a link to this show June 6, 2009

Special Guests

  • Larnelle Harris — Grammy Award Winning Recording Artist
    Larnelle’s majestic tenor voice has been moving people’s souls for over three decades. Honoured with five Grammy Awards, eleven Dove Awards including being named Male Vocalist of the Year three times, and numerous other accolades, Larnelle was one of the first Christian artists to cross racial barriers and build healing bridges with predominantly white churches who had never had a black singer on their platform. He has garnered nineteen #1 radio singles and countless top 10 hits, including his signature song Amen. He was the first Christian artist to perform inside the Kremlin after the fall of the Soviet Union. From the White House to the danger zone of the 38th Parallel, Larnelle has impacted audiences across the globe with his music and ministry.

  • Oz Fox — Guitarist For Stryper
    Annie Lobert - Founder of Hookers For Jesus
    Annie worked for 11 years as a prostitute and escort in Las Vegas, which included catering to celebrities and professional athletes. Oz is a founding member and guitarist for the heavy metal band Stryper. After interviewing Stryper’s front man last week, Michael Sweet, we just found out that Oz and Annie are getting married Friday, June 5th – THIS WEEK! And guess what? We’re going to phone them on the first morning of their honeymoon! What a perfect time to hear their love story. A Honeymoon Interview, with the ex-hooker and the rock star!

  • Craig Smith — President & CEO of Swiss America
    Swiss America Trading Corporation is an investment firm specializing in United States gold and silver coins. Craig founded the company in 1982 out of a bedroom in his home with $50.00. It has since grown into one of the largest and most respected firms in the industry. Mr. Smith is an expert in many forms of tangible assets including; oil, precious metals and United States numismatic coins and is often sought after by the media for his insights on these topics as well as breaking news, world events, and the financial markets.

  • Kerri Pomarolli — Comedian, Actress, Author
    That's right folks! It's time for our semi-regular visit with our favourite (and only) Hollywood Correspondent!

Talkback, etc.

  • The Counsel Of Many!
    Brought to you by family lawyer Dawn Bennett.
    With a reputation built on Trust, Respect and Integrity, protecting your family's interests is Dawn's primary concern. Visit bennettlaw.ca today.
    Need Help or Advice On An Issue In Your Life?
    Tell us your situation and Drew will ask the listeners of TDMS!
    This week on the Counsel Of Many: Is Drew being fair or judgmental? (Yes, he’s taken over the Counsel Of Many again with his own stinkin’ problems!)
    “I recently found out that my current car and home insurance provider hasn’t really been giving me the best possible rate. I discovered that I could save $1500 per year by switching to Brokerforce, who happens to also advertise with the show. My dad taught me that business/customer loyalty goes both ways, so I’ve been with my current insurance agent for a number of years. But I’ve been debating whether to just call my agent (whom I know personally through the church world) and give him a chance to keep my business or just switch providers. However, the other day I saw my insurance buddy driving a fairly new Jaguar! This just really ticked me off, so I made the call and switched to Brokerforce. Am I being a judgmental jerk or would you have done the same thing?”

  • Do you think God would have condoned the recent murder of late term abortionist, George Tiller?
    One of the world’s most hated abortionists was gunned down in his church this week – yes, in his church! So if you believe that innocent unborn children were regularly being murdered by this man, even at the 28 week mark, was it really so wrong that this killer was assassinated? “Thou Shall Not Kill” was written in the Old Testament, a part of the Bible where God told certain people to kill certain bad people who were doing certain bad things. So is there a chance that God was actually behind this, or is murder always wrong?

  • Do you think that God reaches out to people through any religion?
    Some people feel that we can get to God or Heaven through various religions, while others feel that it's only through Jesus. But do you think it's possible for God to reach you through any religion? Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Islam, Kabala, Scientology, Mormonism, Taoism, Rastafarianism, Satanism?

  • Free For All - Comedy Clips - Emails - Whatever!
    Didn’t get through during an earlier talkback segment? Need to vent about a guest we had today? Well now’s your opportunity! Call in and talk about whatever you’d like, or just sit back and enjoy some chuckles and random ramblings and even the odd email from both fans and critics alike!

    **Send us Your Suggestions** They don’t need to be "Christian" but they need to be clean & suitable for radio! Click Here to send us your Clean Comedy Clip!

    Also...Useless Television Trivia
    It’s a crowd favourite people! We’ll play the soundtrack to an old television show and if you’re the first caller to guess which TV show it’s from - YOU WIN ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

Right-click here to bookmark or copy a link to this show May 30, 2009

Special Guests

  • Michael Sweet — International Recording Artist
    Currently the touring front man for the classic rock band Boston, most of you will recognize Michael from his days with the heavy metal band – Stryper. It was 25 years ago that Stryper broke on to the scene with their debut EP Yellow and Black Attack and have since gone on to sell 8 million records worldwide and tour the world, spreading an inspirational message through their branded sound of rock songs, heavy guitars, and pristine harmony vocals.

  • Jay Leach — International Recording Artist
    A world-renowned guitarist whose TV work includes... American Idol, Matlock, In The Heat of The Night, Murder She Wrote, Jake and The Fatman and several episodes of Touched By An Angel, Jay Leach has also worked on radio commercials for... IBM, Budweiser, Denny's, McDonald's, Nike, Black Angus Steak House, and Mercedes. He’s performed on various movie soundtracks including... Mars Attacks, Down and Out in Beverly Hills, Gone Fishin', Tough Enough, A Simple Wish, Smokey and the Bandit III, Urban Cowboy, Big Business, and Six Days & Seven Nights. He’s played with a variety of artists such as... Roy Orbison, Barry Manilow, Gladys Knight, John Denver, The Pointer Sisters, Bonnie Raitt, Kirk Whalum, Michael McDonald and has been a session guitarist on over 70 contemporary Christian albums including albums by Carman, Barry McGuire and Joni Eareckson Tada.

  • Martin Himel — Award Winning Journalist and Filmmaker
    Martin Himel has been producing and directing news reports and documentaries since 1995. He has served major international broadcasters such as BBC, CNN, NBC, PBS, Global Television, VisionTV and HDNet’s Dan Rather Reports. Mr. Himel has been reporting on developments in the Middle East since 1983, first as bureau chief and correspondent for CTV News, and later for Baton Broadcasting, FOX News and Global Television. His latest project, Twist of Faith, is a documentary series that explores the relationship between religion and current events. In the final episode of this VisionTV Special, producer and host Martin Himel ponders the fate of Jerusalem's Temple Mount, a site holy to Jews and Muslims alike. It is perhaps the most contested piece of land on earth. A mere 38 acres, it lies at the very heart of a conflict that will shape the destiny of millions. SERIES FINALE: Monday, June 1, 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT: The Temple Mount Controversy.

  • N.T. Wright — Bishop of Durham & Leading New Testament Scholar
    N. T. Wright is one of the world's top biblical scholars, a prolific author, and the Bishop of Durham for the Church of England. His book, Jesus and the Victory of God, is widely regarded as one of the most significant studies on the historical Jesus. He has been featured on ABC News, Dateline, The Colbert Report and in Time Magazine. Wright taught New Testament studies for twenty years at Cambridge, McGill, and Oxford Universities. Among his many published works are Simply Christian, The Challenge of Jesus, The Meaning of Jesus (coauthored with Marcus Borg), What Saint Paul Really Said, and his latest with Craig Evans, Jesus The Final Days: What Really Happened.

Talkback, etc.

  • The Counsel Of Many!
    Brought to you by family lawyer Dawn Bennett.
    With a reputation built on Trust, Respect and Integrity, protecting your family's interests is Dawn's primary concern. Visit bennettlaw.ca today.
    Need Help or Advice On An Issue In Your Life?
    Tell us your situation and Drew will ask the listeners of TDMS!
    This week on the Counsel Of Many: parents of a teenager want to know if they should let their son attend a completely different church, one they’re not really all that comfortable with.
    “My husband and I are having a tough time figuring out if we should let our 15 year old son attend a different church. Our family has been going to a United Church around the corner from our house for years. A couple of months ago, he started going with some friends to a Pentecostal Tabernacle church quite a distance away from where we live. His friend’s parents take a few kids whenever they have a special youth event on. I never really had a problem with our son going to those events once in a while, but now he wants to go to their youth group and ditch the one at our church. He also wants to go to their Sunday services instead of going to the one at our church. Both my husband and I are a little leery about the stuff they teach at this church. We’ve never gone but some of our friends have told us that it’s pretty out there. Lots of emotional manipulation, always talking about money, and apparently they want everyone who goes to this church to “speak in tongues”. It almost seems kind of cultish and as parents, we just don’t want our son getting involved with a bunch of whacky religious fanatics. And yet, I wonder if we’re being too overprotective. I mean, it’s not like he’s out there doing drugs and getting wasted with a bunch of hoodlums off the street. Maybe some other parents, or teens, could give us some advice? Do we forbid him from going to this church or should we just relax?”

  • Free For All - Comedy Clips - Emails - Whatever!
    Didn’t get through during an earlier talkback segment? Need to vent about a guest we had today? Well now’s your opportunity! Call in and talk about whatever you’d like, or just sit back and enjoy some chuckles and random ramblings and even the odd email from both fans and critics alike!

    **Send us Your Suggestions** They don’t need to be "Christian" but they need to be clean & suitable for radio! Click Here to send us your Clean Comedy Clip!

Right-click here to bookmark or copy a link to this show May 23, 2009

Special Guests

  • Chuck Woolery — Iconic TV Game Show Host
    Easily one of television’s most recognized game show hosts, Chuck Woolery was the original host of Wheel of Fortune, but then went on to host The Love Connection, The Dating Game, Greed and Lingo.

  • Wendy Gritter — National Director of New Direction Ministries Of Canada
    This segment is brought to you by Billy Graham's Soul Chat! A place where conversations can begin, where a community can be built - go to www.soulchat.ca.

    Bridging the Gap: Conversations on Befriending Our Gay Neighbours is an interactive DVD resource put out by New Direction. Intended to be a catalyst for courageous conversations and fearless, love-based relational engagement with gay neighbours, BTG seeks to address prevalent questions, attitudes, and hang-ups that keep Christ followers from hanging out and being 'Jesus with skin on' for the gay people in their circle of influence. Visit the BTG blog. for more information and an ongoing conversation about the project.

    Is it actually possible to live a gay lifestyle and follow Christ?
    The question is not, “Can someone struggle with same-sex attraction and still follow Christ?” Rather, “Can someone full on embrace a gay/lesbian lifestyle and still consider themselves to be a fully devoted follower of Christ?” For some, it’s hard to understand how a God of love would condemn a same sex couple genuinely committed to each other in love. For others, they feel that the gay/lesbian individual who is pouring over Scripture and authentically trying to follow Christ, will eventually hit a wall of conviction and thereby forced to make a choice. Once and for all, let’s get all the cards out on the table. It seems like people are becoming more and more “understanding” when it comes to same sex attraction, but is there a hard line when it comes to Christians?

Talkback, etc.

  • The Counsel Of Many!
    Brought to you by family lawyer Dawn Bennett.
    With a reputation built on Trust, Respect and Integrity, protecting your family's interests is Dawn's primary concern. Visit bennettlaw.ca today.
    Need Help or Advice On An Issue In Your Life?
    Tell us your situation and Drew will ask the listeners of TDMS!
    This week on the Counsel Of Many: a lady wants to know if she's the only one out there who feels that her faith wouldn't survive if her daughter was abducted, sexually tortured and raped.
    “My husband and I were talking about the recent news about the Tori Stafford case. Horrible, horrible story. Then as most parents, we began talking about what would happen if our 8 year old daughter was abducted, sexually tortured then murdered. My husband said that God would help us get through it and I said that if God allowed something like that to happen, then God and I would have a serious problem. As a matter of fact, I just couldn’t believe in a God that would allow such horrible things to happen to an innocent child. So, the bottom line is that as I’ve thought about it, I guess I’m saying that my faith wouldn’t survive this sort of horrific tragedy. Am I the only one? Does this make me a pathetic Christian?”

