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December 24, 2005
Special Guests
Kathie Lee Gifford
Drew catches up with, easily, his most favourite guest over the years, to find out what's happening over Christmas in the life of this incredibly talented woman. From gospel singer to "Good Morning America" correspondent, and from the "Super Bowl" to "Broadway," the former co-host of "LIVE with Regis & Kathie Lee" was also the first woman to ever host "Late Night with David Letterman." Add to that her countless albums and books along with her recent television comeback on "The Insider" and her two astounding musical productions, "Under The Bridge" and "Saving Aimee"... Kathie Lee Gifford is without a doubt, one of America's most talented and gifted women!
(To listen to Kathie's original interview, Click Here) -
Don Cherry
If you're not Canadian, then this man is just too hard to describe! As the host of CBC's, "Coach's Corner" and former NHL player and coach, "Grapes" is known throughout the world of hockey and across Canada for his non-politically correct, "tell-it-like-it-is" approach to every aspect of life! Listen as Canada's Toughguy shares about tough times, his spiritual life and as always... a few good stories! -
Stephen Harper
In light of the recent Federal Election, we decided to play Drew's interview with The Leader of The Conservative Party of Canada, originally aired February 19, 2005. Drew asks Mr. Harper direct questions about his faith and the "same sex marriage" legislation. Mr. Harper also answers questions emailed from our listeners. Could this be our next Prime Minister? -
Randy Stonehill
Known around the world as one of the Pioneers of the 60's Christian Rock Movement, Randy is the most entertaining guest Drew has ever had on his show! Join us as the creator of songs such as "Shut De Do", "American Fast-food" and "King of Hearts" shares with us a few of his own Christmas memories!
(To listen to Randy's original interview Click Here) -
Drew wanted to give all of you a very special Christmas present, so we arranged for The King of Rock and Roll to join us today... LIVE... to take your requests and give you a little thrill! "Thank you... Thank you very much!"
Ron Moore has been called, "One of the best Elvis voices ever!" Today, Ron shares with us the story of his whirlwind journey into show business. Have a listen to this incredible voice as he sings live in the studio and takes requests from callers. You won't believe your ears!
(To book Ron Moore, email ronmooresings@aol.com)
December 17, 2005
Special Guests
George Olliver
As lead singer of the legendary R&B band "MANDALA", George Olliver is a Canadian musical institution. He is a prolific writer, producer, and successful recording artist. Olliver's career shot to stardom as the lead singer of MANDALA, with TOP TEN hits like "Opportunity" and "Give and Take". Having performed on tours with such bands as The Who, Rolling Stones, and Cream, George also worked with some of his idols such as Wilson Pickett, Etta James, Sam and Dave, and Martha Reeves.
Matt Loney
Matt is the youngest brother of James Loney, one of the Canadians being held hostage in Iraq under threat of execution. Matt shares about this horrific ordeal from his own point of view and helps the rest of us really understand more about who his brother is and what's happened to him.
Please pray for James Loney, his family and the hostages! -
Stuart McGregor
Stuart is a visually impaired runner who, in a decade of running for Canada, has competed in three Paralympic Summer Games, winning the silver medal at the Games in Atlanta, and bronze medals in Sydney and Athens! Just a few weeks ago, Stuart and his running partner were hit by a speeding SUV in Ottawa. He shouldn't have survived but is currently recovering!
Please pray for Stu and his running partner!
Talkback, etc.
Should Christians sue each other? Take each other to court? For ANY reason?
Joining us is Katherine Henshell, a civil litigator from Burlington who sues in excess of 300 people each year for not paying their bills. She feels that there ARE situations where Christians not only can, but should sue each other! Her husband, on the other hand, feels the opposite, and joins us by phone to defend his point of view. -
In the upcoming Federal Election, who will you vote for and why?
2005 Job Fair Continued!
Do you need a job? Are you hiring? Let's keep trying to get people some work before Christmas gets here! Give us a call and let our over 100,000 listeners know!
December 10, 2005
Special Guests
Paul Henderson
Few words send chills down the spines of Canadians like the words legendary hockey broadcaster Foster Hewitt, uttered one winter day in 1972: "Henderson scores!... Henderson scores!"
Since then, the man who scored the goal heard from coast to coast, Paul Henderson, has become a Canadian legend himself. The man whose "goal" often makes Canadians ask the question, "What were you doing when…?", Paul Henderson is known both for his accomplishments over an 18-year career in hockey and for his considerable contributions to community life since he retired from the game. Paul is a member of several sports halls of fame and has had his image depicted on a Canadian Mint coin, the first time a living person other than a sovereign has been depicted on a coin! Listen as Paul shares about "the goal", the Russians, Don Cherry, his personal life and passionate relationship with God!
Debbie Bay
Debbie is a wife and mother of two. Three years ago her 21 year-old son tragically drowned. How does someone recover from this sort of loss? What does it do to one's spiritual walk? Listen to this very powerful story of God being in the midst of our messy spirituality!
Talkback, etc.
Should we boycott stores that refuse to recognise "Christmas" and have bowed to Politically Correct Insanity?
Do you know of a store that won't actually use the incredibly offensive phrase... MERRY CHRISTMAS? Listen as Drew actually phones Sears, Home Depot & Wal-Mart to find out firsthand if they say, "Merry Christmas." -
Christmas is a lousy time to be unemployed!
Give us a call if you're looking for work or needing to hire someone! Let's do a little networking on The Drew Marshall Show and get some people working again! -
Which witch is better? Narnia VS Harry Potter
Have you seen, "The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe" yet? Have you seen any of the Harry Potter movies? How do they compare? Do you have a problem with all the Harry Potter stuff? Is it too evil? -
Just a bit of fun to lighten up all of the grumpy Christmas shoppers... especially that jerk who stole your parking spot!
December 3, 2005
Special Guests
Dr. Tony Campolo
Professor emeritus of Sociology at Eastern University in St. Davids, Pennsylvania. Dr. Campolo is a media commentator on religious, social and political matters, having been on television programs like Nightline, Crossfire, Politically Incorrect, The Charlie Rose Show and CNN News. This author of 28 books was one of the first passionate communicators who inspired Drew to do Jesus differently! Tony has a HUGE heart for the poor and oppressed! -
Dr. Wess Stafford
President & CEO of Compassion International and author of, "Too Small To Ignore... Why children are the next big thing!" Wess tells his own personal story of childhood abuse... Physical Abuse... Sexual Abuse... Emotional Abuse... And Spiritual Abuse...! A very powerful story!
Virna from Compassion Nicaragua!
Drew calls Nicaragua and speaks LIVE, to Virna, one of the FANTASTIC staff members on the front lines, being the hands and feet of Christ! Virna tells us stories of children working in the dumps, making a dollar a day... and even an update on Nelson!
Talkback, etc.
November 26, 2005
Special Guests
Dr. Suzanne Scorsone & Dr. George Vandervelde — THE GREAT CATHOLIC DEBATE!
Cardinal Ambrozic's spokeswoman from The Toronto Archdiocese (www.archtoronto.org) & a professor from the Institute of Christian Studies in Toronto (www.icscanada.edu) take your calls and questions about the differences between Catholicism and Protestant Evangelicalism!
"Are Catholics really Christians? Will they really go to Heaven? Don't they believe in some really wacky things like praying to the Virgin Mary and believing that they're actually eating the flesh and drinking the blood of Christ during communion?" These are only a few of the questions many Evangelicals still ask about Roman Catholics today. And these are the types of questions we tackle today. Is there really such a great divide or is there more common ground then we might think?" -
Ron Sider
Professor Sider has lectured at many colleges and universities around the world, including Yale, Harvard, Princeton, and Oxford. Ron feels that, "Evangelical Christians, are very much like their non-Christian neighbours in rates of divorce, premarital sex, domestic violence and use of pornography, and are actually more likely to hold racist views than other people." He's the author of, "The Scandal of The Evangelical Conscience - Why are Christians living just like the rest of the world?"
Ron Shantz
Ron knows what it's like to struggle to make ends meet! Not being able to pay the bills, failed business endeavours & personal bankruptcy, hardly enough food, crappy vehicles and no heat! (Ron is the Executive Director of Kerr Street Ministries, which is a non-profit organization that reaches out to the poor and disadvantaged.)
Talkback, etc.
Is there really such a great divide between Catholics and Evangelicals or is there actually more common ground then we might think? -
Can an unmarried Christian couple live together if they abstain from sex?
And, if following Christ is supposed to change one's life than;
* Why do Christians divorce at the same rate as not-yet Christians?
* Why are Christians just as racist and beat their wives just as much?
* Why are Christians buying into the same self-centred materialism as the rest of North America and only 6% of us tithe regularly?
* Why is the rate of sexual promiscuity so astoundingly high in the world of Jesus people?
November 19, 2005
Special Guests
Joining us at our LIVE remote broadcast from Bayview Glen Church at the Good Words Book Festival were authors;
N. J. Lindquist www.njlindquist.com
Keith Clemons
Lloyd Mackey
Denyse O'Leary
Gene Veith www.worldmag.com/geneedwardveith
Sue Augustine www.sueaugustine.com
Greg Paul www.sanctuaryministries.on.ca
Rev. Don Fitchett
Drew's mentor, Don Fitchett, was actually in one of the hotels that were bombed last week in Amman Jordan! Imagine being only 60 feet away from a blast that killed so many and discovering later that the only reason you weren't killed was because the explosives that were strapped to an Iraqi woman, for some reason, didn't detonate?
Talkback, etc.
Would you like to see a Federal Election called sooner or later?
November 12, 2005
Special Guests
Wayne Rice & Paul Robertson
ATTENTION ALL PARENTS & YOUTH WORKERS... Two of North America's top youth guru's join us to discuss today's youth culture!
** Wayne is the founder and director of "Understanding Your Teenager," a college professor, and a frequent speaker / youth leadership trainer. Wayne has worked with teenagers since 1963 in church and para-church youth ministry. He is the co-founder of Youth Specialties, the nation's largest provider of resources and training for youth ministry, and has authored or co-authored more than thirty books for youth workers and parents! www.uyt.com
** Paul is a veteran youth specialist and instructor in youth culture at Tyndale College and has been with Youth For Christ Toronto for over 25 years. Oh... and he only owns two ties!!
