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December 18, 2004
Special Guests
Joe Boot — Executive Director of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries Canada, Christian Apologist
Dr. Christopher diCarlo - Professor of Philosophy
Natalie Osterberg - PhD Philosophy Student
Question... How does the Christian University Student SURVIVE against the dreaded Philosophy Prof. discussing Philosophy, Atheism, God and Humanity?
John Arnott
Senior Pastor of the most controversial church in Canada, Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship… otherwise known as the Toronto Blessing. Join us as we ask the nicest Pastor of the "weirdest church" a few questions about what's really going on at "The Blessing!"
Talkback, etc.
Why do you believe what you believe?
Listen as callers join the discussion on Philosophy, Atheism, God, and Humanity with our esteemed panel of guests! Why do you believe what you believe? -
The 'Toronto Blessing'
How do you feel about the 'Toronto Blessing'? Do you feel it's "of God" or just another form of mass hysteria?
December 11, 2004
Special Guests, Journey, Talkback, etc.
... In our opinion, the best child sponsorship ministry out there! Today we attempt to find out if the listeners of The Drew Marshall Show actually give a rip about THE LEAST OF THESE! Will you join with us in making the biggest child sponsorship drive in Canada, a reality? Hundreds of thousands around the world listen to this show... Maybe the least you could do in return is Click on the Compassion banner at the top of this page and agree to be Jesus with skin on for a child that God made... for a child that needs your help NOW, damn it! In the words of Tony Campolo...
"I have three things to tell you today.
#1/ Thousands of kids around the world today, will die because of starvation, malnutrition and neglect.
#2/ None of you actually give a #@%*!
#3/ More of you are concerned with the fact that I said the word #@%* than the fact that today, thousands of children will die because of starvation, malnutrition and neglect!"
Will you please sponsor a child through Compassion Canada?
If not you, then who? If not now, then when?
December 4, 2004
Special Guests
Paul Brandt — The most awarded male Country artist in Canadian history
Country Music sensation Paul Brandt joins us as we chat with him about his spiritual life, his marriage and his rise to the top with songs like "I Do", "For You" and the remake of the 1975 C.W. McCall hit "Convoy". -
Dean McGlynn — An Intelligent American
Join us as we speak with an INTELLIGENT AMERICAN, live in the studio, taking your calls on everything from American/Canadian Politics to Hockey... from the recent Bush/Kerry election to Conservative Evangelicalism that brought him back from the depths of defeat! Dean has spent a fair amount of time on both sides of the border over the last 30 years, and as a hockey player agent and a former student of Yale, we figured this guy from Connecticut might just have something to say on the issue of Canada VS U.S.A.
Dave Moore
Dave was the senior Pastor at one of those American mega churches in Palm Desert, until allegations of misappropriation of funds, sexual misconduct and... well just pick any accusation you can think of, were brought against him. Have a listen as Dave tells his side of the story. While you're at it... think about the devastating effect the Christian rumour-mill has had in your church. Now multiply that by 100 and add a touch of rejection by those whom Dave called friends and colleagues for many years, and you'll begin to grasp a little of what Dave Moore went through.
Talkback, etc.
The USA...
Some people feel that they're the most ignorant, arrogant and abrasive (vocally and fashion wise) people on the planet. And yet others feel that we as Canadians owe them big time when it comes to Canada's pathetic efforts at National Security. What do you like and dislike about The States?
Also... should Prime Minister Paul Martin have guaranteed a "NO HECKLE" environment in the House Of Commons so that President George W. Bush could have addressed them? Or should George have sucked it up and done it anyway? -
If your Pastor/Minister was involved in some act of immorality, should they step down from leadership?
Is the Church really racist, gender bias & unsympathetic to those with disabilities?
The major American television networks recently pulled a commercial for the United Church of Christ showing two tough looking bouncers at the door of a church, turning away people of colour, someone in a wheelchair and a gay couple. Do you agree with the networks decision or do you feel this commercial actually reflects some underlying truth about the condition of the Church?
November 27, 2004
Special Guests
Grant Marshall
Past President of the Ontario Funeral Service Association and having served the community of Richmond Hill for almost 50 years, Grant answers all of your questions about the Funeral Industry. Everything from what the cost of funerals are today to helping people get a better understanding of what exactly happens to the body during cremation or embalming. (Thanks Dad!)
Ask for the current owners Neil Hunking or Tom Lalonde. -
Gino Reda
One of the most recognised faces in Canadian sports broadcasting, Gino shares with us his rise through the ranks of broadcasting from announcing high school basketball games to TSN and hosting SPORTSCENTRE, Canada's most watched sports' news and information show. Gino also tells us about his spiritual journey, Catholic background and even a few most embarrassing moments on camera.
Greg & Karen Paul
Executive Director of the inner city street ministry, "Sanctuary Ministries", Paul is now also the author of "God In The Alley - Being and seeing Jesus in a broken world." According to Eugene Peterson, "Greg tells of whores and crazies, misfits and rejects that sound as if they stepped out from the pages of the Bible."
Talkback, etc.
Do you think that stigmata and apparitions of the face of Jesus and Mary are real?
Would you go to see one? Recently a casino bought A 10 year old partially eaten cheese sandwich for $28,000 USD because it apparently has the image of the Virgin Mary on it. It received 1.6 million hits on eBay before it was sold. After hearing about the sandwich, another guy went public with a fish stick he cooked a year ago that he said shows the likeness of Jesus Christ. He had been keeping it in his freezer.
We also speak with Paul Carden, Executive Director of "The Centres for Apologetics Research" to get his take on these predominately Catholic phenomena. -
The Doctrine of Eternal Security
Do you believe in "once saved, always saved?" Your opportunity to convince Drew, either for or against this seemingly eternal argument!
