Special Guests
Amy Grant — International Recording Artist
Probably one of the purest voices in the business, Amy Grant seems to be coming into a season of renewal, feeling like her best song writing is yet to come. With years of chart topping hits, America's "Sunday School Sweetheart" suddenly became the bull's eye of church gossip when she started singing "normal" music, and then again when her marriage to Gary Chapman broke up. We'll find out how Amy Grant's new life is these days with her children and husband, Country Music sensation, Vince Gill. (Amy is back at Casino Rama October 4th! She was unable to join us live again this year, so we thought we'd re-air this interview, originally aired April 29, 2006.) -
Ian Morgan Cron — Author of Chasing Francis: A Pilgrim's Tale
To the listeners of TDMS, he's better known as Kathie Lee's Pastor! But aside from that... according to the Smithsonian bibliography, few historical figures have been written about more than Saint Francis of Assisi. And for Cron, the 800-year-old saint's life holds the answers to growing concerns over the modern day "McDonaldized" Christian church, as evidenced by the exploding mega-church movement. As founding pastor of non-denominational Trinity Church, Ian Morgan Cron heads up a congregation of 400 adults in one of the country's wealthiest communities, Greenwich, Conn. The congregation, comprised of hedge fund managers, venture capitalists and others among New York City's best and brightest, meets each Sunday in a local middle school auditorium in the spirit of St. Assisi, who prohibited his order from owning buildings in order to give more to the poor. Romanced by Catholic spirituality and inspired by the ministry of St. Francis, Trinity's members have donated more than $2 million in five years to Rwanda, one of the poorest countries in the world. -
Dr. Stephen Judah — Author of Staying Together When an Affair Pulls You Apart
Maybe your friend is dealing with infidelity. Maybe you are involved in an affair or you fear or know that you partner is having an affair. Dr. Stephen M. Judah offers answers and direction for friends, counsellors and spouses and examines the primary causes of infidelity. This book details the stages of infidelity stretching from childhood into adulthood, describes the key steps to safely and rapidly overcome infidelity, and offers five essential disciplines for moving relationships toward wholeness. -
Dr. James A. Beverley — Scientology Follow Up!
Last week Drew interviewed the leader of Canada's Church of Scientology, Rev. Yvette Shank. As a follow up to that interview, Jim brings his understanding of Scientology as the Associate Director of the Institute for the Study of American Religion in Santa Barbara, California and a Professor at Tyndale Seminary in Toronto, Canada. Dr. Beverley's specialities include studies in World and New Religions, Charismatic Christianity, Roman Catholic Theology, and Christian Ethics. He even has Scientologists speak to his Bible College classes.
Randy & Nadine (Caleb's Mom & Dad)
One day it suddenly crosses your mind that your child doesn't seem to be developing like the other children. But the doctor reassures you that nothing is wrong. Fast forward - you now find yourself the parent of a child entering his teenage years that still wears diapers, hardly communicates at all, unable to break out of his shell, and needs constant supervision. According to Autism Society Canada, there's been a steep rise in the number autistic children - approximately 1 out of 150! So how does a family cope with autism? What happens to your spiritual journey or your marriage, and how does this affect your other children?
Talkback, etc.
If your spouse had an affair, would that automatically be the end of your marriage?
Some couples have been able to work through the hurt and betrayal of an affair, while others have ended the marriage immediately. Some women have blindly "forgiven" their husbands, afraid of being single again and willing to turn a blind eye, while others have seriously considered the Lorena Bobbitt style of resolution! What do you think would be your honest response should your spouse have an affair? Are Christians just too forgiving and possibly na -
If you weren't a Christian, what other religion could you see yourself buying into?
Have you ever thought this one through? Do you even know enough about other faiths? Which one do you feel would come second to Christianity? Which one would be dead last? -
What are you reading these days?
Join Drew as he shares with his listeners the titles of the top 10 books on his bedside table and share with us yours!