Karla Yaconelli
Karla is the widow of one of Drew's most favourite authors and formative influences on own spiritual journey, the founder of Youth Specialties and The Wittenberg Door, Mike Yaconelli. Karla shares with us about this phenomenon she was married to and about her recent loss and subsequent journey of grief.
Talkback, etc.
Paul Robertson takes your calls on understanding today's youth culture.
Listen as a mother shares about her struggles with a son who has run away from home and another mother who emotionally cries out for help on how to deal with a daughter who thinks she might be a lesbian. -
Have you ever been a victim of abuse by your spouse? Do you know of anyone within your church who is currently being abused by their spouse? NO MORE SECRETS - PART 2!
Last week we tried to talk about why the church seems to be a safe haven for spousal abuse... apparently it's still hard for people to discuss! Co-Author of Refuge From Abuse: Healing and Hope for Abused Christian Women, Catherine Clark Kroeger joins us this week, to shed some light on why the church still seems to be a great place for wife beaters to hide. -
Are you a doubter or one of those irritating 100% faithful believers?
You know what's really hard to understand? People who have never, ever, in their life, doubted the existence of God. What is it that makes you doubt or what is it that makes you NEVER doubt?
November 5, 2005
Special Guests
Dave Toycen & Barry Slauenwhite
Together for the first time on Canadian radio, the CEO's of the world's most popular child sponsorship organizations! Dave Toycen from World Vision Canada and Barry Slauenwhite from Compassion Canada, answering the tough questions. What's the difference between Compassion & World Vision? Which organization should YOU go with, especially when it comes to child sponsorship? Which organization will make better use of your money? Which organization will not only use your money to help feed, clothe and educate the children, but which one will have more of an intentional spiritual impact on their lives?
www.compassion.ca -
Geoff Moore
Formerly of "Geoff Moore & The Distance" and an avid supporter of Compassion Canada, Geoff performs LIVE - IN STUDIO, 3 of his greatest hits. Geoff also shares about his life and adoption of 2 Chinese girls in our Journey segment below.
Geoff Moore
Why would anyone even consider adopting 1 child let alone 2 from another country, especially when you're in your forties and already have two teenagers? Listen as Geoff shares his family's journey of adoption and a few other inside details behind one of Christian Music's most genuine guys!
Talkback, etc.
World Vision or Compassion — what's the difference and who should you sponsor a child with?
The church has gained a reputation for secretly hiding spousal abuse quite well!
Have you ever been a victim of abuse by your spouse? Do you know of anyone within your church who is currently being abused by their spouse? No more secrets!
October 29, 2005
Special Guests
This Irish-born Australian singer/songwriter has been influenced by such musical greats as Neil Young, Jackson Browne, Sting and James Taylor. Phil is currently visiting Nashville, Los Angeles and Toronto looking into the possibility of a North American tour in the near future. (Maybe joining Canada's own, Ali Matthews - who incidentally phoned in during this interview.) Phil's music reaches many through his soul- filled lyrics and sweet acoustic sounds. Also joining Phil is a mystery surprise guest on blue's harp! -
Steve Russo
Steve is an internationally known communicator, best- selling author, and host of the internationally syndicated daily radio program, "Real Answers". He is a featured speaker with the Billy Graham Association and on the music video TV show 24/SEVEN. Steve is a professional drummer who speaks to tens of thousands of teenagers and families each year in crusades, citywide events, churches, schools, and prisons. Today we speak with Steve about his book, "What's The Deal With Wicca? - A deeper look into the dark side of today's witchcraft."
Phil & Judy Davidson
Their middle child Georgia... gorgeous, intelligent, full of love & life! And a child with Down's Syndrome. Listen to their journey of raising Georgia... from the initial shock to the day-to-day frustrations of love. Phil also performs "Georgia's Smile" at the end of this segment... get the tissues ready!
Talkback, etc.
Have you or anyone you know, actually been into witchcraft or Wicca or the occult or Satanism?
Should Christians own racehorses?
After praying about it and really feeling God was giving the go-head, Drew's friends decided to spend almost $30,000.00 on a racehorse. Last week, in its first race, the horse broke it's leg! They had to put it down! So, do you think this is God telling them something through this? Or is it just an unfortunate circumstance and nothing should be read into it? -
Who is your most favourite Christian or Gospel recording artist ever?
October 22, 2005
Special Guests
Tommy Hunter — Canada's Country Gentleman
Tommy Hunter was honoured with a Lifetime Achievement Award at the 27th Annual Covenant Awards, Saturday night, here in Toronto! This year the CGMA wants to honour Tommy for his years on television and the strong Gospel music content of his shows, particularly the great number of times he closed his show with the singing of a hymn or a inspirational reading. His guests over the years included many Gospel music artists including Cristy Lane, Johnny Cash, Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, Ricky Skaggs and many others. -
Dr. Don Carmont
As author of "The Naked Mentor" Don brings vulnerability to the world of Christian leadership principles. In other words, finally... a guy who is willing to speak of his failures in order that others might learn from his mistakes!
Robbie Symons
Robbie is the senior pastor the new Harvest Church in Oakville. We'll hear about his personal spiritual journey as well as what it's been like starting up a new church.
Talkback, etc.
How many times a month are you and your spouse making love?
Look! I know this is a touchy subject (so to speak) but for many couples this is the one they fight over the most. One thinks it should be more and the other thinks it's more than enough. So we'd like to find out what your numbers are. What do you think is a healthy number?
October 15, 2005
Special Guests
Joe Boot
As the Executive Director of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries Canada and one of the best Christian Apologists out there today, Joe talks about his latest book, "Why I Still Believe" and answers some rather difficult but common questions.
Brennan Manning
Brennan lives in New Orleans! Listen as he shares why he's been feeling, "disoriented, confused, and depressed" since he stayed in New Orleans during the entire hurricane! Was Katrina the punitive hand of God on "Sin City?"
Talkback, etc.
Joe Boot answers your "stumper" questions.
As one of the world's leading Christian Apologists, Joe tackles everything from; "What are the main reasons people leave the Faith?" to discussing various aspects of the "Intelligent Design" debate going on in the U.S.A. Even "Eternal Security" came up for debate once again! -
Would $10,000,000.00 change you? What would you do with it?
Seven years ago, Gerald Muswagon won a $10-million lottery jackpot. Recently, having spent all of his money, Muswagon hung himself in his parent's garage. -
SUICIDE — Is it a sin? Is it the "unforgivable sin?" Have you ever attempted it? Would you?
October 8, 2005
Special Guests
Bob Hartman — Lead guitarist, principal songwriter and founder of Petra
With more than 7 million records sold, 4 Grammy Awards, 10 Dove Awards and an induction into the Gospel Music Hall of Fame, Petra has indeed become one of the most famous Christian bands ever. And now they're retiring! -
Dr. Daniel Etya'ale
As a world expert on blindness and representative of Christian Blind Mission International, Dr. Etya'ale works with the W.H.O. coordinating eye-related medical programs for ALL of Africa. Dr. Etya'ale is here in Canada to speak with the Canadian government and get anyone who will listen to understand that it only takes $33 to give someone sight! Millions who are blind can be healed... today! The cures are available... NOW!
Debbie Palmer
Debbie's sister was the first and only legal wife of polygamist elder Winston Blackmore. (from last week) Debbie Palmer, left the community in 1988 and has been campaigning against, "the sexual exploitation and assault of Bountiful's women and children, the forced marriages and the forced obedience." At 15, Palmer became the 6th "wife" to Winston Blackmore's father -- Ray Blackmore, a man 42 years older than her at the time. After Ray Blackmore died, Debbie was re-assigned first to 54-year-old Sam Ralston. By the time she left, she had been married to three different "husbands" and eight children (although she was never legally married).
Talkback, etc.
Should Sim marry his pregnant girlfriend if she really isn't sure about all this Jesus stuff?
After hearing Sim share his story, the listeners call in with their advice. Are spiritual differences enough of an issue to consider not getting married right now? -
Do you think we are medicating our kids too much?
October 1, 2005
Special Guests
Stephen Baldwin
As the youngest member of the famous Baldwin family of actors, Stephen makes his home in upstate New York with his wife and two young daughters. Through an impressive body of work, he is one of the most sought-after male talents in film and television today. Still, his family and newfound faith are most important to him. Listen to his incredible story of how he came to fully surrender his life to his Creator. -
Winston Blackmore
Over the last few years, Winston has been featured in the media as the Bishop of Bountiful, British Columbia... a Mormon polygamist community. Finally, a chance to hear from someone who feels that polygamy is not only a positive way to do life, but also spiritually justifies it as well.
New Orleans' Pastor Randy Millet
Randy is the pastor of a church, which has been totally destroyed by Hurricane Katrina and subsequent floods. The stories of tragedy and miracles include Randy's uncle and aunt drowning in their home and a recent reunion with his brother. His wife's stepmother was in St. Rita's Nursing Home where so many elderly perished because the staff simply left them to die. His church was shocked to find out that a church in Iraq was reaching out to help his congregation in this time of desperate need!
Talkback, etc.
Polygamy... what the?
The 100-minute Bible — is it a good thing or not?
A version of the Bible that can be read in just 100-minutes has been published in an effort to attract time-challenged readers to the Good Book. The 100-Minute Bible covers the principal stories from the creation to Revelation, but can be read in about an hour and a half. Is this something you would buy? -
Should politicians who stand for issues, which go against Catholic doctrine, be refused Holy Communion?
Prime Minister Paul Martin may have to pay a spiritual price for leading the charge to legalize same-sex marriage in Canada. Deciding whether politicians who support laws that contravene church teachings should still be allowed to take communion is one of the subjects up for discussion when Roman Catholic bishops gather for the synod at the Vatican. Is the Catholic Church doing the right thing?