November 20, 2004
Special Guests
Ron Moore has been called, "One of the best Elvis voices ever!" Soon to be headlining a Los Vegas style show in Niagara Falls called, "Viva Niagara", Ron shares with us the story behind recently being discovered and his whirlwind journey into show business. Have a listen to this incredible voice as he sings live in the studio and even takes requests from callers. You won't believe your ears!
Tim & Pam
A couple who have battled together, though the husband's addiction to pornography and masturbation, and the wife's recovery from years of physical and sexual abuse by her father. A very powerful story of God's ability and desire to repair, restore and release.
Talkback, etc.
President of The Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches
Drew interviews the President of The Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches here in Canada, Terry Cuthbert, in regards to the recently passed by-law stating that their churches are not allowed to have a woman hold the office of Pastor. In other words, women are not to be in positions of responsibility for the overall spiritual direction of the Church. Do you agree with this decision or not? -
What the heck is wrong with our teenagers today?
Why are they doing more and more incredibly stupid things like gluing broken glass to children's playground slides and videoing themselves hurting each other or beating up and urinating on a homeless man? Who should we blame the most for this? The wimpy, gutless and politically correct court system or some of the worst parenting we've seen in the history of mankind? Where's the accountability?
November 13, 2004
Special Guests
Randy Stonehill
Known around the world as one of the Pioneers of the Christian Rock Movement of the 60's, Randy visits us live in the studio! Join us as the creator of songs such as "Shut De Do", "American Fastfood" and "King of Hearts" shares with us stories, memories and songs from "back in the day!" Oh, by the way... we've finally found someone more nuts than Drew!
Enjoy this excerpt!
This interview will be aired again and posted in it's entirety, SUMMER 2006!
Darrell Mansfield
Easily one of the greatest Christian rockers of all time, Darrell has also struggled with depression, suicide attempts and a genealogical battle with mental illness. Darrell shares with us his painful struggles, which have led to his being charged with attempted murder. Charges have been dropped, but years of medication and court ordered check-ups plague this Rocker's life.
Talkback, etc.
Rev. David Galston
Ministers from The United Church of Canada have approached the Canadian Auto Workers Union about becoming members. Listen in as Drew interviews Rev. David Galston, one of the leaders of this grassroots movement, as well as Buzz Hargrove, President of the CAW. Find out what our callers think of this rather unique way of ministry mediation and job security!
November 6, 2004
Special Guests
Patricia Shirley
Have a listen to this voice! Canadian Christian Recording Artist with a voice influenced by Mahalia Jackson and Aretha Franklin. Patricia gives us a live performance and brings the house down! -
Judy Savoy
Without a doubt the most fun Drew has ever had in the studio! Judy not only talks about her life as a Christian comic and entertainer, but joins Drew in the most requested segment of The Drew Marshall Show... "USELESS TELEVISION TRIVIA!" That's right folks... your chance to win "Absolutely Nothing!"
Herbie Kuhn — "Voice of the Raptors"
The man behind the microphone inside the Air Canada Centre and responsible for pre-game chapel services for the Toronto Raptors, Herbie shares about his fairly recent decision to follow Christ and how that has impacted his life.
Talkback, etc.
Are you happy about 4 more years of President George W. Bush?
Are you happy about 4 more years of President George W. Bush? Some Christians are thrilled and others mortified. Which camp are you in? -
Did you watch the Fifth Estate's special on Benny Hinn?
Don't you think that the Body of Christ should do something about this man? Or should we just stand back and "pray for him" and let the secular media do the accountability job we should be doing?
October 30, 2004
Special Guests
Dr. James Beverley
Dan Brown's novel "The Da Vinci Code" has sold over 7 million copies and been translated into 40 languages. The book attacks the central teachings of the Gospel and some people feel that "truth" needs to be separated from "fiction." According to Dr. JamesBeverley's latest book, "Disarming The Da Vinci Code", your friends, neighbours and family members are being led astray by Dan Brown's theories. "They are being misled about the true Christ and historic Gospel. The fantasies, mistakes and misinterpretations of The Da Vinci Code are confusing millions of people - and they need to know the truth." Join us as callers and Dr. Beverley rip through the popular but poorly researched, "Da Vinci Code." -
Dr. James Beverley
Dr. Beverley and callers discuss further, the authenticity of the Da Vinci Code's claims to be historically accurate. Dr. Beverly also discusses with us the reality of Witchcraft within our culture today.
A Witch for 10 years, shares of her experiences with Witchcraft, telepathy, levitation, spirit channeling, black magic, voodoo, hexes and curses, ESP and a host of other paranormal activities. Find out what brought Kimberly from the darkness to the Light!
Talkback, etc.
October 23, 2004
Special Guests
Using the ancient textures of the didgeridoo blended with a soundscape of violins, Native American flutes, Irish whistle, African drums, piano, Armenian duduk and sounds of the Australian native forests, Rivertribe has created a unique texture of rhythm and harmonies. This multicultural sound has a beautiful, deeply reflective and soulful quality that has won over audiences across the world. Have a listen to these 3 Aussie blokes as they give us a live performance during their visit to Toronto. -
Ruth Stockdale — Founder of Canadian Single Adult Ministry (CSAM)
Did you know that 52% of Canadians are single? A huge segment of the population, which seems to be neglected especially within our churches. We'll chat about the whole singles scene including dating services, Internet clubs, singles bars, recovering from divorce and beginning again.
Dale & Virginia
Talkback, etc.
