Special Guests

  • Dr. Tony Campolo — Professor, Author and Poverty Advocate
    Dr. Campolo is a media commentator on religious, social and political matters, having guested on television programs like The Colbert Report, Nightline, Crossfire, Politically Incorrect, The Charlie Rose Show, Larry King Live, CNN Dayside, CNN News, The Hour with George Strombolopolous, and MSNBC News. Dr. Campolo speaks about 350 different times each year around the world for a wide variety of groups including churches, colleges, youth groups and the business community. He is the author of 38 books and a favourite here on TDMS and was last week’s DROOGLE guest. During that conversation with Drew Tony suggested he was looking forward to discussing Drew’s recent crisis of faith, in studio this week, face to face!

  • TODAY’S DROOGLE GUEST William Lobdell — Author of Losing My Religion: How I Lost My Faith Reporting on Religion in America - and Found Unexpected Peace
    DROOGLE: Drew's Search For God From now until our Christmas show on December 18, 2010 Drew will speak to a variety of prominent people during each show, ask them why they believe in God, and if they've ever had a legitimate personal encounter with Him. We'll even ask a few prominent atheist/agnostic guests why they don't believe there’s a God. Basically, we'll ask each of our DROOGLE guests to attempt to "talk him off the ledge!" Either to jump - or to climb back inside his faith. Our "God Guests" will include celebrities, apologists, theologians, and authors. Bottom line - Drew is asking for an "encounter" with God for Christmas! Click here to read more: www.drewmarshall.ca/droogle.

    *DROOGLE Bits – After each DROOGLE interview, Drew will share DROOGLE emails and Facebook comments from our listeners, and give an update on the ongoing TWEET ME OFF dialogue with Bruxy Cavey and Paul Young.

  • Wendy Hagen — Child Star, Author, Passionate Mom!
    Wendy's Mom said she came out of the womb giving orders. This bossiness turned into assertiveness when Wendy picked up the yellow pages when she was nine years old and found a talent agent. She left a message, "Yeah. Hi. My name is Wendy. And I'm nine. And I would like to be on television so could you please call me back?" Wendy's unsuspecting mother was surprised when she received a return phone call from the agent who immediately wanted to meet the precocious nine year old. Thus began Wendy's acting career. After several national commercials and numerous print jobs, Wendy landed a starring role in the syndicated series, The New Lassie. From there she went on to guest star on "The Wonder Years" and Growing Pains and flipped around on Circus of the Stars.

  • Dr. Sharon Baker — Author of Razing Hell: Rethinking Everything You’ve Been Taught About God’s Wrath and Judgment
    The scorching fires of hell come under close scrutiny in this new book by Sharon Baker. Razing Hell explores traditional views of hell and how they have damaged our understanding of a loving God. Using questions her students have raised about hell, Baker considers the origins of the notion of sinners and non-believers cast into an eternity of unquenchable, punishing flames while undying worms eat their flesh—and candidly outlines the problems and inconsistencies these views present. Sharon is an associate professor of theology and religion and has published numerous articles and speaks frequently throughout the United States on non-violent atonement and Hell.

Talkback, etc.

  • The Counsel Of Many!
    Brought to you by family lawyer Dawn Bennett. With a reputation built on Trust, Respect and Integrity, protecting your family's interests is Dawn's primary concern. Visit bennettlaw.ca today.

    Need Help or Advice On An Issue In Your Life?
    Tell us your situation and Drew will ask the listeners of TDMS!

    This week on the Counsel of Many: a man wants to know if his pastor should resign or not because it’s just been discovered that he sexually molested his own child over 20 years ago.
    "I go to a pretty prominent church and recently we just found out that one of our pastors had molested his son. The details have been kept fairly confidential out of respect for the family but the pastor has assured everyone he has confessed this sin to God and his family and that they have forgiven him. While the church leaders deliberate on this situation and whether to keep him on staff or not, the congregation is left to consider their own feelings. Questions like; do we want this man to stay? Is he trustworthy? Does the fact that it happened so long ago have any impact? We know that no one is perfect but knowing what we know, does have an impact on trust, especially when it comes to a community of all ages. And I guess if we either find out that there have been other children abused or, God forbid, it should happen again in the future after we knew what we now know, are we then liable, both morally and legally? Bottom line, is it worth the risk? I guess forgiveness is one thing but allowing someone to continue in spiritual leadership is another. Isn’t it? Any opinions out there on this? We sure could use some objective feedback."

  • Child/Teen Evangelism: Do we need to rethink how it’s done?
    There’s no question that the younger one is the more susceptible we are to the power of suggestion. So with that in mind, maybe we should stop scaring the hell out of our kids? Do you think that some churches or ministries should rethink how they proselytize their youth? Have you ever witnessed someone manipulate young people “into the kingdom?” Whether asking sleep deprived teenagers to become Christians at the end of a weekend retreat or terrifying children with images of hell, how far is too far? Maybe we should reconsider even doing “child evangelism” altogether? “But Jesus said suffer the children…” “We’re all to have child like faith aren’t we?” Watch this clip and ask yourself; is it a genuine decision if the person has no choice. What choice do these kids really have?

  • TDMS Banter
    The beginning and the end of the show is like any good sandwich. The stuff in the middle is what it's all about - The rest is just crust! Sometimes it's worth listening to. Sometimes - not so much.