September 24, 2005
Special Guests
Peter Mosier
Having grown up in a Jehovah's Witness family, Peter came to the realization that what he was being raised to believe, wasn't standing up to scrutiny. Subsequently, he put together a fantastic website, simply showing primary resource material (stuff JW's say about themselves and their beliefs) then simply highlighted various points of interest... things to make you say "Hmmm!" The WatchTower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania have initiated legal proceedings against Peter, seeking a reported $100,000 in damages and a court order to silence the website.
Stephen Boissoin
Canada's Prime Minister, Paul Martin said Churches would be protected after Bill C-38 was passed. Tell that to this Pastor who is now facing a Human Rights Tribunal and fines, because of a letter to the editor he wrote calling homosexuality immoral and dangerous. At the end of this interview, Stephen reads the very same letter, which prompted people to threaten him and destroy his property!
Talkback, etc.
Peter Mosier takes your calls about the JW's.
Are their any virgins over 18 out there?
What's it like being a virgin today? Are you embarrassed about it? Call us and tell us how you've managed to stay sexually pure in this sexually saturated society. -
Immigration Lawyer - Chantal Desloges
Back by popular demand, Chantal answers all of your immigration, Canadian citizenship and refugee questions! Man, does this lady know her stuff!
September 17, 2005
Special Guests
Lisa Whelchel
Lisa is best known for her role as the stuck-up glamour girl, "Blair" from the hit TV series "Facts of Life." She is now a home-schooling, Pastor's wife and author of some of the most encouraging stuff out there for moms! Writing from the heart and personal experience, Lisa brings to light the frustrations many mother's go through while trying to raise Godly children... even those with special needs such as ADHD.
Dr. Roy Matheson
Just over 2 years ago, Roy lost his wife of almost 50 years to Cancer. Listen as he shares the pain of his loss and what "moving forward" looks like.
Talkback, etc.
Do you speak in tongues? Is this a real gift or do people just think they have it?
Should we be donating money to the richest country in the world?
September 10, 2005
Special Guests
George Canyon
This Nova Scotia born, gentle giant, catapulted to fame 18 months ago as runner-up on the American country talent show Nashville Star after 14 years of struggling for recognition. Now he's absolutely raking in the awards - from a Juno to dominating the Canadian Country Music Awards - George canyon is the real deal. Genuine, humble and very willing to give credit to His Creator! -
James Rutz
Author of one of the most controversial and talked about books out there right now - "MEGASHIFT!" Jim tells stories of Christianity growing in astounding numbers around the world primarily due to the "Home Church" movement. Jim also feels that there is a direct co-relation between the spiritual growth of these home churches in other parts of the world, and powerful movements of the God's hand... such as a number of full blown incidents of many people coming back from the grave!
Denise Moxam
Losing a child is every parent's nightmare. Just over a year ago, Denise and her husband watched their son Jordan lose his battle with Cancer. Listen as Denise shares her pain as she processes one of the deepest human pains there is.
Talkback, etc.
Would you consider leaving your traditional church to join the growing phenomenon known as "Home Church?"
Which is it that makes you question a person's spiritual life more?
Recently, Christian artist Jaci Velasquez just announced her divorce. Should Christian Bookstores and Christian radio stations pull her material?
When Amy Grant went through her divorce, many Christian radio stations stopped playing her music and many Christian bookstores refused to stock her albums. Should the same thing happen to Jaci? Do you consider a divorced person damaged goods?
September 3, 2005
Special Guests
B.B. King
Without a doubt, the master of the blue's celebrates his 80th birthday with a new CD release, "BB King & Friends - 80"... an incredible collaboration of greats! Eric Clapton, Van Morrison, Sheryl Crow, Darryl Hall, Mark Knopfler, Gloria Estafan, Roger Daltrey, Elton John & Glenn Frey of the Eagles! Listen as Drew catches up with Mr. King on the tour bus, just prior to his Toronto concert. -
Brian McLaren
As "Mr. Post Modern," Brian is the go-to guy when it comes to the future of the church. Tired of the same old ways of just doing church? Want to change and actually reach people who don't just go to another church? One of the most stimulating conversations ever had on the show by far, Brian challenges the status quo through such books as, "The Last Word and the Word After That"... "Adventures in Missing the Point"... and "The Church on the Other Side." -
Janet Epp Buckingham
As the Director of Law & Public Policy for the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada, Janet discusses everything from parents needing to be aware of the secular schools promoting a gay positive curriculum as well as why our Government funds a "gay only" school while at the same time we find a school board in Hamilton refusing to allow an after school club of Christians to meet!
Bill Wagner
As a manager of an ISECO store in Hamilton, Ontario, Bill shares how his spiritual life seems to naturally overflow into his place of work and how working with ISECO changed his journey of Faith as a result of the atmosphere at ISECO.
Talkback, etc.
If you could change 1 thing about the way Christians do church, what would it be?
Did God destroy the home of the Mardi Gras with hurricane Katrina?
When the Tsunami hit the predominately Muslim area around Indonesia, many felt that this was God's punishment. So does God punish so called "Christian countries" as well?
August 27, 2005
Special Guests
Cindy Cherry
As the daughter of Hockey Legend, Don Cherry, Cindy now sits on the Board of Directors for "Rose Cherry's Home For Kids," an amazing charity established after the death of Cindy's mom, Rose. They provide paediatric hospice care and respite services to families within communities in Ontario, who have children with life-limiting or life-threatening illness requiring complex and/or technology-dependent care. Check it out... better yet... send them some cash! -
Ole Anthony
His association with The Trinity Foundation (A ministry to the homeless and a well needed watchdog group for televangelists.) and The Wittenburg Door (The world's only Christian satirical magazine!) has made Ole a resourceful individual with a passion for revealing the stupidity of Television Evangelists! We need to lighten up... we need to laugh at ourselves... we need to keep our leaders accountable... Subscribe to The Door!
An amazing story of childhood pain after finding her mother dead in the garage, Colette shares how God has had His hand on her life, even throughout more recent times of hurt... within the church!
Ask The Pastor!
With Rev. Fitchett
Talkback, etc.
Have you ever felt abused by the church?
Do you think there are people so evil that they just need to be destroyed?
August 20, 2005
Special Guests
Craig Gross
Author of "The Gutter", a brilliant book on the incarnational and brutal reality that Jesus would probably rather visit a Porn Convention then host The 700 Club! "XXX Church" is a refreshing ministry, connecting those we have scorned for years, with their loving Creator. "Jesus Loves Porn Stars" is a slogan on one of their shirts. At their booth, which is set up at various Porn Expo's, stands a 25-foot inflatable penis named Wally. Nonetheless, "XXX Church" is helping thousands around the world fight their struggles with pornography by offering a FREE "accountability software" on their site, as well as building relationships with those who actually make the porn... sharing the love of Christ... even for them... especially for them! -
Steve Chavis
As the Communications Director for Promise Keepers U.S.A, Steve answers some of the hard questions about this men's ministry phenomenon! What are they really? What can a guy expect if he goes to one? Are they too ecumenical, too charismatic, too touchy-feely? We also chat with Steve about why men generally seem to be such spiritual wimps! -
Phil Cooke
As the only Hollywood producer with a PHD in Theology, Phil is the author of "Successful Christian Television" (which sounds like an oxy-moron) & COMING SOON... "Change or Die." Both these books highlight the desperate need for change in the world of Christian Television... AMEN! Drew & Phil talk about everything from bad hair... to straight guys designing sets... to the irritating over-use of "Christianese!" Phil has worked with all the biggies including Joyce Myer, Joel Osteen & yes... even Creflo Dollar! (A perfect name for a champion of "Prosperity Doctrine.") If you want to do ministry on TV RIGHT or market your ministry RIGHT... this is the RIGHT man to call.
Talkback, etc.
Do you think the guys at XXX Church are going too far with their rather unique ministry?
Why do so many men seem to be so spiritually pathetic?
Quick survey... Would you rather go to a big church or small church? Why?
What is your favourite "Christianese" saying? Which one drives you bonkers?
August 13, 2005
Special Guests
Dr. Terry Law
As President & Founder of "World Compassion" Dr. Law recently met with the President & Prime Minister of Iraq, urging them to sign the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights in order to guarantee religious freedom in their new governing charter. Was the war in Iraq worth it if the people have no right to freely choose which God they want to serve? World Compassion needs all of us to sign a petition urging Iraqi officials to adhere to this Declaration of Human Rights. Go to... -
Larry Spieser
Larry is the Canadian National President of The Gideons, an organisation which has offered Bibles to hospitals, hotels and schools for many years. Recently, a school in London Ontario came under pressure from some parents for sending a letter home asking if their child would like a free copy of the New Testament, which would be waiting for them at the office, should they wish to pick one up. Joining this discussion also, is one of the School Board's Trustees, Mr. Terry Roberts.
Vangie Inman
Drew speaks with yet another one of the Team from his recent Compassion Canada trip to Nicaragua. Listen as Vangie shares about the greatest pain of her life... loosing her 3-year old son to a very rare disease, and how she coped while enduring a parent's ultimate fear!
Talkback, etc.
Was the war in Iraq worth it?
Despite the fact that the international press refuses to highlight that hospitals & schools are being re-opened, the drinking water is being cleaned up, and that the offerings of thanks from an oppressed and broken nation, is a common thing! -
Should the Bible be handed out in secular schools? What about other religious material?
Do you think your faith would be rocked if you were to loose a child?
August 6, 2005
Special Guests
Nicky Gumbel
Known as the man behind the phenomenon known as The Alpha Course, curate of Holy Trinity Brompton in England, Drew asks Nicky the hard questions about whether or not "Alpha" is too ecumenical and if they maybe put too much emphasis on the Holy Spirit. -
Peter Lalonde
Co-CEO of Cloud Ten Pictures who have brought us all of the "Left Behind" movies. Peter tells us some classic "behind the scenes" stories of Kirk & Chelsea Cameron while filming "Left Behind - World at War" in Toronto. Find out about their very unique plans to release movie #3 nation wide... through the churches! Oh and you need to know this... Peter is a major Toronto Maple Leaf fan... which makes the joke Kirk played on Peter very, very sad! "Shame on you Kirk Cameron!"
Aaron & Barb
Drew speaks with two more members of the team from his recent Compassion Canada trip to Nicaragua. The story of how one person who cared enough to do something to help the children stop drinking sewage... this one will get you!