Who do you think deserves to win "The Greatest Canadian"
Your chance to vote on who you think deserves to win "The Greatest Canadian" as seen on CBC. Also, who would you suggest as being, "The Greatest Christian not mentioned in the Bible?" Billy Graham? Martin Luther? Mother Theresa? -
George Bothwell
the 58 year-old Owen Sound farmer who has recently been attending an Amish community church believes that technology will allow central control over people's behaviour, which the Bible apparently warns against. So this is why he's been refusing to allow the Ministry Of Transportation to take a digital picture of himself for his Ontario Driver's License! He believes that biometrics - the use of physical identifiers such as fingerprints, retina scans and face recognition - are specifically cited in the book of Revelation as the work of agents of the devil. Anyone who allows their image to be archived by an outside agency bears "the mark of the beast" and will " drink the wine of the wrath of God" as a result, Bothwell contends. What's your opinion? Is he onto something or just another wack-job?
October 16, 2004
Special Guests
Rev. George Malkmus
Rev. George Malkmus eliminated his colon cancer and numerous other serious health problems over twenty-five years ago by following biblical principles for a natural diet and healthy lifestyle. He and his wife Rhonda, who also overcame debilitating health problems by adopting this way of life, founded Hallelujah Acres in 1992 to proclaim to people everywhere, "You Don't Have to be Sick!" Rev George believes that Christians shouldn't get sick and that taking medicine is against the will of God. -
Candy Goud
Director of Our Father's Farm located in Dundas, Ontario, Canada. The farm is a place where the public can come and pick organic raspberries & strawberries or purchase an assortment of organic vegetables. Our Father's Farm promotes a Biblically based way of living and eating and is most widely known for their Certified Organic Apricot Kernels which have been reported to have a dramatic affect on Cancer. www.ourfathersfarm.com
Janet Jacks - Janet owns Hamilton's "Goodness Me Natural Food Market" and hosts a call in radio program called "Just For The Health Of It" in the Hamilton area.
Last week two women whose husbands left them, shared their individual journeys of struggling through this pain. This week, Lindsay returns to share with us more reflections on God's direction in her life and lessons learned from this time of painful and sometimes lonely, spiritual growth. We talk about court proceedings, lawyers, the effect this had on her child, bitterness and forgiveness and facing the single scene with new labels (divorced, single mom)... all of this within the sometimes unforgiving and relentless world of Christendom.
Talkback, etc.
Candy Goud and Janet Jacks
Join Candy Goud and Janet Jacks as we take your calls on various holistic health issues. Everything from whether or not we should have our children vaccinated to cholesterol and calories! -
Should a church in the Ottawa area have hired a convicted pedophile...
Should a church in the Ottawa area have hired a convicted pedophile as their Associate Pastor? And if so, should they at least have consulted the congregation before proceeding?
October 9, 2004
Special Guests
Ali Matthews — her latest release "Where You Remain"
Nominated for 5 Covenant Awards, Ali joins us live in studio to talk about her latest release "Where You Remain". We were able to squeeze a live performance out of her, which will just blow you away! With vocal stylings somewhere between Amy Grant and Shania Twain, and smooth acoustic purity, Ali is sure to become yet another Canadian great!
Lindsay & Lily
Two women whose husbands have left them, share their individual journeys of struggling through this pain. Next week, Lindsay will return to share with us more reflections on God's direction in her life and lessons learned from this time of painful and sometimes lonely, spiritual growth.
Talkback, etc.
Happy Thanksgiving Day!
Would you consider not ever allowing your child to sleep over at a friend's place?
With the type of world we're living in today, would you consider not ever allowing your child to sleep over at a friend's place? I mean if clergy, teachers, coaches and relatives are abusing our kids, then how do we protect our kids from sexual assaults? -
Lindsay & Lily
We continue our discussion with Lily and Lindsay about broken marriages and take your calls. Listen as two of our callers share with the ladies about their own abusive relationships. And please pray for these women!
October 2, 2004
Special Guests
Mike Gartner
Former Toronto Maple Leaf and NHL great, Mike was respected on ice and off. He also served as a key member of the National Hockey League Players' Association Negotiating Committee during both labour disputes in the 1990's and as NHLPA President during the latter part of the decade. Mike is currently working with the NHLPA's Goals & Dreams Foundation. Andy and Gord chat with Mike about the current NHL owner's lockout and what the future looks like for Canada's game!
Kathie Lee Gifford
Without a doubt, our most listened to, previously recorded broadcast. Since Drew was away actually visiting with the Giffords, we thought we'd re-broadcast this very special conversation between Drew and Kathie Lee! (To listen... just visit our Special Guest page and click on Kathie Lee Gifford's name to take you to the original broadcast date.)
Talkback, etc.
September 25, 2004
Special Guests
Mr. Bill Gaither — King of Southern Gospel Music
Known as the King of Southern Gospel Music, Bill Gaither has written songs for Elvis, received countless Grammy and Dove awards and published over 500 hymns. Regarded as one of the most successful Christian executives in North America, this Gospel Hall of Fame Inductee shares with us about his battles with depression and much more. Despite all the accolades, Bill Gaither is seen by many within the industry, as a spiritual mentor whom many go to because of his humility and genuine integrity. -
New Direction for Life Ministries
Wendy Gritter and David Colpitts join us in a discussion about Christians who have experienced same gender attraction. New Direction For Life Ministries is an organization offering Christian support to men and women choosing to leave homosexuality, and equipping the church to minister effectively and compassionately.
David Colpitts
shared his story during the first half of our discussion with he and Wendy from New Direction for Life. Listen to the previous segment to hear David's journey as a Christian struggling with same gender attraction.
Talkback, etc.