  • Do you think it’s good to be a Christian in North America these days or not?
    Apparently it was the Christians who helped Kris Allen beat Adam Lambert in American Idol this week. A recent Macleans article claims that 72% of Canadians say they have a “generally favourable opinion” of Christianity. At the other end of the spectrum, Islam scored the lowest favourability rating at just 28 per cent. Yet it appears that Miss California lost the Miss USA pageant when she said she wasn’t in favour of gay marriages because it wasn’t Biblical. (She is, however, in favour of increasing her cup size to enhance her topless photo shoots.) So, do you think Christians are getting a bad rap? Persecuted even? Also joining us is Andrew Grenville, Chief Research Strategist for Angus Reid Strategies.

  • Free For All - Comedy Clips - Emails - Whatever!
    Didn’t get through during an earlier talkback segment? Need to vent about a guest we had today? Well now’s your opportunity! Call in and talk about whatever you’d like, or just sit back and enjoy some chuckles and random ramblings and even the odd email from both fans and critics alike!

    **Send us Your Suggestions** They don’t need to be "Christian" but they need to be clean & suitable for radio! Click Here to send us your Clean Comedy Clip!

    Also joining us live in studio for a long over due visit, from our Five Churches Experiment, Sabrina The Pagan and Taylor The Agnostic. We’ll catch up with these guys and find out what’s going on in their spiritual lives

Right-click here to bookmark or copy a link to this show May 16, 2009

Special Guests

  • Pat Boone — International Recording Artist, Actor & Author
    This Hollywood icon has really done it all folks! Singer, actor, TV host, producer, songwriter, author, motivational speaker, TV pitchman, radio personality, record company head, TV station owner, sports team owner, family man, humanitarian, and a man unafraid to air his views. Pat Boone is the #10 all time top recording artist! An updated pictorial autobiography, Pat Boone’s America 50 Years has recently joined the line of more than a dozen autobiographical and motivational books he's done. You can hear him on two nationally syndicated radio shows, The Music of Your Life and The Pat Boone Show. Boone’s original teen idol success, not to mention his classic boy-next-door good looks, attracted Hollywood’s interest, leading to Boone starring in 14 movies, alongside the likes of Ann Margaret, James Mason, Debby Reynolds and Tony Curtis. At one point, he was the main competition for Elvis Presley. Pat soon became the youngest person to have his own weekly musical variety show. He also became an accomplished TV pitchman, especially for Chevrolet. (They sure could use him now!!)

  • Kevin Newman — Anchor of Global National
    A new Christian Church is on the rise. It’s young, hip, increasingly urban and its influence is growing. With traditional church attendance dwindling, these emerging evangelical groups are experiencing double-digit growth with their 21st century spin on conservative Christian values. In the documentary REVEALED: HIP 2 B HOLY, Global National anchor Kevin Newman explores Canada’s growing evangelical underground. It will be telecast on Global Television on Monday, May 25 at 10pm et/pt , 9pm central, 8pm AB and Maritimes.

  • Glen Soderholm — Christian Recording Artist
    This segment is brought to you by Billy Graham's Soul Chat! A place where conversations can begin, where a community can be built - go to www.soulchat.ca.
    Glen is a singer-songwriter & worship leader who has released five recordings: In the Belly of the Fish (1997), By Faint Degrees (2000), Rest (2003), World Without End (2006), and his latest release, This Bright Sadness. Glen’s music has been inspired by the likes of Bruce Cockburn, Paul Simon, Mark Heard, and Shawn Colvin and is distributed by Signpost Music out of Winnipeg, Manitoba - a unique Canadian distributor of quality independent music. (Including Carolyn Arends, Jacob Moon, and Fergus Marsh). Signpost was founded by fellow artist and two-time Juno award winning, Steve Bell. Glen travels throughout Canada to consult, perform, teach, and lead others in worship. His passion also extends to helping other organizations through charitable efforts. He has participated in disaster relief fundraisers as well as being an active Artist Associate with World Vision where he promotes their child sponsorship program.

  • Trish Ryan — Author of HE LOVES ME, HE LOVES ME NOT: A Memoir of Finding Faith, Hope and Happily Ever After
    This hilarious, honest, and thoughtful memoir is the story of how one woman’s search for the right guy turned into the search for the right God, and (spoiler alert!) how she ended up with the happily-ever-after ending. Trish was the quintessential successful thirty-something woman. She had a career as an attorney, a nice car, and a succession of men clamouring for her affection, but the things by which she defined her life continually left her disappointed, especially when it came to dating. Like the heroines of chick-lit novels, she couldn't escape her bad luck with men: men who cheated, who left her, who made her a lesser version of herself. After years of trying everything out there to make love work—new age philosophy, feminist empowerment, self-help programs—she finally, hesitantly, decided to give God a try.

Talkback, etc.

  • The Counsel Of Many!
    Brought to you by family lawyer Dawn Bennett. With a reputation built on Trust, Respect and Integrity, protecting your family's interests is Dawn's primary concern. Visit bennettlaw.ca today.
    Need Help or Advice On An Issue In Your Life?
    Tell us your situation and Drew will ask the listeners of TDMS!
    This week on the Counsel Of Many: a woman has become really close with a guy on Facebook and wants to begin dating him but just found out that he’s ugly. Should she give him a chance or just forget it?
    “I’m an 18 year old girl and a month back me and another 18 year old guy formed a strong friendship over Facebook via constant emailing and chatting. We have become very close and his personality is perfect for me. We have really strong feelings for each other and have decided to meet up to get to know each other better. This is purely for marriage potentially, we're not playing around. However I’ve just seen his pictures and, no offence to him at all but, he’s not so good looking (well below average). My sister saw his photos and came to me protesting, saying 'You're so beautiful you could do so much better' and telling me she thinks he’s ugly and stuff. I don't know what to do guys?! Do I meet him and give it a go, or find another good Christian guy who looks at least average? Looks aren't important, sure, but when the person is considerably below average...well?”

  • What should Father Cutie do?
    A famous priest and media personality, who has been nicknamed “Father Oprah” because of his popular advice column, has been caught by the paparazzi frolicking on a beach with a woman. Father Alberto Cutie says he’s now thinking about leaving the Catholic Church for the woman he’s been secretly involved with for two years, after a Spanish magazine recently posted pictures of the couple kissing and hugging on a beach. So should he leave the priesthood and marry his girlfriend? Should he break up with his girlfriend and renew his vows? Should the Catholic Church ask Father Cutie to step down because he broke his vows of celibacy? Should the Catholic Church abandon their doctrine of celibacy? Should Father Cutie at least change his last name?? Click here to watch an interview with Father Cutie.

  • Free For All - Comedy Clips - Emails - Whatever!
    Didn’t get through during an earlier talkback segment? Need to vent about a guest we had today? Well now’s your opportunity! Call in and talk about whatever you’d like, or just sit back and enjoy some chuckles and random ramblings and even the odd email from both fans and critics alike!

    **Send us Your Suggestions** They don’t need to be "Christian" but they need to be clean & suitable for radio! Click Here to send us your Clean Comedy Clip!

Right-click here to bookmark or copy a link to this show May 9, 2009

Special Guests


  • Rachel Barkey
    Rachel is a 37 year old wife and mother of two young children who, after four and a half years of fighting breast cancer, has recently been diagnosed with terminal cancer. What’s it like to possibly be facing your last Mother’s Day with your husband and kids? What kinds of things do you spiritually wrestle with? When do you stop praying for healing, or do you?

Talkback, etc.

  • The Counsel Of Many!
    Brought to you by family lawyer Dawn Bennett. With a reputation built on Trust, Respect and Integrity, protecting your family's interests is Dawn's primary concern. Visit bennettlaw.ca today.
    Need Help or Advice On An Issue In Your Life?
    Tell us your situation and Drew will ask the listeners of TDMS!
    a mother wants to know if it’s okay to kick her teenage daughter out of the house or would that make her a bad mother?

    "I’m a single mother of two older teenage girls. We all live with my parents and I’m at a bit of a crisis point in my life. My oldest girl has been giving us a really hard time. I guess it all culminated a few weeks ago when I was downstairs in bed and heard all this commotion upstairs. When I got upstairs, my daughter was about to smash the door knob off my other daughter’s door because she wanted her stereo back. When I tried to break up the fight and calm things down, she pretty much started to punch me and fight me. I just curled up into a ball to protect myself. My parents called the police and when they got there, she started swearing at them and told them that I had abused her and hit her. Thankfully, the police who came knew my daughter from another incident where she was caught being drunk at an underage party the week before, so they didn’t believe her. I told them that I was afraid and didn’t really want my daughter to stay there that night, so they took her to prison for the night, thinking it would shake her up and give her a reality check. It didn’t. While she was in the cell, she ripped up the thin foam mattress they have on the bed and shoved the pieces into the toilet in the cell then flushed it. The police don’t know what to do. I don’t know what to do. I’m thinking about kicking her out then having the locks changed. Should I? It just all makes me feel like a really bad mother. Am I?"

  • Did you like The Shack or not?
    Some people love the book. Some people absolutely hate it. Some say it’s been a huge positive influence on their spiritual life. Some have protested the author’s speaking events or spoken out publicly warning others of the books "heresies". Where do you stand on The Shack? And if you have a question for the author, give us a shout and Drew will ask Paul on your behalf.

  • Free For All - Comedy Clips - Emails - Whatever!
    Didn’t get through during an earlier talkback segment? Need to vent about a guest we had today? Well now’s your opportunity! Call in and talk about whatever you’d like, or just sit back and enjoy some chuckles and random ramblings and even the odd email from both fans and critics alike!

    **Send us Your Suggestions** They don’t need to be "Christian" but they need to be clean & suitable for radio! Click Here to send us your Clean Comedy Clip!

Right-click here to bookmark or copy a link to this show May 2, 2009

Special Guests

Talkback, etc.

  • The Counsel Of Many!
    Brought to you by family lawyer Dawn Bennett. With a reputation built on Trust, Respect and Integrity, protecting your family's interests is Dawn's primary concern. Visit bennettlaw.ca today.
    Need Help or Advice On An Issue In Your Life?
    Tell us your situation and Drew will ask the listeners of TDMS!

    This week on the Counsel Of Many: a husband wants to know how many times a week other married couples are having sex!

    "My wife and I have been married for 10 years and it seems like our sex life has absolutely crashed. And before anyone thinks that I’m just another male complaining about not getting sex everyday, just hear me out. My wife thinks that if we have sex MAYBE once a week, on average, then that’s perfectly normal. I guess she’s talked with her girlfriends about this and according to them, once a week is what everyone else is doing. I definitely think that once a week is not normal. Sure, there are some weeks that I could go for it everyday, but I was thinking that at least three times a week is more along the lines of what other couples are doing. And for all the wives who are thinking that I must be doing something wrong or that I’m not loving on my wife throughout the week, I just wanted to say... I AM! I’d like to ask your listeners to be bold enough to call in and let’s do a little survey here. How many times a week are other couples having sex? Then maybe my wife and I can sort this out once and for all!"

  • Free For All - Comedy Clips - Emails - Whatever!
    Didn’t get through during an earlier talkback segment? Need to vent about a guest we had today? Well now’s your opportunity! Call in and talk about whatever you’d like, or just sit back and enjoy some chuckles and random ramblings and even the odd email from both fans and critics alike!

    **Send us Your Suggestions** They don’t need to be "Christian" but they need to be clean & suitable for radio! Click Here to send us your Clean Comedy Clip!

Right-click here to bookmark or copy a link to this show April 25, 2009

Special Guests

  • Tal Bachman — Juno Award Winning Singer / Songwriter
    Tal’s blog issues the following warning: "A blog devoted to truth, beauty, sanity, and inordinate amounts of sarcasm. Warning: This site can induce indignant outrage, laughter, hope, despair, joy, sorrow, cursing, pity, hatred, twitterpation, the revision of long-held beliefs, the reinforcement of long-held beliefs, and a desire to visit over and over again." As the son of legendary guitarist Randy Bachman from The Guess Who and Bachman Turner Overdrive ("Takin’ Care Of Business"), Tal was raised in a musical family and taught himself to play guitar. He went on to study political philosophy, but soon quit school and returned to his native Vancouver in 1995 to begin writing songs. His self-titled debut scored a smash hit with "She's So High." Tal was recently featured in Bill Maher’s mocumentary Religulous as an ex-Mormon.