Talkback, etc.
July 30, 2005
Special Guests
Dr. James Mahoney
Founder of "The Centre for Hope & Healing" and co-founder of the most exhaustive and helpful self-health diagnoses tool on the Internet! As a Dr. of Osteopathic medicine, Dr. J explains how easy, thorough and helpful this web-based program really is for those of us who actually want to take care of "the temple." Imagine walking into your MD's office with this accurate information, thus helping your doctor diagnose you accurately! Log on and try it for free, today. It might be your first step to a better body and brighter mind! -
Dr. Rick Fowler
Co-author of, "Too Busy To Live - The Addiction America Applauds."
As the Executive Director of Prestonwood Counselling Centre in Dallas, Dr. Fowler has been on Focus on The Family with James Dobson, Insight for Living with Chuck Swindoll and the 700 Club with Pat Robertson. Today Dr. Fowler explains why he thinks that busyness has become an addiction here in North America, one which is slowly killing us... physically, emotionally, spiritually and relationally!
Drew speaks with one of the Team from his recent Compassion Canada trip to Nicaragua. Listen as Barb shares about her time there and why she cares when so many don't!
Talkback, etc.
July 23, 2005
From the TDMS Vault!Special Guests
Gary Burghoff
Known primarily for his role as Corporal Radar O'Reilly on both the motion picture and hit TV series "M*A*S*H", Emmy Award winner Gary Burghoff, talks with Drew about his life as an actor, musician, artist and naturalist. Rubbing shoulders with the likes of Fred Astaire, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr. and Don Knotts, Gary's life as an actor unfortunately also took quite a toll on his family life. Join us for this rare and very candid interview with a humble servant of Christ. -
Gary Burghoff Part 2
Gary talks with Drew about his failed marriages, being a single parent and the spiritual journey, which led him to Jesus Christ. Listen as Gary shares an incredible story of how he, as a young 16-year old boy, crossed paths with soon to be President John F. Kennedy, which may have made a permanent impact on both of them. -
Stephen Harper
The Leader of The Conservative Party of Canada is asked direct questions by Drew about his faith and the proposed "same sex marriage" legislation. Mr. Harper also answers questions emailed from our listeners. -
Paul Brandt
The most awarded male Country artist in Canadian history, Country Music sensation Paul Brandt joins us as we chat with him about his spiritual life, his marriage and his rise to the top with songs like "I Do", "For You" and the remake of the 1975 C.W. McCall hit "Convoy". -
Kirk Cameron
Known for his role as Mike Seaver on the TV series Growing Pains, Kirk is also known as Buck Williams in the Left Behind movies. A dedicated and passionate follower of Christ, Kirk Cameron talks to us about his spiritual life amidst the Hollywood scene and his family life, being married to actress Chelsea Noble and having 6 children, 4 of whom are adopted. Kirk also shares with us about his new ministry, which endeavours to train Christians in Biblical evangelism. -
Bruce Cockburn
Bruce is easily one of the world's most creative songwriters and musicians and has subsequently won the hearts of millions around the world with his permeating lyrics and his unique acoustic stylings. This Canadian Music Hall of Fame inductee has produced 27 albums and won countless awards! Drew first caught up with Bruce in Australia where they chatted briefly about his spiritual journey… join us as they continue that discussion!
July 16, 2005
Special Guests
Michael Gilmour
Author of, "Tangled Up In The Bible - Bob Dylan & Scripture"
As Assistant Professor of New Testament at Providence College, Michael brings a unique perspective to the massive amount of Biblical imagery Bob Dylan has used over the years in his songs.
The gang in the studio phones Drew on his way down to Nicaragua.
Drew promptly gave the phone over to someone who knew what was going on... Angelina Dieleman, the Team leader from Compassion Canada. Angelina shares some interesting information both about the purpose for the trip to Nicaragua, as well as what Compassion Canada is really all about.
Talkback, etc.
The Church & Poverty
In light of the recent "Live 8" concert, how do you think the Church is doing at leading the world in the fight against poverty? Which denomination is the best at it? -
The latest Harry Potter book is out! Will you be picking up a copy?
Super Nanny seems to be showing just how stupid parents really are?
July 9, 2005
Special Guests
Dr. Tony Campolo
ORIGINALLY AIRED 2004 - Voted #1 by our listeners, to be played again!
- Professor emeritus of Sociology at Eastern University in St. Davids, Pennsylvania. Dr. Campolo is a media commentator on religious, social and political matters, having been on television programs like Nightline, Crossfire, Politically Incorrect, The Charlie Rose Show and CNN News. This author of 28 books was one of the first passionate communicators who inspired Drew to do Jesus differently!
Prayer Request
During our show this week, a woman called in and shared quite emotionally and painfully from her heart, about her very personal struggle with an unfaithful husband. Instead of posting that very hurtful story, (because we didn't have her permission) please... just pray for this woman... pray for her husband... pray for their children!!
Talkback, etc.
After London was attacked by those deluded wimps called, "terrorists," the Brits went right back to doing life again.
Do you think that Canadians would do the same? Would you go right back to the city again? Do you think that Toronto will be attacked? -
What is it about your teenager that drives you absolutely nuts?
How many women have had their husbands cheat on them or are addicted to pornography?
What does your spouse do that you just wish they'd stop doing?
July 2, 2005
Special Guests
Rick Warren
As pastor of one of the world's largest churches, Rick Warren has become a household name with the great success of his "Purpose Driven Life" books. Listen as Rick shares from backstage at "Live 8" in Philadelphia, his latest vision for the churches to unite and actually do something about the poor and oppressed in our world... "the least of these." -
James Sundquist
Not everyone feels that "The Purpose Driven Church" is a Biblical way to do church. James has some very interesting points in his book, "Who's Driving The Purpose Driven Church" and explains why he feels that Rick Warren is a false teacher, that his teachings are evil and that he is just one of many "false teachers" out there... along with James Dobson, Bill Hybels, Phillip Yancey, John Maxwell & Brennan Manning.
A teen growing up in a Christian family finds herself doubting God and believing lies about her ability to cope with the pressures she's facing. Suddenly she finds herself wanting to commit suicide. However, through a bizarre set of circumstances, Kristen is confronted by a friend who, unbeknownst to her, was about to end her life as well. Listen as Kristen shares her heart and how God kept her from going too far!
Talkback, etc.
Do you belong to a, "Purpose Driven Church?"
Has that been a good experience or not? Are you a fan of Rick Warren's book, "The Purpose Driven Life" or not? -
Heading into summer, do you have any good book or movie recommendations?
Is there anything wrong with a Christian having tattoos or extreme body piercings?
How much should a pastor make?
June 25, 2005
Special Guests
Larry Ross
As Director of Media & Public Relations for the Billy Graham Crusade, Larry gives us the inside scoop on Rev. Graham and his wife's health and the details behind this weekend's final Crusade. Will this be Billy Graham's last hurrah? -
Tim Thibault
Canada now has a watchdog group for televangelists. Tim heads up "Under The Son Ministries" who are the people behind The Miracle Channel Review, a website which explores the curious goings on at The Miracle Channel. (Canada's first full-time Christian television station.) Ever been abused or bilked out of your money by a television "ministry?" Go to this site and register your complaint!
Jim Leek
Known as the morning man on JOY 1250, Jim shares his testimony and his thoughts on being single for many years.
Talkback, etc.
Do you think that telling someone they're going to hell unless they become a Christian, is the right thing to do when telling someone the "Good News."
Have you ever been to a Billy Graham Crusade? Tell us your experience.
Should Christians go to the "Gay Pride Parade?"
If you could ask God 1 question today, what would it be?
June 18, 2005
Special Guests
Meadowlark Lemon
Do you remember as a kid going with your family to watch the Harlem Globetrotters? Do you remember those crazy guys always freaking someone out with that bucket of confetti and leaving the "show" with a sore stomach from continuous gut busting laughter! Listen as Drew interviews man who made him laugh until he cried, one of the originals from back in the day, Meadowlark Lemon. Athlete, Entertainer, Motivator and Pastor! -
Bruce Clemenger
Recently, a Toronto radio station held a Townhall meeting to discuss the issue of same-sex marriage. Part of the panel that night was the President of The Evangelical Fellowship Of Canada, Bruce Clemenger. We ask Bruce about his experience that night and, "What else is there to do? Is it all over? Have we lost? Is same-sex marriage inevitable?" -
Mark Taylor
Dr. Kenneth Taylor, translator of "The Living Bible" and founder of Tyndale Publishing House, recently passed away. Joining us is his son, President of Tyndale House Publishers - Mark Taylor, to speak about the legacy left by his dad
Julie Kennedy Smith
Why does so much stuff seem to happen to some people? Julie's life has been filled with a good dose of reality! Adopted, grew up as a pastor's kid, struggled with drug abuse and an eating disorder, her husband's brother was killed in a boating accident, she has 3 children and one was born with serious health issues, and to top it all off... Julie recently suffered a major head injury in a snowboarding accident! Now that's a journey! So how did this affect her faith?
Talkback, etc.
What do you say to an atheist? Would you go see a movie claiming Jesus never existed and that any faith is dangerous?
"THE GOD WHO WASN'T THERE" - A new movie directed by Brian Flemming holds modern Christianity up to a merciless spotlight as it asks the questions few dare to ask. And when it finds out how crazy the answers are, it dares to call them crazy. Your guide through the bizarre world of Christendom is former fundamentalist Brian Flemming. This movie claims that Jesus Christ is likely a fictional character, a legend never based on a real human; that Christian doctrine contradicts itself at every turn, and encourages immorality when it serves the religion; and that the beliefs of moderate Christians make even less sense than those of extremists... God simply isn't there. We speak with the Director and then get your reaction! -
Same-sex marriage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quick Survey... Which is your favourite translation of the Bible?
June 11, 2005
Special Guests
John Tesh
Known throughout the entertainment world as one of the most brilliant composers and recording artists of our time, John Tesh is probably most widely recognised as the former co-host of Entertainment Tonight. Married to actress Connie Sellecca, this Emmy Award winning musician has a fascinating story of Faith!
