Special Guests


  • A man's struggle in the corporate finance world....
    A man's struggle in the corporate finance world, to find meaning and purpose by "getting!" Then after a few broken marriages, bankruptcy and a battle with Prostate Cancer, he finally allows God to transform him into a man that now gets it... it's about giving!

Talkback, etc.

  • Do you believe in Satan or demons?
    The Barna Research Group claims that in 2004 three out of five adults (60%) say that the devil, or Satan, is not a living being but is a symbol of evil. That 50% of born again Christians deny Satan's existence compared with 45% in 2001 and that slightly more than seven out of ten Catholics (73%) say the devil is non-existant, only a symbol of evil. Do you believe in Satan or demons? Can you give any evidence (other than the Bible) that Satan or demons exist?

  • "The Lord's Day Act"
    Would you support the return of an official "Day of Rest" with the abolishment of Sunday Shopping? Would you like to see "The Lord's Day Act" re-instated? How would stores being closed on Sunday help our society? Do you treat the Sabbath Day any different than other day?