  • Brian McConaghy — RCMP Forensic Scientist & Child Human Trafficking Expert
    This interview is brought to you by Billy Graham's Soul Chat! A place where conversations can begin, where a community can be built - go to www.soulchat.ca.
    Brian has played a key role in apprehending Canadian men who have traveled overseas for the purposes of raping child prostitutes. His heart has changed forever seeing what he sees, so Brian founded The Ratanak Foundation, bringing life to the killing fields of Cambodia. In 1994 the Royal Canadian Mounted Police recognized the work of the "Ratanak Project" and presented Brian McConaghy with the Commissioner's Commendation for outstanding service for his humanitarian efforts. In 1997, on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen, the Governor General of Canada honoured Brian with the Meritorious Service Medal. Five years later in December, 2002, Brian was again honoured and decorated with the Queen's Golden Jubilee Medal.

  • Marie Barlow Martin — Star of Musical Theatre & Recording Artist
    With roles in such award-winning productions as Annie, Lost In Yonkers, West Side Story, and Guys & Dolls, Marie won critical acclaim for not only her vocal skills, but her acting prowess. Her performances were so good in fact, that after her alcoholic husband had beaten her mercilessly during rehearsals for a Gilbert and Sullivan production that Marie was starring in she went on with the show, without anyone knowing the extent of her injuries. Feeling trapped in a marriage gone awry, Marie continued to cry out to God, yet the physical abuse began to worsen. At one point, she was beaten so severely that her ear drum was perforated - something that could have been disastrous for a vocalist. But miraculously, Marie found the courage to finally leave the dangerous situation, and though scars and injuries remain to this day, her ability to sing has never been hampered. With all that she’s been through - from the highest highs of a budding Broadway career to the lowest lows of being abused and battered - Marie has learned the value of dispelling silence with song, and darkness with light. And for women who are similarly trapped in abusive relationships, Marie gives one word of advice - talk.

  • Michael Leahy — Author of Porn @ Work
    Michael is a husband, father and recovering sex addict. As an author and expert on sexual addiction and the sexualization of our culture, Michael has inspired millions through appearances in major media outlets and speaking engagements at colleges around the world. Michael was first exposed to porn at age 11. Over the next 30 years, his relationship with pornography continued to grow before escalating into a full blown sexual addiction and culminating in an affair that cost him a 15 year marriage, his family of 2 boys, and a promising business partnership, bringing him to the brink of bankruptcy and suicide. Now, ten years into recovery, Michael publicly shares his redemptive story of how he fought back to overcome North America’s #1 but least talked about addiction.


  • Steve & Chris
    A couple coping with the challenges of having a son diagnosed with Autism and a wife diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, has to be wondering what they did to deserve this. And then there’s the lady who told Chris to pray to God to forgive the sin that apparently caused her MS!!!

Talkback, etc.

  • The Counsel Of Many!
    Brought to you by family lawyer Dawn Bennett.
    With a reputation built on Trust, Respect and Integrity, protecting your family's interests is Dawn's primary concern. Visit bennettlaw.ca today.
    Need Help or Advice On An Issue In Your Life?
    Tell us your situation and Drew will ask the listeners of TDMS!
    This week on the Counsel Of Many: a wife wants to know if she should leave her husband because he punched her in the face during a heated argument recently. And if she does leave, should she take the kids?
    "I don’t want to say too much because I’m scared that someone might hear this and figure out who I am. Basically, a week or so ago, my husband and I got into a massive argument and he punched me in the face. He only punched me once and almost immediately apologized. He knew that what he did was wrong right away. He’s always had a bit of a temper but he’s never punched me before. There’s just been a fair bit of yelling and getting right up in my face. I told a friend and she thinks I should leave him, but I’m not sure if that’s the right thing to do. She asked the people in her Bible study group to pray for me and they all think I should leave him as well. The pastor from our church called and left a message asking me to call him back. I really don’t know what to do. Part of me thinks that this all just happened because of the heat of the moment and that leaving could be just an over-reaction. Maybe he’s had a huge wake up call. The other part of me is scared that my husband might explode again, and hit me again, especially now that he’s crossed that line. And if I do leave, for how long? And do I take the kids? That’s what some people are telling me I should do. I’m really scared and confused."

    li>Free For All - Comedy Clips - Emails - Whatever!
    Didn’t get through during an earlier talkback segment? Need to vent about a guest we had today? Well now’s your opportunity! Call in and talk about whatever you’d like, or just sit back and enjoy some chuckles and random ramblings and even the odd email from both fans and critics alike!

    **Send us Your Suggestions** They don’t need to be "Christian" but they need to be clean & suitable for radio! Click Here to send us your Clean Comedy Clip!

Right-click here to bookmark or copy a link to this show April 18, 2009

Special Guests

    "As many of you know, for the last week of Lent Drew gave up his sight. From Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday he placed specially made contact lenses over his eyes which completely blocked his vision. As you can imagine, he's been asked many times "Why?"

    "Aside from having great admiration for the visually impaired, I've often thought that being an overly visual North American male has meant that I've missed out on the more subtle movements of God. My sight has always gotten in the way of my spiritual growth, because of issues with either trust or lust. So maybe just maybe, with the absence of sight might come a more attuned sense of the quiet whispers of the Holy? Being blind for an entire week was by far one of the most mind blowing experiences I've ever had."

    Today, Drew will debrief about his blind experience with a few blind celebrities.

    (We've begun posting video clips from each day of Drew’s week of Blind Sacrifice.
    * Click here to follow this unbelievably unique experience! *)

  • Cristie Healey — Widow of Juno Award Winner Jeff Healey
    Cristie was married to one of the world’s most legendary guitar players who also happens to be blind. Jeff passed away from Cancer on March 8, 2008 at the age of 41, leaving behind their three year old son, Derek. Over the years Jeff had played with the likes of Stevie Ray Vaughan, Buddy Guy, BB King, ZZ Top & Eric Clapton.

  • Tom Sullivan — Actor, Author, Speaker
    Born prematurely in 1947, Tom was given too much oxygen while in an incubator. Though it saved his life, it cost him his eyesight. Tom's memoir, If You Could See What I Hear, was turned into a major motion picture. Tom taught Ben Affleck to be blind in the movie Daredevil and over the years he's made a number of guest starring appearances in shows such as Designing Women, Highway To Heaven, Fame, M*A*S*H, Mork & Mindy, and WKRP In Cincinnati. Tom moved audiences singing with Dellas Reese on Touched by an Angel and his appearance on The Oprah Winfrey Show with wonder child Mattie Stepanek was unforgettable! He gained national reputation over 5 years as a special correspondent for Good Morning America along with 60 Tonight Show appearances starring Johnny Carson. Tom has sung the National Anthem at the Super Bowl and he's written eight books, including his most recent, Adventures in Darkness. Tom Sullivan is a member of the National Wrestling Hall of Fame, he was honoured with the 2004 Will Rogers Lifetime Achievement Memorial Award. Former honourees include Carol Burnett, Bob Hope, Lucille Ball and Jimmy Stewart. Tom snow skis, shoots mid 80 golf, competes in marathons and triathlons, water skis and occasionally bungee jumps. TRY THAT BLIND! Along with Helen Keller, Tom is the only recipient of a Lifetime Achievement Award from The American Foundation for the Blind.

  • Blind Boys of Alabama — Grammy Award Winners
    This interview is brought to you by Billy Graham's Soul Chat! A place where conversations can begin, where a community can be built - go to www.soulchat.ca.

    Ricky McKinnie is the drummer for the Grammy Award Winning, Soul-Gospel Group... "The Blind Boys Of Alabama." They've been on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno and Late Night with David Letterman. Their founding member, Clarence Fountain, has also been a previous guest on TDMS.

Talkback, etc.

  • The Counsel Of Many!
    Brought to you by family lawyer Dawn Bennett. With a reputation built on Trust, Respect and Integrity, protecting your family's interests is Dawn's primary concern. Visit bennettlaw.ca today.
    Need Help or Advice On An Issue In Your Life?
    Tell us your situation and Drew will ask the listeners of TDMS!

    This week on the Counsel Of Many: a gentleman from Rwanda wants to know if there should be such a thing as "rich Christians"?

    "Being in Rwanda or any other country with huge amounts of poor hungry people, makes me wonder what our personal responsibly to give to the poor should be? I know the Bible says we should give to the poor, and Jesus tells us not to store up treasures here on earth. However, I could literally give away everything and people would still be asking. And then I also wouldn’t be in any position to help others. When I was in Canada I would rarely give to panhandlers, instead I would opt to give to an organization who helps those people and I’d volunteer there as well. But here in Rwanda there are many people who have no access to absolutely any help. At the same time, all the Aid money that comes in, causes huge stereotypes of any white person. They think if you are white, then you have tons of money, with access to plenty more. We also have friends here who won't believe us when we tell them that there’s actually such a thing as a poor white person! SO... why then are there so many rich Christians? And should there even be such a thing as a "rich Christian?"

  • Do you think the Pope is someone we should hold in higher esteem than any other pastor, minister or priest - or human for that matter?
    Last week Drew was accused of picking on the Pope because he felt the Pope should take the high ground in the controversy surrounding whether or not he should wear his cross during his visit at the Western Wall in Jerusalem. So this week we thought we’d just ask, straight up... Isn’t there enough worship of man, even in the Protestant Evangelical scene? What’s with all the mega church pastor worship or the worship singer worship? Should Catholics really be elevating any human above any other human? Doesn’t that sort of go against the "priesthood of all believers" scripture in 1 Peter 2:9?

  • What advice would you give to the Obamas in their quest to find a new church to attend?
    Now here’s a guy with a serious problem finding a church! Should he choose an historically black congregation or not? That didn’t work too well for him last time. Should he attend a mega-church so he can get lost in the crowd or a smaller one with probably not much of a youth ministry for his girls? Don’t forget, the mega type churches tend to be evangelical, anti-same sex marriage and anti-abortion? That might go over too well with his celebrity donors. So what advice would you give to the First Family? What would you look for in a church?

  • Attention All Christian Music Lovers!!!
    Give us a call and request your favourite Christian tune and Drew will try to find it on the station’s system. We’ll give it a spin, but if Drew doesn’t like it - XXX! It's gone and so are you! However, if you request a song that Drew ends up actually liking, we’ll send you a prize! Maybe a copy of the latest release from Marilyn Manson, OR maybe the Greatest Hits from these guys.

  • Free For All - Comedy Clips - Emails - Whatever!
    Didn’t get through during an earlier talkback segment? Need to vent about a guest we had today? Well now’s your opportunity! Call in and talk about whatever you’d like, or just sit back and enjoy some chuckles and random ramblings and even the odd email from both fans and critics alike!

    **Send us Your Suggestions** They don’t need to be "Christian" but they need to be clean & suitable for radio! Click Here to send us your Clean Comedy Clip!

Right-click here to bookmark or copy a link to this show April 11, 2009

Special Guests

  • Drew's Blind Sacrifice
    "For the last week of lent I’ve decided to give up my sight. From Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday I will be placing specially made contact lenses over my eyes which will prevent me from seeing anything. As you can imagine, I’ve been asked many times... "Why?" A few reasons come to mind. Primarily though, I’ve often thought that being an overly visual North American male has meant that I’ve missed out on the more subtle movements of God. My sight has always gotten in the way of my spiritual growth, either through trust or lust. So maybe... just maybe, with the absence of sight might come a more attuned sense of the quiet whispers of the Holy? Please pray for my sanity, my self discipline and for the patience of my family!" Your friendly neighbourhood broadcaster, Drew
    Drew has posted daily video updates this week. Click here to view them! Tune in each day and follow this unbelievably unique experience!

  • Ruth Crandall — Wife and Mother Battling Cancer
    Last year, Drew stayed with Ruth and her family while visiting Scotland. As he got to know this incredible woman, he soon realized that her story needed to be shared with our listeners. Ruth, her husband, Ty, and daughter, Katy, have been living the highs and lows of a family afflicted with cancer. When Drew asked both Katy and her mom whether they were ready for Ruth to die, Drew was astounded at their answers...

  • Michael "Bull" Roberts — Former Gang Member
    Abused both physically and sexually as a child, growing up in foster homes, in and out of trouble with the law; at age 16 Bull was tried as an adult and deemed criminally insane. By the age of 34, 6’ 4", 450 pounds, and covered from head to toe in tattoos, Bull had become one of Edmonton’s most wanted gang members. In 2008 he reached the top of organized crime in Alberta, in control of the drug trafficking from Edmonton to Nunavut. Bull tells us his journey from "Cold, Heartless Beast" to finding God on the floor of a hotel room.