"Terri's Law"
The Florida Supreme Court ruled against Governer Jeb Bush's "Terri's Law" which he pushed through in order to reinsert a feeding tube into a 40 year old woman who has been in a vegitative state for 14 years. Her husband now has the right to remove the tube again, thus effectively starving her to death.
Do you think the husband has that right? Would you want the feeding tube removed if it was you living in a complete vegetative state for 14 years? -
Wendy and David
Wendy and David take your calls as we continue our discussion about the Christian struggling with same gender attraction. An incredible hour (one of the best we've had) of processing this very complex subject, openly and honestly!
September 18, 2004
Special Guests
Ron and Reynold Mainse - Part #1
As hosts of "100 Huntley Street", these two sons of David Mainse have the daunting task of carrying on the legacy left by their father. Join us as we speak candidly with the new boys in charge of the first daily Christian television program in Canada. -
Ron and Reynold Mainse - Part #2
Mike Thwaites
was supposed to have been interviewed about a month ago but suffered a seizure just prior to going on air. We caught up with Mike about his life as an adopted child who to this day, still suffers from Epilepsy.
Talkback, etc.
Kevin Donovan
We speak with the Toronto Star's senior investigative reporter, Kevin Donovan, about the recent number of "charity scams" which he has uncovered. Literally hundreds of thousands of dollars being brought in under the guise of government sanctioned charities... and only a miniscule percentage actually being put towards the "cause."
What charity do you support and why? Check out any charity's status with the government of Canada by going to... -
Paul Crouch Jr.
We spoke with TBN's Paul Crouch Jr. about the allegations made against his father concerning a supposed homosexual relationship he is accused of having with a disgruntled ex-employee. Should TBN have paid off the accuser $425,000? Doesn't that just make him look guilty? Should we even be talking about this or is it just more "Christian Gossip"?
September 11, 2004
Special Guests
Heather Gemmen
“Turn off the light,” Heather sleepily murmured to her husband. When the room went dark, she opened her eyes and peeked out from the covers. The man standing in her bedroom was not Steve. Raped in her own home, Heather's terror went beyond her own safety: Were the kids sleeping soundly in the next bedroom, or did their silence mean something else? Would her husband save her, or would he face the same knife she did? And Heather's agony did not end after the rapist left. Against all odds, she became pregnant as a result of the rape. Would she and her husband remain united as they faced the tyranny of the choice before them? Would they endure the strain of anxiety as they waited for HIV test results and answered strange telephone calls? This gripping true-life story walks readers through Heather's journey from rape to restoration. Startling Beauty is undeniable proof that God can bring blessings out of the worst situations in our lives.
Rebecca & Peter Bruce
Part #2 continued from last week.
This week, Rebecca's husband joins us as we discuss the effects these rapes have had on the marriage and how both of them have survived spiritually!
Talkback, etc.
Rebecca & Peter
Which do you think has had more of an effect on sexual predation these days...
A - Easy access to porn on the internet.
B - The skanky clothes females are wearing these days.
(Skip Prokop from the band "Lighthouse" dropped by the studio and co-hosted this segment.) -
God forbid, that you should ever be raped...
but if that did happen and you were to become pregnant, would you be able to keep the baby? What if it happened to your wife? What would you want her to do?
September 4, 2004
Special Guests
Two-Gether Ministries
Ruth & Simon Clarence seek to enhance & enrich the sexual aspect of Christian marriages through seminars and literature. This ministry is directed to engaged couples AND/or married couples of all ages and of all denominations. For years, sex has been the most hushed topic in the church. Finally, we can openly talk about something God actually created...the greatest wedding gift you'll ever receive! SEX!
Rebecca Bruce
Rebecca Bruce has endured more than her fair share of abuse, hurt and pain. Before the age of 16, Rebecca had been sexually abused by family members, friends of the family and complete strangers. On one occasion, she had been gang raped by 4 guys and at 16 she had been drugged, abducted and repeatedly raped yet again! So is it any wonder that all of this finally led her mind to cope through Dissociative Disorder. Listen and find out why suicidal thoughts have subsided and how this follower of Christ can still reach out to a Creator which, some would say, has ignored her totally.
Talkback, etc.
Erika Kubassek
The Toronto Star reported the story of an "anti-gay protestor" who was charged with assaulting Brent Hawkes, a minister who performs same-sex weddings. We spoke with Erika Kubassek from her home in Cambridge, about the apparent message she had received from God, to go to the church and speak out for truth. Erica told us that she went to the front of the church during a point when others were coming forward for a "blessing", then turned around and shouted out that this was against God's Word and was a sin. At this point Erika was approached by Rev. Hawkes who strongly requested that she leave. In doing so, he put his hand on Erika's shoulder to which she responded by pushing away. This caused Rev. Hawkes to apparently fall backwards. Erika was then strong-armed by security out the door and held for Police. Erika also feels that AIDS is God's punishment on the gay community. Rev. Brent Hawkes pursued the charges even after 2 lower court rulings dismissed the charges. Finally a conviction from the Supreme Court of Canada was handed down.
Did Erika go about this the right way? -
Another gutless incident of terrorism has rocked the world, this time in Russia.
Hundreds dead, many of them school children, some shot while running from an exploding building! Drew expresses his anger at this evil Religious sect, yet again connected to Islamic fundamentalists! If the Islamic people won't take care of their own extremists, then maybe George W. should?
As Christians, are we allowed to get angry about these children being held hostage, abused then massacred by these evil religious people? If so, what are we to do with this anger? Who are we to be angry at?
