Special Guests

  • Dionne Warwick — Grammy Award Winning Recording Artist
    Over the past four decades, Dionne Warwick has charted nearly sixty hits, including Walk On By, Alfie, That's What Friends Are For, Do You Know The Way To San Jose, I'll Never Fall In Love Again, and of course countless others. This Grammy Award winner has performed before numerous kings, queens, presidents, and heads of state. She has collaborated with many of her musical peers, including Johnny Mathis, Smokey Robinson, Luther Vandross, Burt Bacharach, Gladys Knight, Stevie Wonder, The Bee Gees, Barry Manilow and Elton John. Dionne of course hosted the hit television show Solid Gold for many years and has been given her own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

  • Dr. Grant Mullen — Medical Doctor, Speaker, Author
    Dr. Grant Mullen specializes in treating depression, manic depression, anxiety disorders and other emotional and mental disorders. He believes that spiritual and emotional issues are major factors in causing illnesses, believing that doctors must look beyond just the medical and physical aspects and consider the spiritual element in their treatment as well. Depression has become so prevalent that it is known as the 'common cold of psychological disorder.' More and more people are suffering from depression, anxiety and panic attacks. Some accept medication for help. Others insist that taking pills indicates a lack of faith in a God who heals. How can we know what course of action to pursue? Rather than limit those who seek help, Dr. Grant Mullen advocates a more balanced and comprehensive approach. This interview is brought to you by Billy Graham's Soul Chat! A place where conversations can begin, where a community can be built - go to www.soulchat.ca today.

  • Dr. Margaret Somerville — Professor of Ethics and Law
    As an ethicist, Professor Somerville deals with issues like euthanasia; the treatment of seriously disabled new-born babies; withdrawal of life-support treatment; abortion; prenatal genetic screening; new reproductive technologies; "designer babies"; human embryo stem cell research; cloning; "manimals" – embryos with both human and animal genes; artificial sperm and ova -- making embryos from two same-sex adults; synthetic biology; transplant tourism; xeno-transplantation – the use of animal organs in humans; capital punishment; the law and ethics governing armed conflict; the ethics of robotic warfare; same-sex marriage; polygamy; and so on. A returning guest, Margaret joins us as we explore the convoluted area where faith meets ethics, medicine, science, sociology and the law.

Talkback, etc.

  • The Counsel Of Many!
    Brought to you by family lawyer Dawn Bennett. With a reputation built on Trust, Respect and Integrity, protecting your family's interests is Dawn's primary concern. Visit bennettlaw.ca today.
    Need Help or Advice On An Issue In Your Life?
    Tell us your situation and Drew will ask the listeners of TDMS!

    This week on the Counsel Of Many: a lady from Scotland is having a really tough time comprehending how a loving God can send more people to hell than heaven.

    "I've really been struggling with the verse in Matthew chapter 7 about the wide and narrow roads/gates... it says that many will enter through the wide gate that leads to destruction and few will find the narrow gate? I think what I struggle most with is the fact that God has won the victory yet this verse says more will be in hell than in heaven?? I think I know the general Christian answer, that God's victory is in Jesus making it possible for everyone to be saved but it's really frustrating me that many people will be in hell never mind just one! It really makes me sad and I've been praying against this (I don't know if that's right to do) but just praying that God will change it... which seems silly as I know it says in Ezekiel something about, who is God that he would change his mind. But then there's the story where that guy asks God to save the city if only 40 good men then 30 down to 10... You know the one I mean? Even as I write this I know God already knows what will happen but as you can see I'm pretty confused and I know I don't really understand sin and really what Jesus accomplished on the cross... Does anyone have any thoughts?"

  • Does anyone else have a serious problem with the Pope saying that the distribution of condoms in Africa will only help to spread HIV/AIDS?
    Of course condoms are not the only answer to the spread of HIV/AIDS in Africa. However, it is quite clear that the use of them between infected and uninfected people reduces the risk of infection dramatically. So do you agree with the Catholic Church's stance on birth control, especially their disapproval of condom distribution in a continent ravaged by HIV/AIDS or are you left scratching your head, once again, wondering why won't this church and their "celibate" leaders back off from their anti-birth control legalism?

  • Do you think God really answers prayers?
    Seems like a fairly simple question, with probably a very simple answer, BUT, do you think that God really answers prayer? Or is there a chance that He's just not that interactive with us these days and that what we perceive as answered prayers might just be coincidences? Has He been answering your prayers? Just curious.

  • Free For All - Comedy Clips - Emails - Whatever!
    Need to vent about a guest we had today? Well now’s your opportunity! Call in and talk about whatever you’d like, or just sit back and enjoy some chuckles and random ramblings and even the odd email from both fans and critics alike!**Send us Your Suggestions** They don’t need to be "Christian" but they need to be clean & suitable for radio! Click Here to send us your Clean Comedy Clip!