  • Ellis Good — Losing wife of 60 years to Alzheimer's
    Geneva Good is 81 years old and has been married to Ellis for almost 60 years. Drew met Ellis during his visit to Salt Lake City a few weeks ago. Ellis shared with Drew his frustration at watching helplessly as the love of his life fades away before his very eyes. "Why would God allow such a horrible thing to happen to a woman who has served and loved Jesus all of her life?"
    This interview is brought to you by Billy Graham's Soul Chat! A place where conversations can begin, where a community can be built - go to:

  • Lisa Elliot — Mother of teen diagnosed with Leukemia
    Lisa’s son, Ben, was recently diagnosed with leukemia and life for the Elliot family has changed forever. Both of Ben’s parents are in full-time ministry (Ben’s father is a pastor) yet this Easter, Ben’s health could take a turn for the worst at any moment. Not knowing if their son will be healed or have to be admitted into the hospital again has caused this "Christian" family to question their belief system on more than one occasion.

Talkback, etc.

  • The Counsel Of Many!
    Brought to you by family lawyer Dawn Bennett. With a reputation built on Trust, Respect and Integrity, protecting your family's interests is Dawn's primary concern. Visit bennettlaw.ca today.
    Need Help or Advice On An Issue In Your Life?
    Tell us your situation and Drew will ask the listeners of TDMS!

    This week on the Counsel Of Many: a wife wants to know if she should take her teenage boys to church this Easter even though her husband forbids it.

    "I’m married to a wonderful man whom I really love and respect. However, I guess you would call him an atheist as he doesn’t believe in God and thinks all religions are a complete waste of time. This has meant that I have been going to church by myself for the last number of years, because he doesn’t want our two boys to go with me. As much as this saddens me, out of respect for him, I haven’t pushed the issue. However, recently I’ve been thinking that my teenage boys could really benefit from coming to church with me. My pastor has asked the congregation to bring a guest this Easter Sunday. I’d love to bring my boys but my husband has already said no. Should I disobey my husband and bring them anyway or would it be more honouring to God to honour my husband?"

  • Do you think the Pope should refrain from wearing his cross while visiting the Western Wall in Jerusalem?
    There have been calls for the Pope to remove his cross during his upcoming visit to the Wailing Wall as a sign of respect to the Jewish culture. But some feel that the Pope needs to be true to whom he serves and that it’s the Jews who need to lighten up. What do you think the leader of the Catholic Church should do? And while we’re at it, should Christians wear various religious garments (like the Jewish Yamaka) while attending various religious ceremonies, or do you feel this is akin to "selling out?"

  • Prayer Requests
    Today we’ve heard a number of real life stories from people living messy lives with a real God in the middle of it. With tens of thousands of listeners around the world, we would like to finish our Easter Special by opening up the phone lines and giving you an opportunity to share a bit of your mess. The TDMS listeners would consider it honour to pray for you this weekend.

Right-click here to bookmark or copy a link to this show April 4, 2009

Special Guests

  • Jeff Allen — Comedian
    Jeff has performed in Los Vegas and on every US cable comedy show. He’s worked with Jerry Seinfeld, The Smothers Brothers, Barbara Mandrell and James Brown. He’s been on Comedy Central's Premium Blend, Showtime, and VH1's Standup Spotlight. Jeff regularly performs at the Grand Ole Opry and has performed at Montreal's Just For Laughs International Comedy Festival.
    This interview is brought to you by Billy Graham's Soul Chat! A place where conversations can begin, where a community can be built - go to .

  • Ron Pearson — Comedian
    This guy has done it all! From The George Lopez Show, That 70s Show, The Drew Carey Show, Malcolm & Eddie and Boston Legal to warming up studio audiences for shows like According To Jim, and appearances on talk shows like The Dennis Miller Show, The Late, Late Show and Comedy Central.

  • Brad Stine — Comedian
    Known for his edgy social commentary, Brad has been featured on NBC Nightly News, CNN Paula Zahn Now, FOX News, Hannity & Colmes Show, Tucker Carlson Show , MTV's Half Hour Comedy Hour, Showtime's Comedy Club Network, A&E's Caroline's Comedy Hour, Evening at the Improv, and Comedy on the Road - as well as having a 10 page profile in the New Yorker Magazine. Brad Stine is here to save the world from WUSSIFICATION – one politically-correct, offended person at a time!

  • Anthony Griffith — Comedian
    Emmy-Award winner Anthony Griffith has made his living in comedy clubs and appearances on television sitcoms and drama specials. He’s been a frequent guest on The Tonight Show as well as HBO, Comedy Central, and The Bernie Mac Show. Hard work was rewarded in the nineties with an appearance on Ed McMahon’s Star Search, The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson, HBO and Showtime. Anthony has also landed quite a few acting roles in films like Tales from the Hood, Panther, The Curve, Curb Your Enthusiasm, and the television drama Our Father where he was awarded an Emmy.

  • Kerri Pomarolli — Comedian, Author & Candace Cameron Wanna-be!
    Kerri is our favourite Hollywood Correspondent and her husband Ron is the world's funniest "Half Korean - Half Irish.”

Talkback, etc.

  • The Counsel Of Many!
    Brought to you by family lawyer Dawn Bennett. With a reputation built on Trust, Respect and Integrity, protecting your family's interests is Dawn's primary concern. Visit bennettlaw.ca today.
    Need Help or Advice On An Issue In Your Life?
    Tell us your situation and Drew will ask the listeners of TDMS!

    This week on the Counsel Of Many: a man wants to know if he should leave his church because his pastor’s wife got a boob job!

    “Recently, I guess because spring has arrived and our clothing choices have changed, we’ve noticed something different about our Pastor’s wife. She’s had a boob job! An upper deck enhancement, augmentation, lift, implants! And then I found out that my wife and most of the women in the church already knew! They’ve kept it a secret amongst themselves, like they’re a private members club! I only realized because of the change in clothing and the fact that it wasn’t quite warm enough for her choice of top that day, if you know what I mean. Personally, I don’t think any women needs to have it done and for the most part it’s done out of insecurity or immaturity. But I certainly don’t think that the Pastor’s wife should be getting plastic surgery. It just seems a little vain in the first place, so for someone in spiritual leadership to be succumbing to the recent cosmetic surgery trends… for what? I have a hard enough time NOT looking at women’s breasts. The last thing I need is to be tempted to sneak a peak at my pastor’s wife’s new cup size! Am I out of line on this? The women my wife has talked too don’t seem to have as much of a problem with it as I do. Oh, and here’s the other thing… I really, really hope that my tithes haven’t gone to (as Arnold would say) “Pump… her up!” I guess it’s too late to say something but should I? Is this something worth leaving a church over?”

  • Two Funny Guys… and Drew
    Seeing as how we’re celebrating April Fool’s day, we thought we’d actually get some funny people on the show for a change! Joining Drew for most, part or all of the show today are two very funny guys, Darryl McWaters and David White. Listen as these two guys teach Drew the finer elements of funny!

  • Useless Television Trivia
    By far THE most popular segment on our show. We play theme songs from old television shows, you call in to guess which TV show the song is from – and if you're right, YOU WIN ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

Right-click here to bookmark or copy a link to this show March 28, 2009

Special Guests

  • Susan E. Isaacs — Hollywood Actress & Author
    Maybe you've seen Susan in the John Candy - Steve Martin comedy classic Planes, Trains, and Automobiles or television shows such as Seinfeld, The Drew Carey Show, My Name is Earl, Providence, Crossing Jordan, Diagnosis Murder, Lois & Clark, Married With Children, Quantum Leap, and The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Oh ya... she wrote a book too, called Angry Conversations with God: A Snarky But Authentic Spiritual Memoir. This interview is brought to you by Billy Graham's Soul Chat! A place where conversations can begin, where a community can be built - go to www.soulchat.ca today.

  • Joel McCrary — Hollywood Actor
    Aside from playing roles in various hit TV shows like Boston Legal, The Bernie Mac Show, Cold Case, King Of The Hill, Judging Amy, Dharma & Greg, Malcolm In The Middle, Suddenly Susan, 3rd Rock From The Sun, and Seinfeld ... just to name a couple! ... Joel has just recently taken the lead role in a new satirical mocumentary about the rise and fall of America’s worst Christian pop group! This is actually pretty funny stuff, done in a sort of Ricky Gervais / The Office kind of format.

  • Jacob & Lily — Canadian Recording Artists
    Jacob and Lily are one of Canada’s newest must-see acts; catch them as they tour across North America, living the gypsy life in a 35 Ft RV, playing their unique and organic folk-roots blend. Incorporating the Cajon beat box, world percussion instruments and a partial drum kit, Caleb Friesen is the perfect compliment to Karla Adolphe’s powerful voice and award winning songwriting. In just two short years Jacob and Lily have played over 300 shows and performed at some of Canada’s most prestigious festivals. And yes, the name of the band is not an accurate representation of their real names!

  • Dr. Stanley Porter — Dean of McMaster Divinity College & Author of Unmasking The Pagan Christ
    On April 1 and 2, a VisionTV special explores the controversy sparked by author Tom Harpur’s bestseller The Pagan Christ. What if it could be proven that Jesus Christ never existed? Harpur, Canada’s best-known spiritual writer and broadcaster, believes the New Testament is based on myth and metaphor rather than historical fact. In The Pagan Christ, he concludes that Jesus never lived, that the Gospels are rooted in Egyptian mythology, and that the text was meant to be read allegorically. Dr. Stanley Porter, Dean of McMaster Divinity College, strongly disagrees with Harpur. In a 2006 book entitled Unmasking the Pagan Christ: An Evangelical Response to the Cosmic Christ Idea, they challenged Harpur’s controversial claims. On Wednesday, April 1 at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT, VisionTV presents the award-winning 2007 documentary The Pagan Christ, which explores Harpur’s arguments in detail. The following night, Thursday, April 2, at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT, the producing team behind The Pagan Christ revisits the controversy in a brand new hour-long documentary.


  • Bobby Schindler — Brother of Euthanasia Victim, Terry Schiavo
    The story of Terri Schiavo caused a massive uproar that garnered the attention of the worldwide media, the U.S. Congress, and even the office of the President of the United States. As the third anniversary of her death approaches, the ethical and cultural implications of her case are still being felt throughout society and continue to spark debate. Hosted by author and speaker Joni Eareckson Tada, who became personally involved in the case in 2005, The Terri Schiavo Story sheds new light on the controversial decision that led to the death of a 41-year-old disabled woman. Terri's brother, Bobby Schindler, was interviewed at length in the documentary and is now involved in helping families in similar circumstances through The Terri Schindler Schiavo Foundation. Schindler believes the truth about his sister's death has been distorted and hidden - until now. Schindler gave up his teaching job after Terri's death and became a full-time pro-life and disability right advocate. He has spoken out in defence of his sister's life on numerous national television and radio programs including Hannity & Colmes, Larry King Live, The Oprah Winfrey Show, The Glenn Beck Show, Good Morning America, The Early Show, The Today Show, and Dateline NBC.

Talkback, etc.

  • The Counsel Of Many!
    Brought to you by family lawyer Dawn Bennett. With a reputation built on Trust, Respect and Integrity, protecting your family's interests is Dawn's primary concern. Visit bennettlaw.ca today.
    Need Help or Advice On An Issue In Your Life?
    Tell us your situation and Drew will ask the listeners of TDMS!

    This week on the Counsel Of Many: A couple of weeks ago Drew mentioned during the show that he thinks he doesn’t love Jesus anymore. Got any advice for him?

    "I’m still trying to follow Him, but it just seems strange for me to love another guy whose invisible, you know what I’m saying? Maybe I’m the only guy with this problem? I’m sure there’s got to be perks to actually loving Jesus rather than just following Him, but in evaluating whether I really do"love" Jesus… I just don’t think I do anymore. And I don’t think I’ve loved Him for YEARS! Is there a trick to this? Am I missing something? Can you "follow" without loving? Maybe I just don’t understand what "love" really is? Is it primarily a guy problem here or is this an indicator of just how pathetic my spiritual life actually is?"