August 28, 2004
Special Guests
Bruce Cockburn
Bruce is easily one of the world's most creative songwriters and musicians and has subsequently won the hearts of millions around the world with his permeating lyrics and his unique acoustic stylings. This Canadian Music Hall of Fame inductee has produced 27 albums and won countless awards! Drew first caught up with Bruce in Australia where they chatted briefly about his spiritual journey… join us as they continue that discussion! -
Glenn Penner — Voice of The Martyrs
Glenn is the Communications Director for Voice of The Martyrs and shares with us the vision and mandate behind this incredible ministry. V.O.M. ministers to the persecuted church around the world and keeps the rest of us "comfortable" Christians here in the West, updated on those abused imprisoned, abducted and murdered... simply because they follow Christ!
Paul Thomson
Paul Thomson is a "fair dinkum" follower of Christ with a burden to SACRIFICIALLY give financially to the Kingdom work of God. So much so, that he and his wife have passed on the luxurious lifestyle, which they so easily could afford, just so that they could give more to more people. Listen as Paul HUMBLY shares about this very rare gift and then... ask God if you could be giving more. AND NOT JUST SO GOD WILL GIVE YOU MORE MONEY! NO PROSPERITY DOCTRINE HERE!
Talkback, etc.
Ron Seney — President of "The Canadian Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers"
We spoke with Ron Seney, President of The Canadian Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers, about what it might be like for a Christian Officer to be faced with the dilemma of shooting someone knowing that you may indeed kill them. With the recent "take down" of a man in Toronto who held a hostage with a gun to her head, do you think there is any just cause for a Christian to kill? What if that was a Christian cop? Should he have pulled the trigger? And should the police have waited longer than 30 to 40 minutes before putting a bullet in the man's head?
August 21, 2004
Special Guests
Bruxy Cavey — Teaching Pastor at The Meeting House
Bruxy is an excellent communicator of God's word and the Teaching Pastor at The Meeting House... a church for people who aren't into church! The Meeting House is one of Canada's first attempts at this whole “post modern” church thing… or is it? Some have said that even this church has missed the point.
The number one complaint people have had against the church for years, has been that's it's just completely boring. It's like watching paint dry, it's like watching a cricket game, it's like the sport of curling! Either that or that it seems too phony… almost like they're putting on a Hollywood production of some sort. So why are Bible schools and Seminaries constantly sending out graduates who continue to slaughter the most genuine and most exciting Book in the world?
Ellen shares with us her struggles with mental illness and subsequent battles with depression, delusions and suicide attempts... one of which left her paralysed and in a wheel-chair. An incredibly painful story which will leave you wondering just how someone can still be filled with hope and joy after being rejected, abused and ignored for so long! According to Ellen, there is a spiritual freedom that comes from deep suffering!
Talkback, etc.
Bruxy Cavey
Dumb Church Rules!
We speak with Elizabeth Pelly Waldman, mother of 8 year-old Haley, who suffers from a rare digestive disorder and cannot eat wheat. The family is Catholic and found out that Haley's first Holy Communion was declared invalid by the Roman Catholic Church because she ate a rice wafer which did not contain any wheat, thus violating Catholic doctrine!
Jehovah's Witness members are not allowed to have blood transfusions because the Bible says not to drink blood??? What the...?
Tell us your favourite "dumb church rule!" -
The Joy 1250 Listener Survey
August 14, 2004
Special Guests
Henri & Monika
Imagine being the parents of a beautiful young 12 year old girl and living the typical Canadian life. As a family, you surrender your lives to the Lord through the ministry of Alpha at a local Salvation Army Citadel. Then, just a few months after you become Christians, your only child is killed in a car accident before she even has a chance to live out her teenage years! Henri & Monika share how they coped with this horrific loss and what this did to their spiritual journey!
Nancy lost her father before she was 2 years old then was sexually molested by a male relative for 7 years prior to turning 13. Listen as Nancy shares of her battles with depression, anxiety and a life searching for her Father's love in all the wrong places. While working as a stripper, she is visited by quite possibly, an angel. Shortly after, Nancy makes the decision to stop working as a stripper, and surrender her life to Jesus.
Talkback, etc.
Have you seen evidence of God supporting you in your time of grief after losing a loved one?
There's a new clothing line called "GSUS" which is getting a fair bit of marketing mileage off the name of Jesus. Drew phones the Brand Manager at their Canadian head office here in Toronto, about the fact that one of their logos actually says "GSUS Sucks!" Should we be offended at this or would we be better to just ignore it and let it go? -
Do you think that churches should have someone on call and available to help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week?
Not the pastor and not someone just sitting in the church, but a ministry team using a cell phone, a pager or having the calls forwarded to someone's house!! We get a number of emails from people in hurting situations needing practical help... now! Time and time again, as we phone churches in their area for help, no one is available! Sure it's after hours sometimes... but what exactly is "after hours" when it comes to being the hands and feet of Jesus? Drew phones 6 churches and is willing to offer $100 to the first church which actually has a real live human answer the phone.
August 7, 2004
Special Guests
Jim Cole — Christian Recording Artist
Christian Recording Artist compared by many to James Taylor. With a voice that grips you and a guitar that comes to life, Jim's music has penetrated the Christian music scene with lasting integrity! Listeners have embraced his honest and unpretentious style, resulting in five top radio singles! -
Gerry Organ
Former Ottawa Roughrider, former pastor on staff at The People's Church Toronto, currently Executive Director of CBMC Canada. Christian Business Ministries Canada teaches leaders in business to be leaders in Faith! -
David Adcock — Managing Director of Yonge Street Mission
"What are we to do as Christians when we come across the homeless? Are we supposed to give to every beggar we see in the city?"
Prayer Requests
This week, our guest had an epileptic seizure just before the show started and obviously couldn't make it. So we opened up the phone lines for "prayer requests" just to see what would happen... what an incredible hour!