Daniel Decker
Daniel Decker just returned from Armenia, where he performed his song “Adana” to a standing ovation at a nationally televised Memorial Concert commemorating the 90th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. 1.5 million Christian Armenians were slaughtered in the genocide by Muslim Turkish soldiers of the Ottoman Empire because they would not renounce their faith in Christ. Decker's song “Adana” is about the genocide from a decidedly Christian point of view, and has been translated into 17 languages so far. It was received with great emotion and a standing ovation by all in attendance. Through this song Daniel is having the opportunity to proclaim the Gospel in a way he'd never have, even if he were a missionary. As a result, he's bringing God's healing and restoration to the people over this event, which several countries including modern-day Turkey and the U.S., still don't officially recognize. Listen to the man who made a difference. Listen to the passion. Listen to the story!
Talkback, etc.
Would you allow your teenager to get drunk at home so they would know what it felt like, within the safety and supervision of your own home?
Would you allow a party with drinking at your house, just to keep an eye on things? With graduation and summer parties coming up, a lot of teens use this time as an excuse "just to try it." If they wanted to do it and felt like they were going to do it anyway, with or without your approval, some parents are thinking about the lesser of two evils... getting drunk at home with supervision!? What would you do? -
OK... Karla Homolka moves in next door. How do you react?
Do you strike up a relationship with her and care for her as you would any other neighbour, if not even more? Or do you protest, avoid or possibly move? Don't forget... you're asked to love your neighbour as yourself. Don't forget... this woman committed absolutely gruesome crimes. Don't forget... all have sinned and fallen short of God's perfection. -
Why did you originally decide to follow Christ? Why are you still following Him?
You're on the Titanic! It's going down fast and someone asks you these questions! What would you concisely say?
June 4, 2005
Special Guests
Brennan Manning
Former Franciscan priest and author of The Ragamuffin Gospel, Brennan's ministry seems to be for the broken, screwed-up, ordinary people like you and I, who just can't seem to get our spiritual act together! If you listen to only one interview this year, than make this the one! -
Ole Anthony
His association with The Trinity Foundation (A ministry to the homeless and a well needed watchdog group for televangelists.) and The Wittenburg Door (The world's only Christian satirical magazine!) has made Ole a resourceful individual with a passion for the tearing down of idols. Ole discusses the reasons behind his organisation's delivery of incriminating evidence to the I.R.S. recommending that Benny Hinn's ministry not be considered a church with non-profit status and a multi million-dollar manse... amongst other things!
A young teenage girl who has been battling with an eating disorder. Listen as we hear from Becky and her parents, on how this issue has affected their lives and their Faith!
Talkback, etc.
Which TV Evangelist drives you absolutely nuts?
A Kentucky judge has been offering some drug and alcohol offenders the option of attending "worship services" instead of going to jail or rehab!
What's been your involvement with eating disorders?
May 28, 2005
Special Guests
Larry Norman
Part 2 of a rare 2-hour interview with The Godfather of the Christian Rock Movement! With songs like, "The Outlaw" - "I Wish We'd All Been Ready" - "U.F.O." - "Why Don't You Look Into Jesus," Larry Norman forged ahead against the ultra-conservative church culture of the 50's & 60's, which wanted nothing to do with his so called, "demon music." Larry was one of the forefathers of what we now know as "The Jesus Movement." Surviving years of countless rumours and gossip, Larry has become an icon in the Christian music world, having opened for Jimi Hendrix, Janice Joplin, The Byrds and The Grateful Dead. Enjoy this excerpt from Part 2!
Part 1 of this incredible interview, aired on April 16. -
Neil Anderson
Founder of Freedom In Christ Ministries and formerly the chairman of the Practical Theology department at Talbot School of Theology. He holds five degrees from Talbot, Pepperdine University and Arizona State University, and worked as an aerospace engineer before entering the ministry. He has more than twenty years of pastoral experience and has taught for more than ten years at seminary and post-graduate levels. Neil has authored many best-selling books on spiritual freedom including, "The Bondage Breaker" and "Victory over Darkness."
A young woman whose husband left her after 14 months of marriage. One day he just got up and left. She hadn't heard from him in months and wasn't even quite sure where he was. After only a short time of marriage... it was over! Listen as Brenda shares her painful journey and what happened spiritually during this time of hurt and rejection.
Talkback, etc.
What do you think is the #1 reason why spouses leave?
Your chance to phone in and speak with Dr. Neil T. Anderson
May 21, 2005
Special Guests
Mark Osborne
As a left-winger for the Toronto Maple Leafs, Mark was described as a solid two-way forward who played over 900 NHL games for four different clubs. He scored over 200 career goals and was known as a hard working winger who won the battles in the corners and checked hard against the opposition's top line. -
Madolyn Smith Osborne
Madolyn has starred in such Hollywood films as... Urban Cowboy with John Travolta, All of Me with Steve Martin, Funny Farm with Chevi Chase and The Super with Joe Pesci! Listen as we talk candidly about what role her spiritual life played in her career, and why Madolyn gave it all up.
Livingston Taylor
For over thirty years, Livingston Taylor has toured with such artists as Linda Ronstadt, Jimmy Buffett, Fleetwood Mac, and Jethro Tull. He has recorded eleven albums, and currently maintains a performing schedule of more than a hundred shows a year, which include club, theatre, college, and full symphony repertoire. Livingston has written most of his music repertoire, including such Top Forty hits as "I Will Be in Love with You" and "I'll Come Running"; and for his brother James, "I Can Dream of You," "Going Round One More Time," and "Boatman" (off the double Grammy-winning album Hourglass). Now a professor, Livingston lectures regularly at the Berklee College of Music in Boston and is currently Artist-in-Residence at Harvard University. Listen as Drew asks Liv where he's at spiritually these days.
Does the recent political soap opera make you care even less or more about politics?
With the Canadian Liberal government being saved by the Speaker's tie breaking vote and by the obvious purchase of another vote, you know, the whole Belinda Stronach "thing,"... PLUS the whole Sponsorship Scandal and alleged attempts to tempt at least one Conservative MP to jump ship... unfortunately this means that we'll have to talk about politics! Why should we care... why should we trust? Do you pray for your government leaders? How are you feeling about the whole state of affairs on Parliament Hill these days? Did Belinda Stronach do the right thing? WHY DOES THIS COUNTRY STILL VOTE LIBERAL? TIME TO UNLOAD, PEOPLE!
Talkback, etc.
Tell us about the most embarrassing thing you can remember, happening IN A CHURCH!
It's always a risk talking about humorous stuff with humourless people but we'll give it another try! -
Answered Prayers! Had any lately?
Share with us your stories of answered prayers! We all need a little boost of Faith! Does God care? Does He still answer prayers today?
May 14, 2005
Special Guests
Nancy Heche
As a single parent who experienced the international media rush during her daughter's highly visible lesbian affair with Ellen DeGeneres , and as a wife who survived her husband's shocking revelation of a secret homosexual life and subsequent death of AIDS, Nancy brings a spiritual focus to the realities of living and healing with both secret and public aspects of homosexuality in a family. She holds a Master's degree in Pastoral Counselling from Loyola University in Chicago and a Doctorate degree in Pastoral Counselling and Psychotherapy from Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois.
Talkback, etc.
What do we do about Rev. Fred Phelps? Do you think God hates "fags?"
Former Canadian politician, Svend Robinson, cited this man's ministry as one of the key reasons to have homosexuality protected under Canada's hate crimes legislation. As Pastor of Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas since 1955, Fred has led his followers in more than 22,000 picketing demonstrations across America including dancing on graves of gays and protesting and at the funerals of deceased homosexuals. Listen as Drew interviews one of the most hated men in America! -
How can the Christian community relationship with the gay community without compromising our beliefs?
Bruxy Cavey of The Meeting House & Wendy Gritter of New Direction For Life Ministries, join us as we discuss with callers, one of the key issues facing our Nation as well as our church. or -
What is your eschatological point of view? When do you think Christ will return?
Rev. Joseph Mahabir, author of "The Glorious Appearing - What The Scriptures Teach About The Rapture & Millennium" talks about his book and answers questions from callers pertaining to "end-times" interpretations of the Bible.
May 7, 2005
Special Guests
Kathy Ireland - Part 1
Entrepreneur, Super Model, Author, Actress & Mother... Kathy began her career as a supermodel (a term she humbly avoids) and morphed into what the Associated Press and London Times call "a best friend to working mothers" because women all over the world are embracing her designs and products. Drew asks Kathy many questions about her faith, including how a genuine follower of Christ can do the whole "modelling" thing! Listen to this incredible interview with one of the world's most successful women, and find out what Kathy Ireland's views are on a variety of issues facing women today. -
Kathy Ireland - Part 2
Jeff & Liz
A young couple involved with the church as youth leaders, who found themselves pregnant before marriage. We find out what it was like for them when the "church people" found out they were having sex before marriage and how they dealt with the "shame" that comes with all of it, within the Christian world! -
Denise Mountenay
Denise was raped at the tender age of 13, and as a result turned to alcohol and drugs to cover her pain and shame. For years she searched for love and acceptance in all the wrong places. Denise found herself pregnant and afraid. Like many women today, she was advised by friends, doctors and family to have an abortion. She took their advice. Today, Denise is now the Founder & President of "Canada Silent No More", an organisation that compassionately ministers to women of all ages. She is also the author of the book, “Forgiven of Murder…a True Story.”
Talkback, etc.
Which should be more of a priority for a woman - her husband or her kids?
On Oprah a few weeks ago, a lady took some real flak for saying that her husband is more of a priority in her life than her children. What's your opinion? -
Should mother's work if they don't financially have to?
Is there anything wrong with the stereotypical mother staying at home, cooking, cleaning and being the primary caregiver for the kids? We also find out a few of the favourite things our moms used to make in the kitchen. (How sexist!)