  • Do you see anything wrong with a Christian nudist park?
    Yes, you read that right. There is a Christian nudist park in New Hampshire. There’s also an entire online society of Christian naturists. Apparently, being completely naked can help some feel closer to their Creator. Some would say that Adam and Eve were originally created naked, so maybe we should get back to the Garden? One question though… anyone else a little terrified of seeing some of our Christian leaders naked? Joyce Meyer? Benny Hinn? John Hagee!!!!!
  • Free For All - Comedy Clips - Emails - Whatever!
    Need to vent about a guest we had today? Well now’s your opportunity! Call in and talk about whatever you’d like, or just sit back and enjoy some chuckles and random ramblings and even the odd email from both fans and critics alike!**Send us Your Suggestions** They don’t need to be "Christian" but they need to be clean & suitable for radio! Click Here to send us your Clean Comedy Clip!

Right-click here to bookmark or copy a link to this show March 21, 2009

Special Guests

  • Dionne Warwick — Grammy Award Winning Recording Artist
    Over the past four decades, Dionne Warwick has charted nearly sixty hits, including Walk On By, Alfie, That's What Friends Are For, Do You Know The Way To San Jose, I'll Never Fall In Love Again, and of course countless others. This Grammy Award winner has performed before numerous kings, queens, presidents, and heads of state. She has collaborated with many of her musical peers, including Johnny Mathis, Smokey Robinson, Luther Vandross, Burt Bacharach, Gladys Knight, Stevie Wonder, The Bee Gees, Barry Manilow and Elton John. Dionne of course hosted the hit television show Solid Gold for many years and has been given her own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

  • Dr. Grant Mullen — Medical Doctor, Speaker, Author
    Dr. Grant Mullen specializes in treating depression, manic depression, anxiety disorders and other emotional and mental disorders. He believes that spiritual and emotional issues are major factors in causing illnesses, believing that doctors must look beyond just the medical and physical aspects and consider the spiritual element in their treatment as well. Depression has become so prevalent that it is known as the 'common cold of psychological disorder.' More and more people are suffering from depression, anxiety and panic attacks. Some accept medication for help. Others insist that taking pills indicates a lack of faith in a God who heals. How can we know what course of action to pursue? Rather than limit those who seek help, Dr. Grant Mullen advocates a more balanced and comprehensive approach. This interview is brought to you by Billy Graham's Soul Chat! A place where conversations can begin, where a community can be built - go to www.soulchat.ca today.

  • Dr. Margaret Somerville — Professor of Ethics and Law
    As an ethicist, Professor Somerville deals with issues like euthanasia; the treatment of seriously disabled new-born babies; withdrawal of life-support treatment; abortion; prenatal genetic screening; new reproductive technologies; "designer babies"; human embryo stem cell research; cloning; "manimals" – embryos with both human and animal genes; artificial sperm and ova -- making embryos from two same-sex adults; synthetic biology; transplant tourism; xeno-transplantation – the use of animal organs in humans; capital punishment; the law and ethics governing armed conflict; the ethics of robotic warfare; same-sex marriage; polygamy; and so on. A returning guest, Margaret joins us as we explore the convoluted area where faith meets ethics, medicine, science, sociology and the law.

Talkback, etc.

  • The Counsel Of Many!
    Brought to you by family lawyer Dawn Bennett. With a reputation built on Trust, Respect and Integrity, protecting your family's interests is Dawn's primary concern. Visit bennettlaw.ca today.
    Need Help or Advice On An Issue In Your Life?
    Tell us your situation and Drew will ask the listeners of TDMS!

    This week on the Counsel Of Many: a lady from Scotland is having a really tough time comprehending how a loving God can send more people to hell than heaven.

    "I've really been struggling with the verse in Matthew chapter 7 about the wide and narrow roads/gates... it says that many will enter through the wide gate that leads to destruction and few will find the narrow gate? I think what I struggle most with is the fact that God has won the victory yet this verse says more will be in hell than in heaven?? I think I know the general Christian answer, that God's victory is in Jesus making it possible for everyone to be saved but it's really frustrating me that many people will be in hell never mind just one! It really makes me sad and I've been praying against this (I don't know if that's right to do) but just praying that God will change it... which seems silly as I know it says in Ezekiel something about, who is God that he would change his mind. But then there's the story where that guy asks God to save the city if only 40 good men then 30 down to 10... You know the one I mean? Even as I write this I know God already knows what will happen but as you can see I'm pretty confused and I know I don't really understand sin and really what Jesus accomplished on the cross... Does anyone have any thoughts?"

  • Does anyone else have a serious problem with the Pope saying that the distribution of condoms in Africa will only help to spread HIV/AIDS?
    Of course condoms are not the only answer to the spread of HIV/AIDS in Africa. However, it is quite clear that the use of them between infected and uninfected people reduces the risk of infection dramatically. So do you agree with the Catholic Church's stance on birth control, especially their disapproval of condom distribution in a continent ravaged by HIV/AIDS or are you left scratching your head, once again, wondering why won't this church and their "celibate" leaders back off from their anti-birth control legalism?

  • Do you think God really answers prayers?
    Seems like a fairly simple question, with probably a very simple answer, BUT, do you think that God really answers prayer? Or is there a chance that He's just not that interactive with us these days and that what we perceive as answered prayers might just be coincidences? Has He been answering your prayers? Just curious.

  • Free For All - Comedy Clips - Emails - Whatever!
    Need to vent about a guest we had today? Well now’s your opportunity! Call in and talk about whatever you’d like, or just sit back and enjoy some chuckles and random ramblings and even the odd email from both fans and critics alike!**Send us Your Suggestions** They don’t need to be "Christian" but they need to be clean & suitable for radio! Click Here to send us your Clean Comedy Clip!

Right-click here to bookmark or copy a link to this show March 14, 2009

Special Guests

  • Drew Marshall — Broadcaster, Voice-Over Artist, Speaker, Comedian, Potential Model etc. etc.
    Drew is the host of one of the most brilliant radio shows on the planet and without question could have easily made it as a male model, should he have chosen that career path! (He made us say that! Sorry...) Drew will be joining us by phone today, from Salt Lake City, Utah. Today we’ll find out if our Guest Host Melinda Estabrooks Williams can make him cry the way he made the Little Mermaid cry a couple of weeks ago! To have Melinda ask Drew your question, send us an email.

  • Dr. David Fitch — Author Of The Great Giveaway: Reclaiming the Mission of the Church
    David Fitch (PH.D. Northwestern University) is the church planter, and one of the pastors of Life on the Vine Christian Community, an emerging church of the Christian and Missionary Alliance in the NW Suburbs of Chicago IL (www.lifeonthevine.org). He also is the B R Lindner Chair of Evangelical Theology at Northern Seminary, Chicago IL. He is co-founder of up/rooted (up-rooted.blogspot.com) a collaborative friendship of pastors engaging postmodernity in the Chicagoland area and blogs at reclaimingthemission.com. He is a regular contributor to New-Wave E-Zine, Church and Postmodern Culture Blog, as well as Christianity Today’s Out of Ur Blog. He is a regular speaker on the topics of emerging church, evangelicalism, postmodernity and the challenges facing the church in North America. Dr. Fitch will be a guest at the upcoming "Evolving Church Conference" at The Meeting House in Oakville.

  • Eric Swanson — Author of Externally Focused Church
    Eric works with Leadership Network in Louisville, Colorado, as Leadership Community Director for Externally Focused Churches. He is also co-founder of GoodCities, a global movement focused on kingdom transformation. Eric has a passion for engaging churches to the needs and dreams of their communities, working toward spiritual and societal transformation. He’ll be speaking at the upcoming "Cross the Street Conference: Engaging your community with authentic faith" in Calgary, Alberta May 1-2, 2009. This interview is brought to you by Billy Graham's Soul Chat! A place where conversations can begin, where a community can be built - go to www.soulchat.ca today.

  • Brad Woods — Professional Storyteller
    Brad employs traditional tales, literary stories and personal experiences to create and perform anywhere people are willing to listen. He is as likely to tell a folk tale as he is to tell a Mark Twain story or expound on his desire to fly. Brad is a former board member of the Storytellers School of Toronto, the recipient of the 2002 Anne Smythe Travel Grant for Storytelling and was the 2004 Storyteller in Residence at the Guelph Civic Museum. In 2005 Brad was featured at the Yukon International Storytelling Festival in White Horse and in 2006 he was the first Canadian featured at the Los Angeles Storytelling Festival. In 2007 Brad released his first full length CD of original material and had a story in rotation on Talk Story Radio out of Hawaii. In 2008 he took his tales coast to coast, from Vancouver to New York City.

  • Emily Wierenga — Author Of Save My Children: The Story Of A Father’s Love
    Save My Children is the compelling story of a young couple from Alberta who became mother and father to over 800 abused and neglected children. Harvey and Elsie Jespersen had one desire: to provide a safe place for any child needing a family. This is a partly fictional retelling of the true story of the founders of Bethany Homes for Children. Between the years 1948 to 1991 the Jespersens fostered up to 55 children at any given time. Their home consisted of a set of old army barracks housed on 42 acres of Albertan farmland. Through hard work, determination and patience, the barracks were transformed into a place of refuge for generations of children. Refusing to take any payment, except what parents could afford, Harvey and Elsie depended solely on the power of prayer and God to meet their needs. Written in honour of Bethany Homes’ 60th Anniversary, Save My Children tells the heart-warming stories of love’s ability to mend hundreds of broken children through two open and willing hearts. Emily Wierenga is a freelance writer and artist who writes regularly for Christian Week, Faith Today and Adbusters. Her book Canvas Child was a finalist in the 2007 Castle Quay Books Best New Canadian Author contest. Emily is donating all proceeds from the sale of her books to support Bethany Home for Children.

Talkback, etc.

  • The Counsel Of Many!
    Brought to you by family lawyer Dawn Bennett. With a reputation built on Trust, Respect and Integrity, protecting your family's interests is Dawn's primary concern. Visit bennettlaw.ca today.
    Need Help or Advice On An Issue In Your Life?
    Tell us your situation and Drew will ask the listeners of TDMS!

    This week on the Counsel Of Many: a lady wants to know if she should rat out a missionary who's going around raising money, not for ministry, but just to help pay for his divorce!

    "I live abroad and have known a missionary family who founded and run a small ministry that helps young children. The father is mentally and physically abusive towards his wife and children. I know this after tending to the bruises the wife suffered. Recently the couple has secretly separated and the husband is threatening to get legal custody of the children. He is leaving on a fund raising trip to North America. Once the news of all of this gets out the ministry will certainly close. It's like he wants to get enough money to raise his legal fees while he still has a chance. The ministry doesn't have any real financial accountability. Is it wrong to speak up? Should I talk to the churches that support them? I know that I would be furious if I thought I was giving money to orphans and it was going to hiring pricey divorce attorneys."

  • Last week a man walked into a church then shot and killed the pastor during the Sunday service.
    • Question: Are church buildings holy?
      After all the consecrating prayers and binding of evil spirits and declarations that this building is indeed Holy ground, now what? Is there really such a thing as "Holy Ground"?
    • Question: Should we bother praying for protection?
      If a pastor can get shot on Sunday in his own church then don’t you think that kind of puts a cloud over the whole "pray for protection/traveling mercies" thing? If something is going to happen, it’s going to happen, right? Bad stuff happens to Christians too.
    • Question: Does this make you worry about the security in your own church?
      It was only a couple of years ago that a gunman opened fire at New Life Church in Colorado. A few weeks ago a man walked into the Crystal Cathedral and shot himself. Are you concerned that something similar might happen at your church?

  • Free For All - Comedy Clips - Emails - Whatever!
    Need to vent about a guest we had today? Well now’s your opportunity! Call in and talk about whatever you’d like, or just sit back and enjoy some chuckles and random ramblings and even the odd email from both fans and critics alike!**Send us Your Suggestions** They don’t need to be "Christian" but they need to be clean & suitable for radio! Click Here to send us your Clean Comedy Clip!

Right-click here to bookmark or copy a link to this show March 7, 2009

Special Guests

  • Dr. Francis Collins — Geneticist & Author Of The Language Of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief
    A number of years ago, the man who cracked the genome found God. As head of the Human Genome Project at the National Institutes of Health for seven years, Collins had overseen the sequencing of the genetic road map for human life - a breakthrough that promised to save millions. In The Language of God, Dr. Collins, describes his own journey from atheism to committed Christianity, a faith he embraced as a young physician. However, he also discusses his belief as a theistic evolutionist. They believe that there is a God, that he is (in some way) the creator of the material universe and (by consequence) all life within, and that biological evolution is simply a natural process within that creation. Evolution, according to this view, is simply a tool that God created and employed to help life grow and flourish.

