Special Guests


  • Rachel Barkey
    Rachel is a 37 year old wife and mother of two young children who, after four and a half years of fighting breast cancer, has recently been diagnosed with terminal cancer. What’s it like to possibly be facing your last Mother’s Day with your husband and kids? What kinds of things do you spiritually wrestle with? When do you stop praying for healing, or do you?

Talkback, etc.

  • The Counsel Of Many!
    Brought to you by family lawyer Dawn Bennett. With a reputation built on Trust, Respect and Integrity, protecting your family's interests is Dawn's primary concern. Visit bennettlaw.ca today.
    Need Help or Advice On An Issue In Your Life?
    Tell us your situation and Drew will ask the listeners of TDMS!
    a mother wants to know if it’s okay to kick her teenage daughter out of the house or would that make her a bad mother?

    "I’m a single mother of two older teenage girls. We all live with my parents and I’m at a bit of a crisis point in my life. My oldest girl has been giving us a really hard time. I guess it all culminated a few weeks ago when I was downstairs in bed and heard all this commotion upstairs. When I got upstairs, my daughter was about to smash the door knob off my other daughter’s door because she wanted her stereo back. When I tried to break up the fight and calm things down, she pretty much started to punch me and fight me. I just curled up into a ball to protect myself. My parents called the police and when they got there, she started swearing at them and told them that I had abused her and hit her. Thankfully, the police who came knew my daughter from another incident where she was caught being drunk at an underage party the week before, so they didn’t believe her. I told them that I was afraid and didn’t really want my daughter to stay there that night, so they took her to prison for the night, thinking it would shake her up and give her a reality check. It didn’t. While she was in the cell, she ripped up the thin foam mattress they have on the bed and shoved the pieces into the toilet in the cell then flushed it. The police don’t know what to do. I don’t know what to do. I’m thinking about kicking her out then having the locks changed. Should I? It just all makes me feel like a really bad mother. Am I?"

  • Did you like The Shack or not?
    Some people love the book. Some people absolutely hate it. Some say it’s been a huge positive influence on their spiritual life. Some have protested the author’s speaking events or spoken out publicly warning others of the books "heresies". Where do you stand on The Shack? And if you have a question for the author, give us a shout and Drew will ask Paul on your behalf.

  • Free For All - Comedy Clips - Emails - Whatever!
    Didn’t get through during an earlier talkback segment? Need to vent about a guest we had today? Well now’s your opportunity! Call in and talk about whatever you’d like, or just sit back and enjoy some chuckles and random ramblings and even the odd email from both fans and critics alike!

    **Send us Your Suggestions** They don’t need to be "Christian" but they need to be clean & suitable for radio! Click Here to send us your Clean Comedy Clip!