Talkback, etc.
Do you give to all the beggars you come across?
We are to be good stewards of our money but we're also to give freely. So what are we supposed to do as Christians? -
According to Statistics Canada...
According to Statistics Canada, the number of reported sexual assaults have gone down. Well, not according to the news I listen to or the papers I read. So do you think they've actually gone down? What is the number one reason why sexual assaults have gone up over the last 10 years?
July 31, 2004
The 1st Anniversary of The Drew Marshall Show!
Special Guests
Mel Stevens — Founder and Director of Teen Ranch
Founder and Director of Teen Ranch, a year round Christian Sports Resort specializing in horsemanship and hockey camps for teens. Mel also shares with us his pain facing the death of his first wife from cancer. As a chaplain for the Toronto Maple Leafs and the Toronto Argonauts, we also hear of his privilege to journey spiritually with a number of professional athletes, including Paul Henderson, Ron Ellis, Darryl Sittler, Mike Gartner, Mark Osbourne, Laurie Boschman and Barbara Underhill. -
Drew Marshall — Host of The Drew Marshall Show!
Listen as our guest hosts for the day, Gordo and Toshi, ask Drew about his life, his spiritual journey and how The Drew Marshall Show got started.
Jon Mackereth
Jon Mackereth, on staff at JOY 1250, shares with us about his recent decision to follow Christ and enter into a restored relationship with the Creator.
Talkback, etc.
Toshi is engaged to be married!
July 24, 2004
Special Guests
John Kuypers — Author, Speaker, Director of "Steady Hands Men's Leadership Ministry"
How does your wife or children push your buttons, men? What exactly does it mean to be non-judgemental?
Betty Stevens
Betty Stevens, wife of Mel Stevens, (Founder and Director of Teen Ranch) shares about her life of loneliness as a divorced, single mother of two.
Talkback, etc.
What buttons does your spouse or children push in you?
What hill are you willing to die on when it comes to saying "No"?
As a parent of a teenager, what hill are you willing to die on when it comes to saying "No" to what your kids want to do? As parents, we can't win every battle, so what issues are you willing to just "let go"? Sex, Music, Dating, Piercings, Tattoes, Movies, Hair, Clothes, Drugs? -
According to a recent survey...
According to a recent survey, just 1% of Canadians are homosexual... that's equal to approximately 320,000 people. Do you think this number is correct, based on your experience?
July 17, 2004
Special Guests
Rory O'Brien — Program Coordinator - Corporate Social Responsibility for KAIROS...
Heather Gingerich — A Fair Trade spokesperson within the slave labour world of coffee.
" What is "Fair Trade" and why should Christians give a Holy Grunt about what we buy? What products should we boycott, because of the ethical and moral implications?"
Corey Neilson
Corey Neilson, professional hockey player, shares his spiritual journey as an athlete, a husband and as a guy struggling with stuff guys struggle with!
Talkback, etc.
"Fair Trade"
In regards to "Fair Trade"... are there any products you already boycott? W.W.J.B... What Wouldn't Jesus Buy? -
You Be The Judge!
Do you think that Judges are being too harsh or too whimpy these days, in handing out sentences? What would you have given;
Martha Stewart - Insider Trading... 5 months?
Atlanta Thrashers' Dany Heatley - Vehicular Manslaughter... 20 years or probation?
St Louis Blues' Mike Danton - Hired a hitman to kill his agent... 7-10 years?
Toronto Dentist - Made child pornography but plead down to possession... NO JAIL?
July 10, 2004
Special Guests
Dr. Tony Campolo
Professor emeritus of Sociology at Eastern University in St. Davids, Pennsylvania. Dr. Campolo is a media commentator on religious, social and political matters, having been on television programs like Nightline, Crossfire, Politically Incorrect, The Charlie Rose Show and CNN News. This author of 28 books was one of the first passionate communicators who inspired Drew to do Jesus differently!
A man's struggle in the corporate finance world....
A man's struggle in the corporate finance world, to find meaning and purpose by "getting!" Then after a few broken marriages, bankruptcy and a battle with Prostate Cancer, he finally allows God to transform him into a man that now gets it... it's about giving!
Talkback, etc.
Do you believe in Satan or demons?
The Barna Research Group claims that in 2004 three out of five adults (60%) say that the devil, or Satan, is not a living being but is a symbol of evil. That 50% of born again Christians deny Satan's existence compared with 45% in 2001 and that slightly more than seven out of ten Catholics (73%) say the devil is non-existant, only a symbol of evil. Do you believe in Satan or demons? Can you give any evidence (other than the Bible) that Satan or demons exist? -
"The Lord's Day Act"
Would you support the return of an official "Day of Rest" with the abolishment of Sunday Shopping? Would you like to see "The Lord's Day Act" re-instated? How would stores being closed on Sunday help our society? Do you treat the Sabbath Day any different than other day?
July 3, 2004
Special Guests
Dr. Janet Epp Buckingham
A post Federal Election discussion with the Director of Law and Public Policy for the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada.
A young couple trusting God...
A young couple trusting God for the healthy delivery of their third daughter, whom doctors have diagnosed with an illness which may leave her severely disabled!
Talkback, etc.
Happy Canada Day Weekend
Happy Canada Day Weekend Eh! How are you feeling about the future of Canada "post-election?" Were you surprised that the Conservatives lost and the Liberals won again? Do you think this Country will ever vote in a genuine Christian leader? -
Bill Cosby's comments about the Black Community
Bill Cosby basically told the Black Community to, "stop beating your wives because you can't get a job; stop swearing and calling each other 'nigger' when you can't even spell it; the Civil Rights Movement has allowed you to get an education... so get one!" Do you think that Bill Cosby's comments about the Black Community were too harsh or right on? Are we a racist culture here in Ontario? Is there a 'race business' of which Jessie Jackson may belong to? Have you seen racism within the church?