  • Pat O'Brien — President of Humanist Canada
    Humanist Canada has been getting a lot of media coverage here in Toronto because of their recent public transit advertising campaign. Signs saying, "You Can Be Good Without God" have been posted around various TTC stations. Pat also produced a documentary entitled Without God: The Story of Secular Humanism - an in-depth look at Secular Humanism in Canada. Avoided by Christian media, Pat joins us today to share his side of the story and the facts behind secular humanism.

  • Tim Stoner — Author of The God Who Smokes: Scandalous Meditations On Faith
    Emergent theology is raising some of the most provocative and divisive questions in the church today. For some, these ideas embody the true spirit of the gospel, trading tired religion for authenticity and relevance. Others dismiss it as a heresy that compromises the gospel in the name of tolerance and dilutes the truth to attract a jaded generation. Is there any room for middle ground? Timothy Stoner thinks so. The God Who Smokes provides an honest response to the post-modern cry for authentic spirituality. Timothy celebrates the good within Emergent while providing a balanced and thoughtful critique. Throughout, you’ll discover not only the issues that can divide but also the burning passion that can unite us all.


  • Julia Chiappetta
    Julia is a former guest of TDMS and author of Breast Cancer: The Notebook. But Julia is also a single Christian woman in her early 50’s who has never been married. We’ll chat with her about her journey as an author, business owner, professional business planner, world traveler, certified personal trainer, athlete, and SINGLE!

Talkback, etc.

  • The Counsel Of Many!
    Brought to you by family lawyer Dawn Bennett. With a reputation built on Trust, Respect and Integrity, protecting your family's interests is Dawn's primary concern. Visit bennettlaw.ca today.
    Need Help or Advice On An Issue In Your Life?
    Tell us your situation and Drew will ask the listeners of TDMS!

    This week on the Counsel Of Many: A man who has been unemployed for over two years feels totally abandoned by God as his prayers continue to go unanswered.

    "Here is my situation. I am over 50 years of age and have now been out of work for 25 months. Prior to this experience, I was a successful professional earning a decent living here in the GTA. Despite interviews, I have been unsuccessful at landing anything close in my field, even positions that would of paid 20-30% less. My severance package carried our family till some time last year, but now my wife has been carrying the load in keeping us above water. For me the frustration is the incredible sense of abandonment by God. Unanswered prayer by my Lord leaves me with this feeling of being ignored for whatever reason. The best analogy to describe this is like a child being ignored by his father, despite his pleas for help. If I where to ignore my son's pleas for assistance, I would not have much of a relationship with him. He would question my position as a father. And that is where I am at today, I am questioning him. My faith is being crushed and I fear my resilience will not sustain me much longer and permanently damage my relationship with Him."

  • Do you believe that God made the world in 6 literal days or not?
    Are you a literal six day creationist or do you believe that God created the world through the evolution process over millions of years? This argument seems to have been raging for millions of years. Which side are you on? Or do you believe in "Theistic Evolution"?

  • What the heck do single women want in a man? International Women’s Day!
    Why is it that single women just can’t find any quality guys? Is it true that all the good ones are either married or missionaries? Ladies, please explain exactly what it is that you’re looking for. Do you want a soft, tender, warm hearted man who will listen to every word you say or do you want a solid, assertive, take charge leader who will provide and protect? And no, you can’t have both! Men, tune in and learn something!

  • Free For All - Comedy Clips - Emails - Whatever!
    Need to vent about a guest we had today? Well now’s your opportunity! Call in and talk about whatever you’d like, or just sit back and enjoy some chuckles and random ramblings and even the odd email from both fans and critics alike!**Send us Your Suggestions** They don’t need to be "Christian" but they need to be clean & suitable for radio! Click Here to send us your Clean Comedy Clip!

Right-click here to bookmark or copy a link to this show February 28, 2009

Special Guests

  • Jodi Benson — Tony Nominated Broadway Star & Disney Voice Actress
    Known best for providing both the singing and the speaking voice of Princess Ariel in Disney's The Little Mermaid and its sequels, Jodi joins us today to share her own personal journey of faith.

  • William Lobdell — Author of Losing My Religion: How I Lost My Faith Reporting On Religion In America
    Covering the religion beat for the Los Angeles Times, William believed God had answered his prayers. As a Christian, he wanted to report objectively and respectfully about how belief shapes people’s lives. But something very different happened. Slowly his reporting drifted to the paradoxes of religion; How can Mormons believe their own scripture? How can Christians? Why do so many churches become corrupt? Why does faith drive people to refuse to accept criticism or questions, and even to demonize apostates? Each story chipped away at his faith. Eight years later, after intense encounters with believers of all sizes and shapes, he realized that his faith in God was gone. Losing My Religion takes readers on a profound journey from agnosticism, to a born-again conversion, and ultimately to a new, deeply satisfying form of contentment without God. This courageous memoir speaks both to the doubts of believers and the yearnings of doubters.

  • Dr. Francis J. Beckwith — Author of Return To Rome: Confessions Of An Evangelical Catholic
    So why did the President of the Evangelical Theological Society decide to leave his post and return to the Catholic Church? What does it mean to be evangelical? What does it mean to be Catholic? Can one consider oneself both simultaneously? Francis Beckwith has wrestled with these questions personally and professionally. He was baptized a Catholic, but his faith journey led him to Protestant evangelicalism. He became a philosophy professor at Baylor University and president of the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS). And then, in 2007, after much prayer, counsel, and consideration, Beckwith decided to return to the Catholic church and step down as ETS president. Beckwith is professor of philosophy and church-state studies at Baylor University and fellow and faculty associate in the Baylor Institute for Studies of Religion. Also joining us is Dr. James Beverley, Associate Director of the Institute for the Study of American Religion in Santa Barbara, California. Dr. Beverley's specialties include studies in World and New Religions, Charismatic Christianity, Roman Catholic Theology, and Christian Ethics.

Talkback, etc.

  • The Counsel Of Many!
    The Counsel Of Many! Brought to you by family lawyer Dawn Bennett. With a reputation built on Trust, Respect and Integrity, protecting your family's interests is Dawn's primary concern. Visit bennettlaw.ca today.
    Need Help or Advice On An Issue In Your Life?
    Tell us your situation and Drew will ask the listeners of TDMS!

    This week on the Counsel Of Many: a man from Australia wants to know how someone is supposed to change after surrendering their life to Christ. How do we measure change in a Christian?

    "I am an ordinary messy guy, with a messy family, a messy marriage, a messy faith and if truth be known a "messy" God. Following Jesus does not come with a list of things to do to be "right" - it is just messy! Just one thought though. As I have listened to your show I have heard you ask a couple of guests something that I don't think anyone has answered. How does "doing God" actually change my life and what does change look like? What can I expect and how long will I have to wait? (I am sure my wife asks God this very question about me on a very regular basis 🙂 I once heard a guy say that change will only come through prayer or suffering. Based on my own history of prayer it looks like suffering is going to be it for a while to come. Anyway, if you ever were ever able to work this into your show it be appreciated. I know I want to change but I'm never quite sure if I ever will."

  • We want to help weird people talk about Jesus without freaking out Joe Public! — What advice would you give to a socially unaware person when it comes to talking about their faith?
    On a video recently posted by entertainer/magician Penn from Penn & Teller, Penn shares about his experience with a fan who gave him a Bible and tried to share his faith with him. Penn, being a staunch atheist, was impressed with the way in which the man did this and that he would do it at all. As a matter of fact, Penn asked the question, "How much do you have to hate somebody to not proselytize and believe that everlasting life is possible and not tell them that?" But what seemed to really win him over to this "witnessing" attempt was the manner in which the man did it - polite, intelligent, nice, authentic. Why do weird people seem to tell more people about Jesus than normal people? What do you think is the #1 reason why mature and well adjusted Christians don’t share with others about their faith? To Watch Penn's Video click here.

  • Do we still need TV ministries or have they become obsolete within our North American culture?
    Church-based televangelism led by powerful personalities filled TV in the 1980s, but now only a handful of shows remain. Oral Roberts’ ministry and the Crystal Cathedral have both recently reported being in debt to the tune of tens of millions. Will we soon see the death of the TV-based mega-church? And on a more localized level, do you give based on the personality of your pastor or to the ministry? Think about it - if your pastor wasn’t as personable, or if their offspring took over, would that affect your giving? Why is it that when the son of a ministry’s founder takes over, the level of giving tanks? Which television ministry do you watch? Joining us to talk about this is Phil Cooke, media guru and author of The Last TV Evangelist, Why the Next Generation Couldn't Care Less About Media and Why It Matters.

  • Comedy Clips and Listener Emails
    We’ve searched high and low in order to find you an assortment of funnies - a veritable smorgasbord of sauciness, if you will. **Send Us Your Suggestions** They Don’t Need To Be "Christian" But They Need to Be Clean & Suitable For Radio! Click Here to send us your Clean Comedy Clip!

Right-click here to bookmark or copy a link to this show February 21, 2009

Special Guests

  • Marilyn McCoo & Billy Davis Jr — Grammy Award Winning Recording Artists
    With songs like Up, Up And Away, Aquarius/Let The Sunshine In and countless others, the Fifth Dimension was only the beginning for these multiple Grammy award winning artists. Marilyn hosted the popular TV show Solid Gold for five years, and along with her husband, this dynamic duo were churning out their own solid gold with hit songs like You Don't Have To be Star. After a star in Hollywood's Walk Of Fame, performing for Presidents and even the Pope, with over 40 years in the entertainment industry and almost 40 years of marriage, everyone wants to know what their secret is. Without a doubt, Marilyn McCoo and Billy Davis Jr. are the first to give all the credit to God.

  • Dr. James Beverley — Associate Director of the Institute for the Study of American Religion in Santa Barbara, California
    Dr. Beverley's specialties include studies in World and New Religions, Charismatic Christianity, Roman Catholic Theology, and Christian Ethics." Today we'll chat with Jim about an investigation on which he assisted. W-FIVE (W-FIVE is the longest-running current affairs/newsmagazine program in North America and the longest-running Canadian television program) investigates an Ontario preacher who some claim brainwashes women in his congregation, causing them to leave their families and devote their lives to the church. The program airs Saturday Feb 21st at 7:00 PM, EST.

  • Chantal Desloges — Immigration Lawyer
    Do you know someone who has experienced immigration or residency problems? Maybe through international marriages or ministry/missionary situations, etc.? Immigration lawyer, Chantal Desloges, is back to answer all of your immigration, citizenship and refugee law questions.

Talkback, etc.

  • The Counsel Of Many!
    Brought to you by family lawyer Dawn Bennett. With a reputation built on Trust, Respect and Integrity, protecting your family's interests is Dawn's primary concern. Visit bennettlaw.ca today.
    Need Help or Advice On An Issue In Your Life?
    Tell us your situation and Drew will ask the listeners of TDMS!

    This week on the Counsel Of Many: a father wants to know what to look for as indicators that his teenagers' spiritual lives are on track, especially since his kids aren’t exactly typical "church kids."

    "I’ve been a follower of Christ for over 25 years and we’ve raised our children in a Christian home. Both of our children have committed their lives to Christ as children but now that they’re teenagers, I’m not 100% sure if they’re actually following Christ. (Heck, some days I’m not sure if I’m following Christ.) We’ve never been a family to make our children (especially now that they’re teenagers) read the bible, go to church or youth group, or listen to Christian music. And of course you can’t make them pray. Those were all indicators of whether or not we were "Christians" when my wife and I were younger. But we’ve become less legalistic over the years. You might say we’ve lightened up and are finally grasping at grace. But the question is, how do we know if our kids really desire to follow Christ? Bottom line, I will always be concerned with our kid’s spiritual health. I want to see my kids in Heaven with my wife and I. It would absolutely destroy me if they ever came to a point of actually rejecting Christ. But we can’t spiritually baby-sit them anymore. So what do we look for now? If your teenager doesn't want to go to church, or go to youth group, or listen to Christian music, or read their Bible, or hang out with Christian friends, or pray very much... how do you know if they're actually following Christ?"

