Known for her role as "DJ Tanner" on "Full House," and as the sister of Kirk Cameron
from "Growing Pains," Candace has since moved on in life, raising a family of her own and marrying NHL hockey
sensation Valeri Bure. (Currently playing for the L. A. Kings) Candace was 12 years old when she first decided to
surrender her life to Jesus - she was brought to church with her family by some friends. But, she confesses,
it wasn't until a few years ago that she really found out what being Christian was all about. (Oh... and her mother makes the BEST
cookies in the Universe! Thanks Mom!!!!)
Have you ever been so angry at God that it shook your Faith? This week, Drew lost a good friend in a snowmobile
accident... a young mother of 3. Two weeks ago, another friend of his, lost his wife to Cancer... another young
mother of 3. WHY?
(Dedicated to the memory of Joanne Stevenson & Nancy Boschman.)
How are you feeling about everyone apologizing for the Muslim cartoons?
The US, British & Danish governments, and even the independent paper are all saying sorry. Do you think that
an apology is in order or is the Muslim community over reacting yet again?
Welcome To Canada’s Most Listened To Spiritual Talk Show!
The Drew Marshall Show ran for 16 years but came to an end on June 29th 2019.
However, Drew has decided to leave the interview archives online and available for you.
So enjoy!
We are currently experiencing some technical difficulties with our site. This means that all audio archives can only be listened to with a computer and not a mobile device. Our apologies. We are looking into this.
DREW WHO? Since 2003, Drew Marshall has talked to everyone about whatever it is they believe, in a very light-hearted manner and with absolutely zero agenda, aside from a genuine personal curiosity to understand “belief”. Drew was adopted, grew up in a funeral home, survived a teenage suicide attempt, dropped out of school in Grade 9, ran away to California to be a wrangler, played semi-pro football with NFL/CFL tryouts, drove around North America volunteering for charities, tried to be a firefighter & a rodeo cowboy, was a stay at home dad, has worked a little in film and TV, became a Pastor in Australia and studied stand-up comedy & improv at Second City Toronto. These days he’s a hospital chaplain and hosts Canada’s most listened to spiritual talk show. He’s interviewed hundreds of celebrities & cultural icons about their beliefs or lack thereof. Struggling with his own faith, Drew sacrificed his eyesight for the last week of Lent, paid non-believers to go to church, drank with witches, celebrated with Wiccans, visited with Satanists, walked 1000 KM’s on the Camino de Santiago, then spent time writing in a monastery on an island off the coast of the Western Sahara during a three month vow of silence. Basically, he’s “Red Letter”, wandering, autodidactic iconoclast with agnostic tendencies and a microphone - a skeptical believer on an irreverent search for the sacred!
*Should you wish to reach out to Drew directly, please use the contact page. It might take a while for him to respond though, as he now lives on a farm and is no longer addicted to technology. (Which is a good thing as he's trying to write a stupid book and gets distracted easi - SQUIRREL!)