Special Guests

  • Sylvia Browne — Psychic, Author, Lecturer and Parapsychology Researcher
    Sylvia's philosophy of life is based upon research into past lives, via hypnosis, and through the information obtained via Sylvia's deep trance channelling ability. From thousands of hypnotic regressions, and hundreds of trance sessions, reincarnation was established as the key to understanding life. Sylvia accepts reincarnation as a central theme in her philosophy, yet this belief is never forced upon anyone who does not want to hear it. Sylvia always says, "Take with you what you want and leave the rest behind." She is also strongly pro-God, but again does not force the issue. Sylvia likes to tell people, "It does not matter if you believe in God, because God believes in you." Sylvia Browne's media appearances have included Unsolved Mysteries, In Search Of ..., That's Incredible, The Morning Show with Mike and Juliet, Loveline with Dr. Drew, Larry King Live, and of course a weekly spot on the Montel Williams Show for over 17 years.

  • April Lee Hernandez — Actress, Domestic Abuse Survivor
    One of the most respected Latino actors in Hollywood, April Lee Hernandez-Castillo's personal life-story is one of victory. You might know her as Eva Benitez in the 2007 Image Award nominated MTV film, Freedom Writers, alongside Academy Award-winner Hilary Swank. OR you might have seen her on NBC's Emmy-award winning series ER, Law & Order and 30 Rock. OR you might remember her co-hosting The View. OR you might know her from the FOX pilot Blue Blood and Showtime's Nurse Jackie and/or as Officer Cira Manson in Showtime's award winning drama Dexter. What you may not know is that when April was younger she had been in an abusive relationship that took her years to leave. Until recently, April had not spoken publicly about this, hiding the worst of her situation from even those closest to her. She overcame the violence and emerged with a renewed self worth and respect enabling her to find a loving and respectful relationship with her husband Jose Castillo.

  • Dr. Shelley Rabinovitch — Pagan Witch
    Dr. Rabinovitch holds a PhD from the University of Ottawa in Religious Studies, and is a cultural anthropologist whose work focuses on ritual studies, the role of women in religion, and alternative spiritualities. Her MA at Carleton University was Canada's first ethnographic study of Canadian witches, Wiccans, and Pagans from coast to coast to coast. Dr. Rabinovitch teaches (among other courses) a class on "Magic, Witchcraft, and Occult Phenomenon" at the University of Ottawa. She has been a past guest of honour at Gaia Gathering, Canada's National Pagan Conference and has written two books on Neo-Paganism and Wicca: The Encyclopedia of Modern Witchcraft and Neo-Paganism and An Ye Harm None: Magical Ethics and Modern Morality. She first joined a coven in the early 1970s.

  • Michael Leehan — Author of Ascent From Darkness: How Satan's soldier became God's warrior
    A life of difficulty and disappointment set 33-year old Michael Leehan up for the worst decision of his life—to make a deal with the Devil to follow and serve him. Practising the dark arts that include ritualistic cuttings and blood sacrifices, while fine tuning his manipulation and control skills, Michael launched into a twenty year downward spiral that included job loss and detachment from loved ones, and even jail time. There was no end to what Michael would do to serve his master, Satan, and it eventually led to his ultimate assignment for the father of lies. The assignment: to kill Craig Groeschel, the senior pastor of Lifechurch.tv. Then one day while alone on a hill at a men’s retreat, he made plans to sacrifice himself the next day. But as he wrote goodbye letters to his family, he unknowingly began to write one to God. “If You are real help me now. I’ve lied and I have killed. I have lied and I have cheated. I have hurt everyone in my life, including You, if You are there. Hey You, Satan took me in, why didn’t You? This is it and You know it, God. Where are you? I need you and not tomorrow.”

Talkback, etc.

  • The Counsel Of Many!
    Need Help or Advice On An Issue In Your Life?
    Tell us your situation and Drew will ask the listeners of TDMS!

    This week on The Counsel Of Many: A woman's employer wants her to spread the word about the ghosts people have apparently seen at the bar she works at, in order to help market an upcoming séance/dinner the owner is hosting, and if she doesn't sell enough tickets to his Halloween event, her job is in jeopardy.

    "I work at an historic old pub, one of the oldest buildings in my town. There have always been rumours about ghosts or spirits being seen in this building. My boss, the owner of the pub, says she's even seen these spirits herself. Every Halloween she brings in a clairvoyant to facilitate a sort of séance. This year though, she has turned it into a full on event, with dinner and the works. The staff have been asked to spread the word, sort of talk up the whole “ghosts and spirits” thing, as well as sell tickets to this event. I guess I have a problem doing what my boss wants. I really don't believe in taking that stuff lightly let alone making a dinner and event out of it. My Christian friends I've talked to have told me to quit working there, but the reality is that the money and schedule works perfectly for my life. And to be honest, this is the first time I've kinda been put in any awkward position working here. So I guess I'm looking for advice. Should I quit? Should I just tell them I'm not okay with promoting this event because of my beliefs and risk being fired for not doing my job? Losing this job really scares me – a lot. We are barely making ends meet as it is. I know I'm just supposed to do what's right and “trust God” but do you think God is unhappy with me working here? Do you think God would really be upset with me if I “promoted” this event? I'm not sure what I should do!"

  • God Stuff
    Join Drew & Tim The Tool as they catch up on current events and the week's happenings in the world of Religion & Faith & Cults – Oh My! Religion & Faith & Cults - Oh my! (Feel free to call in and join the discussion.)

    Today's Guest: Dr. James Beverley - Author of Nelson's Illustrated Guide to Religions, Columnist for Faith Today & Christianity Today