  • What is it about the Pentecostal denomination that seems to make it more susceptible to immoral or ethical dilemmas within their leadership?
    Many outside the walls of the Pentecostal camp, as well as within, seem to be wondering out loud about the higher number of ethical or moral "failures" within the leadership of the Pentecostal denomination. Some feel that it’s because of the apparent "untouchable status" of hierarchy which has lead to unaccountability. Others wonder if it’s simply because Satan is attacking this denomination because more people seem to be attending Pentecostal churches these days.

  • Comedy Clips
    We’ve searched high and low in order to find you an assortment of funnies - a veritable gluttony of giggles, if you will! **Send us your suggestions** They don’t need to be "Christian" but they need to be clean & suitable for radio! Click Here to send us your Clean Comedy Clip!

Right-click here to bookmark or copy a link to this show February 14, 2009

Special Guests

  • Gavin MacLeod & Delilah
    • Known by most as "Captain Merrill Stubing" on The Love Boat & "Murray Slaughter" on Mary Tyler Moore, over the years, Gavin McLeod has battled with alcoholism and subsequent divorce from second his second wife Patti. However, his spiritual life experienced a major turn around in the mid-80s and he ended up remarrying his wife! Gavin joins us again to share about his incredible journey with Love!
    • Delilah joins us once again for our Valentine's Day Special! With an estimated 7 million listeners, Love Songs with Delilah or Delilah After Dark has become one of the top three syndicated radio programs across North America. This one of a kind woman doles out relationship advice between musical requests and describes herself as "the queen of sappy love songs." If anyone can inspire us today - it's Delilah!

  • Love Songs With Joel Auge & Jacob Moon
    Joel and Jacob are without question, two of the most under-rated talents in Canada. Aside from the fact that they are both incredibly handsome and ridiculously gifted singer/songwriters, it’s a little known fact that both Jacob and Joel are hard core romantics! Today, this dynamic duo will join us live in studio to sing some of their favourite love songs to the world! Move over Hall & Oates! Step aside Dolly & Kenny! Back it on up George Michael & Elton John! Love Songs With Joel & Jacob HAS ARRIVED!

  • Kerri Pomarolli — Comedian, Actress, Author
    That's right folks! It's time for our semi-regular visit with our favourite (and only) Hollywood Correspondent!


  • Joe Manafo — Producer of One Size Fits All: Exploring New And Evolving Forms of Church In Canada
    There’s got to be a better way the church can love those the rest of the world has forgotten? What is God doing on the fringes of Canadian culture? Flying under the radar of pop-Christianity, experimental churches are quietly establishing genuine Kingdom outposts in settings both feared and forgotten. One Size Fits All? uncovers the obscure story of these Canadian missional communities and its leaders.

Talkback, etc.

  • The Counsel Of Many!
    Brought to you by family lawyer Dawn Bennett. With a reputation built on Trust, Respect and Integrity, protecting your family's interests is Dawn's primary concern. Visit bennettlaw.ca today.
    Need Help or Advice On An Issue In Your Life?
    Tell us your situation and Drew will ask the listeners of TDMS!

    This week on the Counsel Of Many: a lady wants to know if she should break up with her fiancé because he’s not a Christian.

    "I’m engaged to a great guy and we’re getting married in the summer of 2010. I really love him and we have an amazing relationship, so it’s really hard for me to even consider this but, ever since he proposed to me last Christmas Eve it seems like people are coming out of the woodwork asking me if I think it’s a good idea that he and I get married because he’s not a Christian.When we started dating I knew he wasn’t all that into God or anything, but there just weren’t any decent Christian guys around. Next thing you know, I’m completely in love with a guy who has treated me better than any guy I’ve ever dated from church. I’m just really confused because some of these people who are giving me this advice to break up with my fiancé are pretty cool people and I respect them a lot. But I mean who knows right? Maybe he’ll come to love Jesus the way I do. I just don’t think it’s fair that I should have to break up with a man who loves me the way it’s supposed to be just because he’s not into God. Does anyone have any advice for me?"

  • Can guys be "just friends" with girls?
    Some guys get along better with girls than guys. Is it possible for a guy to have a close friendship with a girl? Or do you think that a guy will always want more at some point in the "friendship"? Wives" some guys like to keep in touch with their ex-girlfriends. Is that okay? Attention All Women! What are the rules with regards to your man being friends with other girls?

  • Comedy Clips
    We’ve searched high and low in order to find you an assortment of funnies - a veritable gluttony of giggles, if you will! **Send us your suggestions** They don’t need to be "Christian" but they need to be clean & suitable for radio! Click Here to send us your Clean Comedy Clip!

Right-click here to bookmark or copy a link to this show February 7, 2009

Special Guests

  • Daniel Band & Rez Band — Christian Rock Pioneers
    These two bands were pioneers of their genre in the Christian music industry. Toronto's own Dan McCabe of The Daniel Band and Glenn Kaiser of Resurrection (Rez) Band - staples of the 1980's Christian Music scene - are teaming up for a reunion / fundraising event in support of a church planter working among the remote villages of Ghana through the International Needs Network. Join hosts Late Gig Productions and Forest Brook Community Church for an evening that will rock your socks off - for a good cause! Saturday, Feb 28 at 8:00 p.m. (7:30 p.m. Doors Open) At Forest Brook Community Church, 60 Kearney Dr., Ajax, ON. Tickets are $20 in advance, available at www.ticketweb.ca $30 at the door) For more info contact geoff@lategig.com or call 905.448.1020.

  • Dave Schmelzer — Author Of Not The Religious Type: Confessions Of A Turncoat Atheist
    As an atheist, Dave Schmelzer never thought of himself as the religious type, and he still doesn't, even though he now believes in God and leads a large Boston church in the shadow of some of the nation's most impressive universities. Religion is usually about rules and codes, about "being good," about what will get you embraced and what will get you shunned. But God, according to Dave, is all about how you can become a closer friend with him, with others, and with yourself. Whether we're the religious type or not, there's a certain part of each of us that invariably wonders if it's true -if there's a God we can connect with who is alive and active, with the kind of perspective on our lives and futures that we could never have on our own. As Dave engagingly explores these most important questions, he invites his readers into "a new and warmer spring," a way of thinking that will help both secularists who never imagined they would become people of faith and also people of faith who perhaps haven't experienced all from God that they've hoped.


  • Paul Gowdy
    As a former pastor of one of the Vineyard churches here in Toronto, Paul was an insider within the so called "Toronto Blessing." Ten years later Paul realized that his experience with the Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship was actually a "mixed blessing." According to an article he wrote, "After three years of being in the thick of the Toronto blessing our Vineyard assembly inScarborough (East Toronto) just about self destructed. We devoured one another, with gossip, backstabbing, division, sects, criticism etc. After three years of ‘soaking,’ praying for people, shaking, rolling, laughing, roaring, ministering at TACF on their prayer team, leading worship at TACF, preaching at TACF, basically living at TACF we were the most carnal, immature and deceived Christians that I know. I remember saying to my friend and senior pastor at Scarborough Vineyard Church in 1997 that ever since the Toronto Blessing came we have just about fallen to bits! He agreed!"

Talkback, etc.

  • The Counsel Of Many!
    Brought to you by family lawyer Dawn Bennett. With a reputation built on Trust, Respect and Integrity, protecting your family's interests is Dawn's primary concern. Visit bennettlaw.ca today.
    Need Help or Advice On An Issue In Your Life?
    Tell us your situation and Drew will ask the listeners of TDMS!

    This week on the Counsel Of Many: a man wants advice on how to help his sister who he thinks is an alcoholic.

    “My sister’s husband recently reached out for help to my wife and I because he believes my sister is an alcoholic. I’ve had my suspicions but I didn’t want to stick my nose where it doesn’t belong. However, things have recently gotten worse and now I’m wondering if I should do something. My sister and I are close but not hugely close and since I’m the big brother, there’s always been a bit of “living in my shadow” throughout our lives. I also think that she finds it hard to talk with me about life stuff because she sees me as the “good Christian” and herself as “The Black Sheep” of the family. I’m totally at a loss as to what I should do. I’m worried about her kids, her marriage and her life! Do I plan an intervention? Do I sit her down for a big heavy talk? I know she’ll totally flip out if I stick my nose in her life. Other than pray for her, WHAT THE HECK DO I DO?”

  • It’s Black History Month — do you care?
    As many of you already know, this is Black History Month. However, some feel that it makes no sense to have a month dedicated to any race, while others feel that it’s incredibly important for all to reflect upon the history of the black people. So what do you think… does Black History Month mean anything to you?

  • Comedy Clips & Listener Emails
    We’ve searched high and low in order to find you an assortment of funnies - a veritable line-up of lunacy, if you will. And we've even got some listener emails to share. It doesn't get any more exciting than this folks! **Send Us Your Suggestions**. Have you found any funny comedy clips online? They don’t need to be “Christian” but they need to be clean & suitable for radio! Click Here to send us your Clean Comedy Clip

Right-click here to bookmark or copy a link to this show January 31, 2009

Special Guests

  • Tony Orlando — International Recording Artist
    Remember those timeless hits from Tony Orlando & Dawn like Tie A Yellow Ribbon 'Round The Ole Oak Tree and Knock Three Times? Multi Award winning recording artist, Tony Orlando, has done it all. Success in the studio, success on the television and success in the theatre has earned him a well deserved star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame! Not bad for a kid from New York's infamous Hell's Kitchen. Tony has played to packed arenas and for five Presidents and has performed with numerous Hollywood legends including Jackie Gleason, Jerry Lewis... and all the greats! With Tony returning to Casino Rama just North of Toronto, January 30 & 31, we thought it was time to catch up with him again.

  • Douglas Farrow — Author of Nation Of Bastards: Essays on the End of Marriage
    To some, same-sex marriage is evidence that society has finally come of age. To others, it is yesterday's issue, posing no danger to traditional marriage. To still others - McGill University's Douglas Farrow among them - it has turned civil society on its ear, creating a new political situation in which several things are no longer clear: Is the state the property of the citizenry? Or are citizens, with their cherished personal associations, including marriage, now the property of the state? Who "owns" the children, now that natural parenthood had been replaced by legal parenthood? Is the family still "the natural and fundamental group unit of society," as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights claims? Or is the concept of the "natural" moribund? What is marriage for, anyway?


  • Dennis Jernigan — Christian Songwriter & "Ex-Gay"
    Songs like We Will Worship the Lamb of Glory, Thank You, Great is the Lord Almighty, Who Can Satisfy My Soul (There is a Fountain), I Belong to Jesus, Nobody Fills My Heart Like Jesus, and You Are My All in All have been sung widely by the body of Christ since the early 1990s. Dennis recently celebrated his 27th anniversary of freedom from homosexuality. Oh and by the way, Dennis has been married for 25 years and he and his wife have nine children. What a story!

Talkback, etc.

  • The Counsel Of Many!
    The Counsel Of Many! Brought to you by family lawyer Dawn Bennett. With a reputation built on Trust, Respect and Integrity, protecting your family's interests is Dawn's primary concern. Visit bennettlaw.ca today.
    Need Help or Advice On An Issue In Your Life?
    Tell us your situation and Drew will ask the listeners of TDMS!

    This week on the Counsel Of Many: a Sunday School coordinator is being pressured by some parents in her church to ask one of her teachers to step down because she is separating from her husband. What should she do?

    "I am a Sunday school co-coordinator for my church and one of the ladies who teaches the junior kids' class is in the process of a separation. She was married once before and divorced, so this is her second. After taking all the prescribed steps to help heal this marriage (marital counseling, mediation etc) the marriage has fallen apart anyway. A number of the parents are concerned that she is bad role model for the kids. They believe that her personal issues are a negative reflection on the church and contradict the "Good Christian Values" they are trying to teach. They want me to ask her to step down. It is, in the end, my decision and I am not sure what to do. It is a very small church and everyone knows the situation. I need some advice. Should I ask her to step down?"