June 26, 2004
Special Guests
Should women take on roles of spiritual leadership such as Pastor or Elder? Dr. Roy Matheson of Chartwell Baptist, Carol Stewart from "The Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches of Canada, National Council" and Rev. Douglas Porter from Napanee Baptist discuss their opposing views. -
Mr. Robert Darden — Senior Editor of the world's only Christian satirical magazine... THE DOOR!
Find out about their exclusive interview with Satan and why the Middle East does a better job at being Southern Baptist than Southern Baptists!
Directors of Teen Ranch Indonesia
The story of a gang leader shot in the leg by the Police then sentenced to life in prison... Somehow after surrendering his life to Christ behind bars, Timbul found himself a free man and became the first Director of Teen Ranch Indonesia! Now it's his daughter's turn to run this thriving ministry amongst the Muslims!
Talkback, etc.
Is it Biblical for women to hold the position of Pastor or Elder?
June 19, 2004
Special Guests
Darrell Scott
Darrell's daughter Rachel, was one of the 13 people killed during the Columbine High School Massacre, April 20th, 1999.
A young woman's story of how her biological father abandoned her the day before she was born and how she has survived 16 years of Father's Days!
Talkback, etc.
The Father's Day free for all!
June 12, 2004
Special Guests
The Blind Boys Of Alabama — Mr. Clarence Fountain
Founding Member of the Grammy Award Winning, Soul-Gospel group for over 60 years!
"The Blind Boys Of Alabama" have been on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno and Late Night with David Letterman and now... The Drew Marshall Show! -
Liberal MP Murray Calder
Dave Burrows
Former Toronto Maple Leaf and Pittsburgh Penguin sharing about his spiritual journey and the restoration of his marriage.
Talkback, etc.
Who are you going to vote for in the up-coming Federal Elections and why?
The Drew Marshall Show's first ever... JOB FAIR! Need to hire someone? Need a job? Call us!
June 5, 2004
Special Guests
Pastor Charles Price — Senior Pastor of The Peoples Church Toronto
Johan Heenatigala
One of the two Canadian Pastors removed from a Continental flight and interrogated by the FBI as “suspected terrorists”, after praying with another passenger on the plane.
A woman's spiritual journey, struggling with the Catholic Church and her marriage.
Talkback, etc.
Is it really appropriate for Christians to be asking for money to do "God Stuff?"
Should we get the money from our own bank account, our Church or the dreaded "Please pray for me, but it would be even better if you sent me some cash even though it might strain our relationship." letter writing campaign? Are short term missions really just "Christian Tourism?" -
Useless Television Trivia
May 29, 2004
Special Guests
Chuck Ealey — Former CFL Quarterback, Regional Director for Investors Group
Brian Lapp — "Where is God when you break your back and end up a Paraplegic?"
Talkback, etc.
Scott Brockie
The Christian printer who was sued successfully, for refusing to print material for an organisation which promotes the gay and lesbian lifestyle.
"How are you going to fight HETEROPHOBIA?" -
Sheryl Henderson Blunt — Senior News Writer for Christianity Today
"Is George Bush just another President hiding behind the Bible or is he a genuine follower of Christ? If you were an American Citizen, would you vote for him?"
May 22, 2004
Special Guests
Michael "Pinball" Clemons — Former Player & Current Head Coach of the Toronto Argonauts
Roslyn & Glenn Crichton — Founders of The Coping Centre
"After the loss of Rachele five days after being diagnosed with leukemia, their five year old daughter died! As a result of their own grief journey the Crichton's quickly realized that support was needed for the whole family during these incredibly difficult times."
"A young girl's struggle with body image and an eating disorder."
Talkback, etc.
May 15, 2004
Special Guests
George Glover — Founder & Director of the Teen Challenge Farm
"How an addiction to pornography helped ruin a marriage."
Talkback, etc.
Do you live in Toronto and struggle with drugs?
Nick Berg
How are you feeling about the beheading of the 26 year old American Nick Berg by Islamic militants? Who do you blame for this? How are we as Christians supposed to process "forgiveness"? What if it was your child? Do you think the Islamic nation is proud or embarrassed about this? Should we be at war with terrorism? Can I ask any more questions?(Part 1 & 2)
May 8, 2004
Special Guests
Kathie Lee Gifford (Part 1)
Kathie Lee Gifford (Part 2)
Mike Greenfield — President of Christian Camping International Canada
A young lady's battle through sexual abuse
Talkback, etc.
May 1, 2004
Special Guests
Jamie McIntosh — Canadian Director of International Justice Mission
Dr. Chris Kempling
Public school teacher/counselor suspended for simply writing an article in the local paper, expressing his concerns about the pro-homosexual agenda being promoted in the school curriculum! Oh Canada!
11:00 Commentary
"Encouragement! Just Do It!"
Talkback, etc.
April 24, 2004
Special Guests
David Meece — International Christian Recording Artist
11:00 Commentary
"Church Bashing!"
Talkback, etc.
Do you think God "gets back' at people for speaking against him?
Should MP Svend Robinson be charged under the Criminal Code of Canada for stealing a $50,000 engagement ring for his gay partner on Good Friday, even though the auction house he stole from isn't going to pursue matters? Do you think he should resign? Do you think God had anything to do with all of this, considering Svend has been so outspoken against Biblical principles? -
If you were given 1 Million Dollars, which charity would you donate to and why?
What are you afraid of? Spiders, snakes, criticism, ants, sharks...?