April 30, 2005
Special Guests
Geoff Moore & Mark Schultz
Formerly of "Geoff Moore & The Distance" and a great supporter of Compassion International, Geoff shares the story of he and his wife's adoption of 2 little girls from China. Mark Schultz has absolutely exploded onto the Christian Music scene with a rare ability to combine the pure art of storytelling with a musical gifting able to permeate people's spirits. Mark also shares his own adoption story. A great hour with two of Christian music's genuine guys!
www.geoffmoore.com -
Emmanuel International
Andy Atkins, General Director of Emmanuel International, shares his passion and vision of this international, interdenominational, Christian mission. Emmanuel International encourages, strengthens and assists local churches with meeting the spiritual and physical needs of the poor and least of these in our world!
Commissioner Christine MacMillan
As Territorial Commander for the Salvation Army of Canada, Christine is the real thing! Described by some as the "Evangelical's Mother Theresa," this woman has probably gotten her hands dirty helping more people than most. Imagine, choosing to sleep in a hostel, on a floor of mentally ill women, crying out, night after night, just so you could understand how to love them more effectively!
Talkback, etc.
Bibles banned from Hospital! Should hospitals even have Bibles in each room?
A hospital in Fredericton N.B. has decided to ban bedside Bibles because they are a health hazard. Some politically correct genius made the decision to go through the Hospital, on a Sunday no less, and collect all the Bibles. Is this germ warfare or spiritual warfare? Ahhh... the continuing trend of the secularization of Canadian institutions. The mayor of Fredericton, Brad Woodside, joins the show, to express his frustrations and accused the hospital of acting on 'political correctness' that seems to reject any expression of Christianity in public. -
Jimmy Swaggart Threatens To Kill Gays - Should Swaggart be fined and taken off the air?
A Canadian television station has apologized to viewers for American evangelist Jimmy Swaggart's television program in which he threatened to kill gays. Jimmy is now being investigated by the Canadian Radio Television Commission, the government agency, which regulates television. During his program, Swaggart started talking about gay marriage and said,
"I'm trying to find the correct name for it ... this utter absolute, asinine, idiotic stupidity of men marrying men. I've never seen a man in my life I wanted to marry. And I'm gonna be blunt and plain; if one ever looks at me like that, I'm gonna kill him and tell God he died." Then his congregation applauded loudly!
Should he step down as a spiritual leader... again?
April 23, 2005
Special Guests
Tommy Emmanuel
Jazz legend Chet Atkins was one of the first people who inspired Emmanuel to pick up a guitar. Decades later, Atkins himself became one of Emmanuel's biggest fans, and is responsible for declaring Emmanuel a "Certified Guitar Player" - an honour shared by only two other people in the world (Jerry Reed and John Knowles). In his storied career, the Grammy-nominated Emmanuel has set sales records that have yet to be broken and performed alongside hundreds of other musical legends including Chet Atkins, Eric Clapton, Sir George Martin, Hank Marvin and Joe Walsh. He even recorded sessions with Tiny Tim and Stevie Wonder. In Australia, Emmanuel's music and life are legendary. He began playing guitar at age 4, learning to play by ear without any formal instruction. Emmanuel and his brother Phil were child prodigies, starting their professional career in the 1960s when Phil was just 7-years-old and Tommy a mere 4. -
Richard Fangrad & Gary Bates
Richard Fangrad, helped found Answers in Genesis-Canada in 1999. He was driven to get involved with AiG primarily because of the influence that AiG's materials and resources had on his on faith and his walk with Christ.
Australian, Gary Bates, has undertaken specialist research into the UFO phenomenon and associated extraterrestrial beliefs. Although his research has revealed many bizarre claims, he recognizes that UFO beliefs are rapidly escalating in society and the church, and thus are challenging Christianity. He has provided some very sound biblical answers to this seemingly puzzling subject in his intriguing landmark book called "Alien Intrusion: UFOs and the Evolution Connection."
Ali Matthews
Canadian singer songwriter, Ali Matthews, has been performing for over 15 years. On stage she has blended covers of Bob Dylan, Sheryl Crow, Shawn Colvin, fellow Canadian Leonard Cohen, Tom Waits, and Nanci Griffith with original material. Ali has just received three nominations from Vibe Gospel Music for the 2005 Shai Awards in the following categories: Inspirational Album of the Year, Country/Bluegrass Album of the Year and Folk Album of the Year. Today, Ali will share from her heart and perform live in studio!
Talkback, etc.
Useless Television Trivia
April 16, 2005
Special Guests
Larry Norman
For the first time in the history of Canadian Christian Radio... The Godfather of the Christian Rock Movement gives a rare 2 hour interview! With songs like, "The Outlaw" - "I Wish We'd All Been Ready" - "U.F.O." - "Why Don't You Look Into Jesus," Larry Norman forged ahead against the ultra-conservative church culture of the 50's & 60's, which wanted nothing to do with his so called, "demon music." Larry was one of the forefathers of what we now know as "The Jesus Movement." Surviving years of countless rumours and gossip, Larry has become an icon in the Christian music world, having opened for Jimi Hendrix, Janice Joplin, The Byrds and The Grateful Dead.
Part 2 of this incredible interview, will air on May 28. -
Dr. Grant Mullen & Derek Johnson
Medical doctor, seminar leader and author, Dr. Grant Mullen specializes in treating depression, manic depression, anxiety disorders and other emotional / mental disorders. He believes that spiritual and emotional issues are major factors in causing illnesses and that doctors must look beyond just the medical and physical aspects to consider the spiritual element in their treatment as well. Also joining Dr. Mullen is Derek Johnson, a therapist who specializes in addictions, adolescence, marital & family conflict, parenting, job stress and ministry burnout.
The story of a man who grew up in a dysfunctional family with an abusive father. As an escape, he turned to booze, drugs and porn. At 18 he moved in with a girlfriend, which lead to a pregnancy and subsequent abortion and continued to live a fast life with unwise choices. Finally, it all came crashing down when at 26 he encountered a nervous breakdown. Then, after years of broken relationships, he surrendered his life to Jesus Christ and entered into a restored relationship and acceptance with the Creator, only to find that the church wasn't quite as ready to accept him. Listen as we hear the story of a man who is still trying to make wise choices, but continues to battle between his "old life patterns" and this so called, "new life in Christ."
Talkback, etc.
Yes, Christians still battle with depression, mood disorders and other forms of mental illness.
Do you believe in aliens and U.F.O's?
UFOs sighted in every country, alien abductions, crop circles and government cover-ups... How do you explain it all?
(Our apologies... the beginning of our recording mysteriously disappeared!!!)
April 9, 2005
Special Guests
Jay Leach
Jay is a world-renowned guitarist whose TV work includes... Matlock, In The Heat of The Night, Murder She Wrote, Jake and the Fatman and Several episodes of Touched By An Angel! He's worked on radio commercials for... IBM, Budweiser, Denny's, McDonald's, Nike, Black Angus Steak House, and Mercedes. Jay has performed on various movie soundtracks including... Mars Attacks, Down and Out in Beverly Hills, Gone Fishin', Tough Enough, A Simple Wish, Smokey and the Bandit III, Urban Cowboy, Big Business, and Six Days and Seven Nights. Jay has played with a variety of artists such as... Roy Orbison, Barry Manilow, Gladys Knight, John Denver, The Pointer Sisters, Bonnie Raitt, Kirk Whalum, Michael McDonald and has been a session guitarist on over 70 contemporary Christian albums including artists such as Carman, Barry McGuire and Joni Eareckson Tada. -
Grant Crossman & John Lockyer
And now for something completely different... Have you ever wanted a snake for a pet? Joining us in the studio, two experts in the field of exotic pets. Grab the kids and have a listen, as we ask Canada's "Crocodile Hunters" all about snakes, spiders, lizards, poisonous frogs and everything else that scares most people to death!
Stop & Pray
This week, was a time for you to call in with your prayer request. The Drew Marshall Show has over 150,000 loyal listeners... many of whom are ready and willing to pray for you! JOIN US TO LISTEN & PRAY!
Talkback, etc.
Are we making too big a deal out of the Pope's death?
Do you think most Catholics actually worship the Pope? Estimates show around 4 million mourners have filed into the basilica to pay their last respects to the Pope. Some mourners reported waiting in line for days to catch a 15-second glimpse of the pope. Is that worship? Would Protestants respond in such a way if Billy Graham died? Why are flags at half-mast in front of all government buildings including non-Catholic schools and public works departments? -
"I Can't Worship to that Music!"
What worship music bugs you the most? Ever had someone on the worship team who was very gifted... but not in music? Wendy Porter, Director of Music and Worship at McMaster Divinity College, joins us as we discuss the most divisive issue in the church history! WORSHIP WARS 2005!
April 2, 2005
Special Guests
Shane Wiebe
As a Canadian Idol Finalist, Shane made a real impact on both his competitors and judges during his ride to the top 5 on Canadian Idol last year. It seemed that many sensed that something was different about Shane. Listen as Drew speaks with the man behind the voice that Canada loved. -
Thom Seagran
President of "The Christian Connector," a one-stop virtual online shop for FREE information on Christian colleges, graduate schools, seminaries and missions organizations, the *only* organization of its kind that works exclusively with Christian institutions. From its site, students can request free information from multiple Christian educational institutions simultaneously, so the site works like a virtual "Christian college fair" without ever having to leave home. Thom values Christian higher education so much, he just announced that The Christian Connector is funding three $1,000.00 scholarships out of the organization's own pocket-- one for Christian college students (undergraduate), one for seminaries or graduate students, and one for those on missions trips or career missionaries. The Christian Connector provides a free information service for Christian colleges.
Glenn Allan
Glenn hosts "GoodNews Sports" an interview show in which Christian athletes discuss their lives, careers and how they use integrity to deal with challenges. A survivor of sexual abuse by a minor hockey coach, Glenn had turned to drugs and alcohol to help dull the pain. Following a horrifying suicide attempt, he ended up in detox and then rehab. Just three months after he attempted to end his life, Allan was back on the air, a changed man. He had become a Christian and was leaning on counsellors to help him deal with the challenges he was facing. Glenn now mentors young offenders and foster boys. He also works closely with the RCMP, OPP, Crime Stoppers, local law enforcement and service agencies traveling to schools nationwide with his powerful motivational speaking presentation entitled, “Giving Kids a Chance”. From a life of cocaine, violence and crime to a life of freedom!