  • Would you attend Ted Haggard’s old church knowing what we know now?
    According to a New York Times article, New Life Church, which had more than 12,000 members before the Ted Haggard scandal, now has about 10,500, About 3,000 people left after Mr. Haggard’s firing, but about 1,500 have since joined. Haggard was fired in 2006 over accusations that he had had sex with a male prostitute. However, just recently the congregation was told that the church had been making payments from 2007 to a young male church member who had a relationship with Mr. Haggard before the dismissal. So does it surprise you that 1,500 new people have since joined this church? Would you join a church knowing full well that it had paid off someone in order to help smooth things over with regards to immorality issues with the former senior pastor?

  • Comedy Clips
    We’ve searched high and low in order to find you an assortment of funnies, a veritable buffet of chuckles, if you will.

Right-click here to bookmark or copy a link to this show January 24, 2009

Special Guests

  • Frank Schaeffer — Author of Crazy for God: How I Grew Up as One of the Elect, Helped Found the Religious Right, and Lived to Take All (or Almost All) of It Back
    Especially in recent years, religion and politics have gone hand in hand in America. Particularly in the polarizing cases of abortion, gay rights, and high school science curriculums, the division between conservative and liberal has hinged more and more on religious and moral questions. Frank Schaeffer has been on both sides of these debates, and in Crazy for God he tells how the Religious Right was formed and chronicles his own role in organizing the political efforts of religious fundamentalists. He grew up in L’Abri, a community in Switzerland founded by his evangelical parents, who were instrumental in linking the efforts of the American evangelical community with the anti-abortion movement. But this is also a personal memoir. We learn of Schaeffer’s coming of age as an evangelist, and his eventual crisis of faith and change of heart. Frank Schaeffer is a fiction and non-fiction writer. He has written for USA Today, the Washington Post, the San Francisco Chronicle, and the Los Angeles Times, and is a regular contributor to the Huffington Post website and blog. He has appeared on Oprah, Fox News, CNN, and ABC’s 20/20.


  • Tom & Pat Kostrich
    During our Christmas Special last month, we did a segment called "Prayer Requests - What miracle do you need this Christmas?" Tom called in quite heart broken and asked that we pray for his wife who was in desperate need of a liver transplant. Time was quickly running out for Pat. The listeners of TDMS prayed and a few days later Tom notified us that a liver had suddenly come available! Today, Pat is very much alive and well. What a story!

Talkback, etc.

  • The Counsel Of Many!
    Brought to you by family lawyer Dawn Bennett. With a reputation built on Trust, Respect and Integrity, protecting your family's interests is Dawn's primary concern. Visit bennettlaw.ca today.
    Need Help or Advice On An Issue In Your Life?
    Tell us your situation and Drew will ask the listeners of TDMS!

    This week on the Counsel Of Many: a teenager wants an answer to the age old question, "How far is too far?"

    "No one has ever given me a straight answer on this question. I asked my youth pastor and he just said if I get turned on then I’ve gone too far. That’s a joke! I’m a teenage boy. I get turned while I’m in a dead sleep! My parents don’t want to talk about anything having to do with sex. My friends all have different answers. I honestly just want to do what’s right but I also know that there’s no way in hell I’ll never get turned on. So there has to be some practical explanation. How far can I go with my girlfriend?"

  • What were the highlights of President Obama’s inauguration ceremony for you?
    The crowds, the hype and the emotion around Obama-Rama? How about the bumble heard round the world? Would Rick Warren have been your first choice to deliver President Elect Obama’s inaugural prayer? Is there someone else you would have picked? How did Pastor Rick do especially as compared to Rev. Dr. Joseph Lowery’s benediction? Were you offended at either one’s prayer? No matter how you feel about America electing it’s first Halfrican American as President, it sure was a day to remember!

  • Have you ever been manipulated to give money to a church?
    Especially now that charitable donations have taken a hit because of tough economic times, there have been more and more reports of strong arm tactics by charities. What’s the best manipulation story you’ve ever heard or experienced? Should churches really be turning up the heat to get people to give? Does that offend you or are they just doing their job and helping God convict us to give more?

  • Does swearing offend you or are you one of those "cool" Christians who swears every once in a while yourself?
    If someone was swearing on a bus beside you, would you feel the need to say something to them or would it not really faze you at all? Does it depend on the word, or the age of a person or who was in ear shot? Are you sensitive to swearing or do you find that sometimes a swear word just fits the situation? What about swearing in movies? Have you ever walked out because there was too much filthy language?

  • Comedy Clips
    We’ve searched high and low in order to find you an assortment of funnies, a veritable smorgasbord of silliness, if you will. We all need to lighten up - especially around Toronto where we’ve had multiple days of -20C and snow on the ground for months!

Right-click here to bookmark or copy a link to this show January 17, 2009

Special Guests

  • Frank Gifford — Pro Football Hall of Fame Inductee & Author of THE GLORY GAME: How the 1958 NFL Championship Changed Football Forever
    The 1958 National Football League championship game between the New York Giants and the Baltimore Colts, often referred to as "The Greatest Game Ever Played," remains the single most memorable contest in the history of American professional football. Broadcast nationally to an audience of millions, it was the first title game ever to go into sudden-death overtime. Its drama, excitement and controversy riveted a nation and helped propel the NFL into the forefront of the American sports landscape. Celebrating the game's 50th anniversary, one of the key players in that mythic battle, New York Giants Hall of Famer and long-time television analyst Frank Gifford, provides an inside-the-helmet account that will take its place in the annals of sports literature in THE GLORY GAME: How the 1958 NFL Championship Changed Football Forever.

  • Danny Brooks — International Recording Artist
    The distinctive sound of Danny Brooks embodies a hybrid blend of original music based in "Old School" R & B, Blues, Soul, Gospel and Country with just enough of a modern feel to give it a unique and fresh flavour. Danny Brooks has a soulful, power-packed live show. This multi Juno nominee is fuelled by true-life, raw emotion and gut wrenching sincerity. From a large family in a poor neighbourhood, life on the streets, addictions, incarceration, rehabilitation, and finally redemption, Brooks has a deep well to draw from.

  • Steve Siler — Executive Producer of Somebody’s Daughter: A Journey to Freedom from Pornography
    According to recent surveys, nearly 60 percent of Christian men and 37 percent of pastors admit to struggling with pornography. No longer just a problem for men, 35 percent of women also admit to the addiction. This new television documentary details the impact of pornography on the Christian community. Three men and a husband and wife share their personal struggle with pornography confronting the lies and darkness of this addictive force with compelling honesty and hope. The DVD also contains four music videos and eight vignettes. Steve Siler is a songwriter and producer. For 11 years he served as a writer in the Christian music industry, during which time he has had more than 400 of his songs recorded in the Christian market by such artists as Point of Grace, Avalon, Anointed, Clay Crosse, The Martins, Aaron Jeoffrey, Greg Long, Be Be Winans, Bob Carlisle, Sandi Patty, Scott Krippayne, Tammy Trent and Larnelle Harris, among others. Nominated for four Dove Awards, Siler won the award in 2000 for Inspirational Song of the Year Siler has had songs recorded by pop artists, such as Kenny Loggins, Smokey Robinson, Patti Labelle and Patti Austin. Prior to his work in songwriting, Siler worked in marketing for A & M Records in Los Angeles.

  • Dawn Bennett — Family Lawyer
    It can be overwhelming when your marriage breaks down, but the fact is that even Christians end up divorcing. And unfortunately many people feel a sense of rejection from their church rather than support and healing. When the painful decision to divorce has been made, it's important to have someone that really knows the law but also understands your personal & spiritual needs. Dawn Bennett is a Family Lawyer who appreciates that divorce is a reality, and there are many Christians in need of legal council. Mediation, separation, property disputes - family lawyer Dawn Bennett has built her practice on Trust, Respect and Integrity.

Talkback, etc.

  • The Counsel Of Many!
    Brought to you by family lawyer Dawn Bennett. With a reputation built on Trust, Respect and Integrity, protecting your family's interests is Dawn's primary concern. Visit bennettlaw.ca today.
    Need Help or Advice On An Issue In Your Life?
    Tell us your situation and Drew will ask the listeners of TDMS!

    This week on the Counsel Of Many: a mother wants advice on when she should allow her 13 year old daughter to date.

    "First off, I must admit, I’m having a really hard time with this dating stuff. If I had my way I wouldn’t let my daughter go on any dates until she was 25 but I know that’s not being realistic. Right now she is 13 and has already asked a million times if she can go out on dates with different boys over the last year. I’m a single mom and kinda feel like I need to be strong about this but I guess I’m wearing down. I’m considering letting her date now that she’s a teenager. After all, I did say when she was 12 that she couldn’t date until she was a teenager. Does anyone have some advice for me? Maybe if there was a father in the picture he could put his foot down better than me but right now I honestly feel like I’m being such a prude for saying no, especially when almost all of her friends are dating. What are the dating rules in your family?"

  • An American pastor says that domestic abuse is not a valid reason for divorce. Do you agree?
    Physical abuse by one’s spouse is not a biblical reason for divorce, says Tom Holladay, teaching pastor at the megachurch founded by best-selling author Rick Warren. He says the Bible only gives two cases where divorce is acceptable: abandonment and a physical affair. How do you feel about his point of view?

  • Is there anything you used to believe or practice in your spiritual life, that you don’t believe or practice anymore?
    Some folks used to believe that they should only listen to Christian music and now they hardly listen to Christian music at all. Others used to believe that all Catholics weren’t really Christians but now they wonder how many evangelicals actually are. Some used to believe that you can’t be gay and be a Christian, and now they have a gay Christian son.

Right-click here to bookmark or copy a link to this show January 10, 2009

Special Guests

  • David Wilcox — International Recording Artist
    "Usually, we just put a fairly generic blurb here about our guests. However, for David Wilcox, I wanted to add my personal thoughts. I first saw David about 8 years ago at The Basement in Sydney Australia. It was the first time I can remember actually being mesmerized by a performer. I couldn’t decide whether it was his ingenious chord structures, his mellifluous vocal stylings or his captivating story telling which won me over. Whatever it was, I was absolutely gob-smacked at the end of the night. I guarantee that if you have an ear for the some of the finest guitar arrangements, and your soul is thirsty, you will quickly fall in love with this incredibly creative & intuitive human being." - Drew

  • Chuck Ealey — CFL All Star, MVP & Rookie of The Year
    He led an undefeated team through high school and an undefeated team through college, but no NFL team would even give this black quarterback a chance. So he went to Canada and won a Grey Cup for Hamilton. On Tuesday, January 13th, a documentary on Chuck’s incredible life entitled, UNDEFEATED: The Chuck Ealey Story, will be shown at the Living Arts Centre in Mississauga. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and tickets are $20.00. Call 905-306-6000 for tickets. Proceeds go to The Chuck Ealey Foundation in Support of Mississauga Youth Development.

  • Carl Medearis — Author of Muslims, Christians & Jesus: Gaining Understanding and Building Relationships
    Carl Medearis is the founder and president of International Initiatives, which promotes cultural, educational, and commercial exchanges between the East and West. His work reflects twenty-five years of firsthand experience working and living with Muslims. As an advisor on Arab affairs, Carl travels with members of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, as well as international business executives, on trips to the Middle East, helping them understand Arab culture and language and facilitating face-to-face meetings that break down prejudice and stereotypes. Carl is also one of the official hosts to the Arab delegation at the annual National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C., at the invitation of a bilateral committee of members of the U.S. Congress who seek to discuss issues of peace and reconciliation based on shared beliefs in God and the historical teachings of Jesus of Nazareth.


Talkback, etc.

  • The Counsel Of Many! — Need Help or Advice On An Issue In Your Life?
    Tell us your situation and Drew will ask the listeners of TDMS!

    This week on the Counsel Of Many: a lady wants a clear answer for her husband who is confused about how someone gets to Heaven.

    "My husband thinks that no one really knows how to get to Heaven. He has heard different people give different answers and is just really confused. Some of our Christian friends think you have to be baptized before you can get to Heaven, others say that you have to speak in tongues, and others say that you need to know the exact time and date when you asked Jesus into your heart. We also have other friends who think that unless you’re like a serial killer, that everyone’s getting into Heaven. Can someone please clear this up for him? I’ve tried but I’m hoping that someone else can be clearer than I’ve been. I get flustered trying to explain this stuff."

  • How do you feel about putting Christian symbols on company logos or advertising?
    Isn’t that like using Jesus to get business or do you think that it’s just an evangelism tool and you’re just waiting and hoping that someday, someone will ask you what that fish symbol actually means?