April 17, 2004
Special Guests
Pat Boone — International Recording Artist & Actor
Dr. Gary Chapman — Author of the best selling "Love Languages" Series
11:00 Commentary
Bust The Lust... Can't Bust The Lust!
Talkback, etc.
What "celebrity" have you been praying for?
Which book or movie has inspired or encouraged you the most in life?
Should Christians get rid of their "secular stuff"" like music, books, & videos?
What are some tangible ways you worship God throughout everyday life?
April 10, 2004
11:00 Commentary
Peter.Peter... The Rock or The Rooster! Which one do you relate to this Easter?
Talkback, etc.
Rookie Testimonies - If you have been a follower of Christ for under a year, let's hear your story!
The 2 Minute Miracle - Have you ever had a full on miracle happen to you or someone you know?
Is the Easter Bunny EVIL? As part of their Easter Drama, a church in the States had the Easter Bunny whipped! How would you have responded?
Have you ever come really close to or actually rejected Christianity? What brought you back, so to speak?
April 3, 2004
Special Guests
Downhere — Juno Award Nominees
Dr. Beth Veale — Lecturer / Counselor
11:00 Commentary
Are you frustrated with always trying to reach for a Christianity way up there? Quit! (parts 1 & 2)
Talkback, etc.
What was the deciding factor or "tipping point" that helped you to make that final decision to be a follower of Christ?
Have you or someone you know, ever struggled with Body Image Issues such as eating disorders or self mutilation?
March 27, 2004
Special Guests
Joe Boot — Executive Director of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries Canada, Christian Apologist
Dr. Christopher diCarlo - Professor of Philosophy
Natalie Osterberg - PhD Philosophy Student
How does the Christian University Student SURVIVE discussing Philosophy, Atheism, God and Humanity?
11:00 Commentary
Are you frustrated with always trying to reach for a Christianity way up there? Quit! (parts 1 & 2)
Talkback, etc.
March 20, 2004
Special Guests
Alex Jones
Conspiracy theorist who believes that the US government actually played a role in Pearl Harbour, the Oklahoma City Bombing, and in the terrorist attacks of 9/11. Alex also feels that the New World Order and the Illuminati are more real then people think!
11:00 Commentary
What if I don't like to witness?
1/ Do you believe that the Illuminati and New World Order is something we need to concern ourselves with or is it all a bunch of paranoid people with way too much time on their hands??
2/ Now that all the hype around The Passion of The Christ has died down a little, how has this movie impacted you? Do you think it's been a good movie to take not yet Christians to? Do you think this movie's impact will last?
www.thelife.com3/ For the first time on drewmarshall.ca... USELESS TELEVISION TRIVIA! What TV Show was that song from?
Talkback, etc.
Now that all the hype around The Passion of The Christ has died down a little, how has this movie impacted you? Do you think it's been a good movie to take not yet Christians to? Do you think this movie's impact will last?
For the first time on drewmarshall.ca... USELESS TELEVISION TRIVIA! What TV Show was that song from?
March 13, 2004
Special Guests
Father Tim Ryan
Catholic priest who agrees with same sex marriage and was subsequently asked by the Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto to step down from church leadership. -
Barry Slauenwhite — President of Compassion Canada
Ever wanted information to help you finally make that decision to sponsor a child? Finally a reason to JUST DO IT! -
Kristin Swinford
11:00 Commentary
The Kind Of Church I Want To Be A Part Of!
Talkback, etc.
March 6, 2004
Special Guests
Carey Casey
Fellowship of Christian Athletes Foundation President, Former Chaplain to the Dallas Cowboys, and played in the REAL "Remember The Titans" game!
11:00 Commentary
Radical Life Changing Honesty
Talkback, etc.
The secret life of addiction within the Christian community.
Would you say something to a coach swearing and yelling at the kids on a team?
Would you say anything to parents who took their children to see The Passion of The Christ? Are we being too passive as Christians and not speaking up or is it better to be passive?
February 28, 2004
Special Guests
Pastor John Arnott — Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship (Toronto Blessing)
11:00 Commentary
The Holy Spirit
How do you feel about the 'Toronto Blessing'?
Did you go see The Passion of The Christ? What did you think?
February 21, 2004
Special Guests
Which school do I send my kids to?
Brian Stapelton, Catholic School
John Allardyce, Christian School
Jake Zwart, OCHEC
Bill Springle, Public School -
Wendy Walkinshaw & Sgt. Larry Dee
Talkback, etc.
Name the show contest!
The Passion of The Christ
February 14, 2004
Special Guests
Michelle McKinney Hammond
Talkback, etc.
Valentines Messages
What is the best age to begin dating?
Should the American Airlines pilot have done what he did? The Proselytising Pilot!
February 7, 2004
Special Guests
Richard Fangrad — President of Answers In Genesis Canada
Talkback, etc.
From a Christian worldview, what are the best and worst shows on TV?
Worship wars...hymns or choruses?
January 31, 2004
Special Guests
Skip Prokop
Talkback, etc.
Would you want to know when you were going to die?
Do you agree with the supreme court's decision on spanking?
January 24, 2004
Special Guests
What's up with the Christian music scene?
Talkback, etc.
Will clones have souls?
Faithful listeners who are business owners, call in for your free two minute promo!
January 10, 2004
Special Guests
Rick Parker — Bottled water industry
Michelle Cherry
Should a pregnant, single, Christian girl marry her not-yet Christian boyfriend? Or should she raise the child on her own or give it up for adoption? (part 2)
Talkback, etc.
January 3, 2004
Special Guests
Dr. Christine Harron — Veterinarian
Talkback, etc.
Would you spend $6,000.00 on pet surgery?
Useless television trivia