Talkback, etc.
Random Phone Calls
Once again Drew goes through the phone book asking people, "How does someone get to Heaven?" Then our regular listeners call in to give their CONCISE answer on this simple question! -
Who's death has more of an impact in your life, Terri Schiavo's or The Pope's?
Practical Help or TORTURE!
Do you need someone to help you out practically? Listen as we take calls from anyone who needs some practical help and then, for the next 10 minutes or until someone calls in to provide that practical help, we talk about MICHAEL JACKSON! "Torture huh!"
Once someone's practical need has been taken care of by another caller, then we move on to someone else who needs help. Then again, until we get some practical help, we talk about Michael Jackson! "Ahhhhhhhhhhh...!"
March 26, 2005
Special Guests
Jody Eldred
The Executive Producer, Director, Writer and the driving force behind "Changed Lives: Miracles of The Passion", which captures the true stories of people whose lives have been radically changed or who have had a supernatural miraculous experience as a result of seeing Mel Gibson's groundbreaking film "The Passion of The Christ." In 2003 Jody also spent a month in Kuwait, shooting ABC Network News coverage of the Iraq War. He has worked with Peter Jennings and Diane Sawyer, with ABC News, Primetime, Good Morning America, and on J.A.G. and Navy N.C.I.S. Jody has directed and shot literally hundreds of documentaries, news reports (for ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and the BBC) and segments for shows such as "20/20", "Primetime Live", "Good Morning America", "Dateline NBC", "48 Hours", "Eye to Eye with Connie Chung", "Day One", Ed Bradley's "Street Stories", "Entertainment Tonight", "That's Incredible", "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno", "Oprah", as well as many shows for MTV. Network assignments have ranged from up-close coverage of the Los Angeles riots, the Malibu fires and the Northridge earthquake, Peter Jenning's ABC Primetime Special on the O.J. verdict, to a BBC interview with Charles Manson, and the acclaimed Lifetime/Christie Brinkley hour documentary, "Rocking the Boat." -
Anne Sharp
President of "Sharp Concepts", and a publicist working with the Terri Schindler-Schiavo Foundation, Anne has had 17 years of experience in corporate public relations with major international companies such as Toyota, Sony Pictures, and Disney. She left her position as Vice President of Marketing & PR at a Los Angeles-based software company last year to commit herself to promoting Christian organizations and individuals. Drew talks with Anne to find out what the press isn't telling us about the Terri Schiavo situation.
Tammy Trent
Recording Artist & Author of "Learning To Breath Again"
In September 2001 she and her husband, spent a few days in Jamaica - part mission trip, part vacation. On September 10th, Trent went diving and never returned. Tammy spent the rest of the day with rescue divers trying to locate her husband with no success. She woke up the next morning in the home of strangers to discover that the whole world had gone mad. As she waited for news of her husband, she watched the news as two planes ploughed into the Twin Towers in New York - later that day she had to identify the body of her husband. No one in her family could get to her as flights were cancelled. She was held captive in Jamaica for ten more days waiting to return to her family. Tammy's story of God's grace in the midst of such pain, fear and loss touches everyone she ministers to.
Talkback, etc.
Do you know of someone whose life was changed after seeing the Passion?
Do you think that Mel Gibson should have released an edited / less graphic version of The Passion Of The Christ? Is it a movie you'll watch every Easter? What's your favourite "God" movie? -
Should Terri Schiavo, the 41 year old brain damaged woman from Florida, have her feeding tube put back in?
Christianity, homosexuality & the whole same sex marriage thing
There wasn't much time last week to hear from those of you who wanted to respond to Brent Hawkes, a gay minister and major player behind the proposed "same-sex marriage" legislation. This week, your chance to phone in and discuss Christianity and homosexuality and the whole same sex marriage thing, ONE MORE TIME... during our time with Bruxy Cavey, a genuine follower of Christ who actually gets it!
March 19, 2005
Special Guests
Brent Hawkes
A gay pastor at Toronto's Metropolitan Community Church and a major player behind the proposed "Same Sex Marriage" Legislation.
Bruxy Cavey - A heterosexual pastor at The Meeting House and one of the better communicators of God's Word that Canada has ever seen.
HOW CAN A CHRISTIAN EMBRACE A HOMOSEXUAL LIFESTYLE? CAN A GENUINE FOLLOWER OF CHRIST ACTUALLY BE GAY? Join us as we discuss one of the hottest issues facing Canadian Christians today.
Mike & Julia Schiemann
Earlier this month, four Royal Canadian Mounted Police were ambushed and gunned down during a raid on a marijuana grow-operation in Alberta. The youngest of the four killed, Const. Peter Schiemann, was only 25 years old. Peter's brother and sister, (Mike & Julia) having just buried their brother, graciously consented to a live interview with Drew. Listen as they share their hearts amidst unbelievable pain.
Talkback, etc.
FINALLY... an opportunity to ask a "Gay Christian" why they believe what they believe.
Your chance to phone in and discuss Christianity and homosexuality and the whole same sex marriage thing, during our time with Brent Hawkes and Bruxy Cavey. -
What if your child was murdered...what if they murdered someone?
In the light of the Schiemann family tragedy, which do you think would be harder for a parent? Having a child be murdered by someone or having a child who has murdered? -
Mortgages, Mortges, Mortgages
March 12, 2005
Special Guests
Bryan Duncan
After many years of success with Sweet Comfort Band, Bryan has gone on to an incredible solo career. Surviving the Christian Music Industry has had its battles though. Join us as Bryan shares openly about his addictive personality and the road to redemption!
Dale & Diane Lang
On April 28, 1999, 17-year-old Jason Lang was shot and killed by a fellow student at his school in Alberta, a week after the Columbine Massacre. Just this past week, after serving approximately 6 years in prison, Jason's killer was released to a halfway house here in Ontario. Listen as Drew speaks with Jason's parents about what this tragedy has done to their spirituality and how they've been able to process forgiveness. -
Carlie Machado
A 38 year old mother of 3 who has suffered with debilitating pain attributed to Lyme disease since childhood, shares about her spiritual struggles, worshipping a God that hasn't answered her prayers for a total and complete healing. That and the fact that her daughter has also contracted this horrendous disease, has pushed Carlie Machado to the brink of quitting... on her family, on life and on God!
Talkback, etc.
Rosemary Munro
Certified as an Addiction Counselor with the Addiction Intervention Association, Rosemary Munro offers specialized help for families with an alcohol or drug problem. She is also a trained intervention specialist (how to help someone stop drinking/using). Rosemary was an Associate with the Institute of Family Living in Toronto for many years and takes your calls discussing various aspects of addiction or intervention. -
Lara Brighton
Lara is a University student who was approached by the Conservative party to try and facilitate dialogue between Conservative politicians and churches in Ontario. Join us as we ask why Christians should care about politics and figure out what healthy Christian politics actually looks like here in Canada.
March 5, 2005
Special Guests
Tim LaHaye
Co-author of the best selling, "Left Behind" book series, Drew asks Tim about the origins of this phenomena and how his life has changed as a result of his incredible success. -
Dr. Stan Porter
President of McMaster Divinity College and world-renowned New Testament scholar, Dr. Porter returns from last week's discussion, defending the validity of the New Testament against the claims of Tom Harpur's, "The Pagan Christ" and Dan Brown's, "The DaVinci Code." Stan has taught for sixteen years in post-secondary institutions in Canada, the USA, and the UK. His publications include nine authored books and over 100 authored journal articles; he has also edited over 40 volumes. He remains a well-known and respected expert in Greek and New Testament studies throughout the world. -
Chantal Desloges — Expert in Canadian Immigration, Citizenship & Refugee Law
Have you or anyone you know, experienced immigration or residency problems? Maybe through international marriages or ministry/missionary situations, etc.? Answering your questions is Chantal Desloges... a Lawyer with the firm Green & Spiegel and an expert in Canadian Immigration / Citizenship and refugee law.
Lena Gauthier
shares of how God restored her marriage and healed her womb. An amazing testimony of a God that pursues us with His love, despite the fact that we choose to walk away from Him!
Talkback, etc.
February 26, 2005
Special Guests
Lorna Dueck
Former co-host of 100 Huntley Street and currently the Executive Producer and host of "Listen Up TV", this Globe and Mail columnist shares a bit of her heart as guest co-host of The Drew Marshall Show! -
Tom Harpur
Toronto Star columnist and author of "The Pagan Christ", Tom has infuriated many within the Evangelical community for his assertions that Jesus of Nazareth wasn't real and that the Bible is not to be taken literally. Join us as we find out just who this former Anglican priest and Professor of New Testament at University of Toronto, thinks Jesus really is. Also joining us is Dr. Stan Porter, President of McMaster Divinity College and world renowned New Testament scholar.
Talkback, etc.
Callers share their opinion of our interview with Tom Harpur.
Join us next week as we spend more time taking your calls, finding out whether or not you can actually trust the New Testament, especially in light of The Pagan Christ and The DaVinci Code! -
Lorna shares about her passion to find out more behind the Canadian Federal government spending
5 billion dollars to create a National Daycare Program with no plan to encourage the 70% of Canadian mothers who work, to stay at home. Spending that money to encourage one parent to stay at home or to improve the quality of daycare, might be a better option. Watch "Listen Up TV" this weekend to find out more! -
Is there really any hope of the Christian community actually being united?
Ecumenicalism... isn't it just a fantasy, a waste of time? Aren't denominational doctrines just too different to ever reach "Kumbaya" status? Why can't we just admit our differences and move on? Let the Baptists have their committee's to decide what colour the church carpet should be and the Pentecostals can have their palm tanning and tongue wagging worship services! -
If your Pastor is a jerk, and won't resign, what do you do?
Do you stop tithing in the hopes of choking your Pastor out because the Church eventually won't be able to pay him? Do you organize a group of like-minded insurgents and demand their resignation? I mean at what point do you just leave the church? Joining us is David Freeman, Vice President of the Canadian Christian Missionary Alliance, sharing his opinion and Alliance church policy, during these types of situations.
