Special Guests

LIVE! on TDMS - Devoted Souly to the Art of Music

  • This Weeks Recording Artist: SMOKEKILLER (John Antonuik)
    John Antoniuk, aka “Smokekiller”, is a singer/songwriter from Saskatoon, SK. John’s music draws a diverse range of comparisons from Teenage Fanclub and Weezer, to Ryan Adams and Neil Young. In 2003, John released the Side A ep which quickly garnered him attention as a songwriter and saw him sharing the stage with artist’s like Ron Sexsmith, and Hayden. “Out There” from the album “13″ was selected as a National Finalist in the 2009 RadioStar Songwriting Competition. In 2011, John was awarded a 10k20 project grant from Rawlco Radio, which allowed him to go into the studio with producer Leeroy Stagger. Together they created “Always With You”, a full album of new material dedicated to John’s mother, Marlene, who passed in October 2010. Featuring performances by Leeroy Stagger and his band, Kevin Kane, and John Ellis, the album was released on September 4th, 2012. Most recently, John was named “Best Solo Artist” in the Planet S readers poll.


    Jen Lane

    It takes a lot to stand out in the crowded world of Americana female vocalists. Her album “For the Night” was nominated for “Roots Solo Recording of the Year” at the Western Canadian Music Awards in 2011 proving that her two previous award-nominations were no fluke. Jen and her partner John Antoniuk are touring Canada and slaying the rooms with their brilliant duets. Also, with the support of a Rawlco Radio Grant, Lane is making plans with Producer/Engineer John Keane (R.E.M, Cowboy Junkies) to record a new album in Athens, Georgia for release in 2015.

God Blogger

  • Reba Riley
    “I’m the author of Post-Traumatic Church Syndrome: A Memoir of Humor and Healing in 30 Religions about my journey through thirty religions before my thirtieth birthday, a project that helped me kick Post-Traumatic Church Syndrome in the, um, teeth, and find spiritual peace after a tumultuous break with my former faith. When my Post-Traumatic Church Syndrome article went viral, I also became the accidental founder of the PTCS community. I believe in reverent irreverence, the power of spiritual healing, and a Godiverse that meets us exactly where we are, no matter who we are. Seeker, artist and Ohio State Buckeye fan, I enjoy painting (badly), dancing (even worse), and drinking cheap wine with priceless friends (at this I excel).”

Talkback, etc.

  • The Pub Crawl
    “Drew & His Mates” crack open a few - topics! Current affairs, pop culture, even touchy-feely-relational stuff! Listen in OR call and join us, as we crawl from topic to topic! (Got a topic you want the gang from the pub to crack open? Click here)

    This week on The Pub Crawl:

    1. Earlier this week I posted a pic on our Facebook Page which received over 2000 views. By far the most popular thing we've ever posted. The picture showed a church billboard that said, “Love Thy Neighbor... Love thy Homeless, Muslim, Indigenous, Gay, Migrant, Jewish, Christian, Atheist, Disabled, Addicted & Refugee Neighbor.” Why was this pic such a hit?

    2. Mark Cuban, owner of the Dallas Mavericks said this week, “If I see a black kid in a hoodie, and it’s late at night, I’m walking to the other side of the street. And if on that side of the street, there’s a guy who has tattoos all over his face, white guy, bald head, tattoos everywhere, I’m walking back to the other side.” Is Cuban to be compared with the LA Clippers owner Donald Sterling? (Sterling told his girlfriend not to bring blacks to “his games” and criticized her for posting an Instagram photo of her with Magic Johnson.) Or is he simply saying what most of us think? And if most of us think it, does that mean that most of us are racist?

    3. WorldPride 2014 is coming to Toronto this summer - an international ten-day celebration of global LGBTTIQQ2SA communities. It will be the first WorldPride ever held in North America, and the fourth such festival in the world. How should people who believe that homosexuality is a sin, respond? Protest? Ignore? Serve? Proselytize? Participate?

  • W.here's T.he F.aith?
    Join Drew and various religion reporters from an assortment of news outlets, as they catch up on happenings in the world of Religion & Faith & Cults (Oh My!)
    Today's W.T.F. Guest: Tim Funk – Faith & Values Reporter for The Charlotte Observer