February 19, 2005
Special Guests
Stephen Harper
The Leader of The Conservative Party of Canada is asked direct questions by Drew about his faith and the proposed "same sex marriage" legislation. Mr. Harper also answers questions emailed from our listeners. -
Ron Pearce
Executive Director of Empower Ministries, Ron tells us why he does what he does. A great communicator, a passionate follower of Christ, and a man on a mission! Listen as Ron shares stories of spiritually desperate people from around the world... something us here in North America just don't get!
Talkback, etc.
Doesn't it strike you as odd that the Catholic church has as their leader, someone who is barely breathing and quite possibly hasn't been breathing for years?
There are rumblings within their own leadership about whether there should be a mandatory retirement age for the Pontiff. Should Pope John Paul II be the Pope? Is there actually a need for a Pope at all? Drew also speaks with Dr. Cathy Clifford, Prof. of Theology, Saint Paul University, Ottawa. -
"Do you believe in angels? What do you think they do?"
Those are the questions Drew asks of random people he phones out of the telephone book. Listeners then join in on this segment as they share their personal experiences with Angels! -
Which do you care less about...
Prince Charles & Camilla, The NHL Lockout or Valentine's day? Join us for a good laugh in this lighthearted segment! -
Does it make you want to vote for Stephen Harper knowing that he is a follower of Christ?
February 12, 2005
Special Guests
Gary Burghoff
Known primarily for his role as Corporal Radar O'Reilly on both the motion picture and hit TV series "M*A*S*H", Emmy Award winner Gary Burghoff, talks with Drew about his life as an actor, musician, artist and naturalist. Rubbing shoulders with the likes of Fred Astaire, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr. and Don Knotts, Gary's life as an actor unfortunately also took quite a toll on his family life. Join us for this rare and very candid interview with a humble servant of Christ. -
Gary Burghoff Part 2
Gary talks with Drew about his failed marriages, being a single parent and the spiritual journey, which led him to Jesus Christ. Listen as Gary shares an incredible story of how he, as a young 16-year old boy, crossed paths with soon to be President John F. Kennedy, which may have made a permanent impact on both of them.
Ashley Lewis
At the age of 16, Ashley suddenly lost her mother from Leukemia. One week her mom was feeling fine, then a few weeks later she was dead. How does a young person survive such a loss? What does this sort of traumatic experience do to someone's spiritual life?
Talkback, etc.
Has your spouse chosen a different spiritual path than you?
What impact has that had on the marriage or on raising the children? What advice would you give someone who may be considering marrying another who has chosen to not follow Christ? -
Will you boycott Famous Players Theatres because they are showing a pre-film add promoting same sex marriage, paid for by the President of Famous Players Media?
Drew speaks with the gentleman who purchased the add, Salah Bachir, (well known Toronto philanthropist, especially within the gay community) about the recent call for a boycott by various Christian groups and his organisations refusal to put a similar add up in favour of the traditional definition of marriage.
Since our interview, Famous Players Theatres has stopped playing the add saying, "We do not want to be seen as having been strong-armed by anyone to cancel the ad. However, it is clear that the issue is far too political and as a result we have determined not only to stop running this particular ad, but any future political advertising.
Thank you to Mr. Bachir who was very gracious in granting us this interview.
February 5, 2005
Special Guests
Dr. Sol Stern
A noted expert in palliative care and chronic pain management, Dr. Stern is also Chief of Staff at the Halton Healthcare Services Corporation and Past President of the Ontario Palliative Care Association. Dr. Stern briefly shares with us about his decision to surrender his life to Christ, having been raised in a Jewish family. Sol also came to the studio to completely surprise our other guest and give her some hope for the 17 years of chronic pain she has had to endure.
Nana Valezi
A young mother of 2 who has suffered for 17 years with various chronic illnesses, including Juvenile Arthritis, Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Endometriosis, Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease and Migraines. Nana shares with us about her various attempts at receiving God's healing and how well meaning Christians have just assumed that something must be wrong with her spiritual life. After getting the run around from the medical profession and even being told she would never have children, listen in as Drew secretly sets up a personal meeting with one of Canada's leading experts in the field of Chronic Pain Management!
Talkback, etc.
Dr. Sol Stern
Dr. Stern takes listeners questions about various medical issues including chronic and palliative pain management. -
Random Phone Calls
Drew makes random phone calls out of the telephone book and asks people the question, "Do you believe in life after death? What about the concept of Heaven or Hell? It was amazing to hear the participant's denominational background... Anglican, United and Catholic. However, none of them were very certain at all about life after death nor the concept of Heaven. Hell though, was definitely not a reality! -
'Black' Schools???
Do you think we should have black schools in the same way that we have Jewish schools or Christian Schools or Catholic schools or special education schools or smart kid schools? At a recent seminar, prominent educators proposed this idea of a black focussed school.
January 29, 2005
Special Guests
Brett Schinkel
Easily one of Canada's most promising up and coming young musicians; a versatile and talented player of acoustic guitar, bass, drums, percussion, and the list goes on. His playing is as imaginative as it is technical and thrilling. Taking musical inspiration from many different styles including finger style, jazz, blues, bluegrass, folk and classical, he creates his own unique sound that takes audiences on a musical journey. Definitely keep an eye on this guy's career!
Join us as we totally surprise Paul by having Joni un-expectantly join in on the conversation... right in the middle of Paul sharing about his life as a partial quadriplegic. Paul shares of his struggles through life, after breaking his neck while surfing in the Bahamas as a 17 year old. More than 30 years later, he finally gets a chance to thank one of his inspirations through life... JONI EARECKSON TADA! Paul's life of "never quitting" is definitely one of those inspirational stories that makes you want to "keep on keepin' on!"
Talkback, etc.
Do you have any doubts about certain aspects of Christianity?
What are they? What haven't you figured out about following Christ? Are there any doctrines or aspects of God that you just don't get? Call to express your doubts! This isn't about getting the answers, this is about feeling safe enough to ask the questions and admitting that you don't just believe it all quite yet! -
At what point do you disassociate yourself with a friend or family member who continues to embrace a lifestyle of sin?
For example, if you have a Christian friend who is living a gay lifestyle, should you break off the friendship? Have a read of 1 Corinthians 5! -
What are your opinions on assisted suicide or euthanasia?
Do we have a right to die? Would you ever consider ending your own life, if you found yourself suffering so badly and just wanted to die? Is suicide a “mortal sin”?
January 22, 2005
Special Guests
Dr. Charles McVety
President of Canada Christian College and The Canadian Family Action Coalition (CFAC), Dr. McVety speaks to Drew about the future of Canada under the leadership of Paul Martin and the Liberals, and shares his opinions on everything from the legalization of same-sex marriage and marijuana to whether God had anything to do with the Tsunami. -
Scott Brockie
After approximately 9 years and over $150,000 in legal costs, we catch up with the Christian printer who was sued successfully, for refusing to print material for an organisation, which promotes the gay and lesbian lifestyle.
Wendy & Jamie
The story of a couple who biologically couldn't have children and after many years, found themselves having almost given up. Then, through a bizarre set of circumstances, Wendy and Jamie found themselves becoming the foster parents of 2 older boys whose family had literally disintegrated before their eyes! Listen and ask yourself... Could you have done what this couple did?
Talkback, etc.
"Same-Sex Legislation" vs The Conservatives
Stephen Harper has just announced his intentions to do what he can to defeat the proposed "Same-Sex Legislation" tabled by Paul Martin and The Liberals. Do you think that the Conservatives can win based on the moral values here in Canada, the same way President Bush did in the States? -
Ashamed to let people know you're a Christian?
What is it about being part of the Christian family that almost makes you not want to tell anyone that you are actually a Christian? -
The Final Say!
A chance for listeners to call in and discuss whatever they want, including more of the previous topics!
January 15, 2005
Special Guests
Kirk Cameron
Known for his role as Mike Seaver on the TV series Growing Pains, Kirk is also known as Buck Williams in the Left Behind movies. A dedicated and passionate follower of Christ, Kirk Cameron talks to us about his spiritual life amidst the Hollywood scene and his family life, being married to actress Chelsea Noble and having 6 children, 4 of whom are adopted. Kirk also shares with us about his new ministry, which endeavours to train Christians in Biblical evangelism. -
Little Anthony of "Little Anthony & The Imperials"
After 47 years of recording cultural phenomenon's, Anthony Gourdine is still having fun with the original Imperials performing such hits as, "Tears On My Pillow", "I'm On The Outside Looking In", "Goin' Out Of My Head", "Hurt So Bad" and the infamous, "Shimmy Shimmy, Ko-Ko-Bop." Anthony talks about everything from his friendship with Elvis and Diana Ross to performing at The Apollo and on The Ed Sullivan Show. Anthony also shares about his decision to follow Christ back in May of 1978.
Talkback, etc.
Did World Vision Australia do the right thing in knocking back gambling money donation?
In Australia, the NSW Clubs Association decided to generously donate $500,000 to World Vision for the Tsunami Relief effort. World Vision turned it down because the clubs get most of their money from gambling machines (Pokies) and alcohol sales. They then changed their policy and decided they wanted the half million-dollar donation after all. World Vision Australia CEO, Tim Costello, a prominent anti-poker machine campaigner, said the humanitarian crisis was too great to maintain a moral stance about where the money came from. Did World Vision Australia do the right thing in knocking back this donation? Did they make it any worse by going back on their original policy? -
Should Christian, married couples always have kids?
Back by popular demand... USELESS TELEVISION TRIVIA!
January 8, 2005
Special Guests
Dr. Neil T. Anderson
Founder of Freedom In Christ Ministries and formerly the chairman of the Practical Theology department at Talbot School of Theology. He holds five degrees from Talbot, Pepperdine University and Arizona State University, and worked as an aerospace engineer before entering the ministry. He has more than twenty years of pastoral experience and has taught for more than ten years at seminary and post-graduate levels. Neil has authored many best-selling books on spiritual freedom including, "The Bondage Breaker" and "Victory over Darkness."
Brian Lapp — "Where is God when you break your back and end up a Paraplegic?"
Talkback, etc.
The Tsunami... where is God in all of this?
Do you believe that a Christian can be demon possessed or only influenced by demons?